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David: Five Sermons. Charles KingsleyЧитать онлайн книгу.

David: Five Sermons - Charles Kingsley

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for his much speaking; he will try to find a substitute in intellect, and the worship of intellect, and art, and poetry; or he will try to find it, as in the present case, in the worship of his own animal powers, which God meant to be his servants and not his masters.  But let no man lay that flattering unction to his soul.  The first and the last business of every human being, whatever his station, party, creed, capacities, tastes, duties, is morality: Virtue, Virtue, always Virtue.  Nothing that man will ever invent will absolve him from the universal necessity of being good as God is good, righteous as God is righteous, and holy as God is holy.

      Believe it, young men, believe it.  Better would it be for any one of you to be the stupidest and the ugliest of mortals, to be the most diseased and abject of cripples, the most silly, nervous incapable personage who ever was a laughingstock for the boys upon the streets, if only you lived, according to your powers, the life of the Spirit of God; than to be as perfectly gifted, as exquisitely organised in body and mind as David himself, and not to live the life of the Spirit of God, the life of goodness, which is the only life fit for a human being wearing the human flesh and soul which Christ took upon him on earth, and wears for ever in heaven, a Man indeed in the midst of the throne of God.

      And therefore it is, as you will yourselves have perceived already, that I have chosen to speak to you of David, his character, his history.

      It is the character of a man perfectly gifted, exquisitely organised.  He has personal beauty, daring, prowess, and skill in war; he has generosity, nobleness, faithfulness, chivalry as of a mediæval and Christian knight; he is a musician, poet, seemingly an architect likewise; he is, moreover, a born king; he has a marvellous and most successful power of attracting, disciplining, ruling his fellow-men.  So thoroughly human a personage is he, that God speaks of him as the man after his own heart; that our blessed Lord condescends to call himself especially the Son of David.

      For there is in this man (as there is said to be in all great geniuses) a feminine, as well as a masculine vein; a passionate tenderness; a keen sensibility; a vast capacity of sympathy, sadness, and suffering, which makes him truly the type of Christ, the Man of sorrows; which makes his Psalms to this day the text-book of the afflicted, of tens of thousands who have not a particle of his beauty, courage, genius; but yet can feel, in mean hovels and workhouse sick-beds, that the warrior-poet speaks to their human hearts, and for their human hearts, as none other can speak, save Christ himself, the Son of David and the Son of man.

      A man, I say, of intense sensibilities; and therefore capable, as is but too notorious, of great crimes, as well as of great virtues.

      And when I mention this last fact, I must ask you to pause, and consider with me very solemnly what it means.

      We may pervert, or rather misstate the fact in more than one way, to our own hurt.  We may say cynically, David had his good points and his bad ones, as all your great saints have.  Look at them closely, and in spite of all their pretensions you will find them no better than their neighbours.  And so we may comfort ourselves, in our own mediocrity and laziness, by denying the existence of all greatness and goodness.

      Nathan the prophet said that David’s conduct would be open to this very interpretation, and would give great occasion to the enemies of the Lord to blaspheme.  But I trust that none of you wish to be numbered among the enemies of the Lord.

      Again, we may say, sentimentally, that these great weaknesses are on the whole the necessary concomitants of great strength; that such highly organised and complex characters must not be judged by the rule of common respectability; and that it is a more or less fine thing to be capable at once of great virtues and great vices.

      Books which hint, and more than hint this, will suggest themselves to you at once.  I only advise you not to listen to their teaching, as you will find it lead to very serious consequences, both in this life and in the life to come.

      But if we do say this, or anything like this, we say it on our own responsibility.  David’s biographers say nothing of the kind.  David himself says nothing of the kind.  He never represents himself as a compound of strength and weakness.  He represents himself as weakness itself—as incapacity utter and complete.  To overlook that startling fact is to overlook the very element which has made David’s Psalms the text-book for all human weaknesses, penitences, sorrows, struggles, aspirations, for nigh three thousand years.

      But this subject is too large for me to speak of to-day; and too deep for me to attempt an explanation till I have turned your thoughts toward another object, which will explain to you David, and yourselves, and, it seems to me at times, every problem of humanity.  Look not at David, but at David’s greater Son; and consider Christ upon his Cross.  Consider him of whom it is written, ‘Thou art fairer than the children of men: full of grace are thy lips, because God hath blessed thee for ever.  Gird thee with thy sword upon thy thigh, O thou most Mighty, according to thy worship and renown.  Good luck have thou with thine honour; ride on, because of the word of truth, of meekness, and righteousness; and thy right hand shall teach thee terrible things.  Thy arrows are very sharp, and the people shall be subdued unto thee, even in the midst among the King’s enemies.’  Consider him who alone fulfilled these words, who fulfils them even now eternally in heaven, King over all, God blessed for ever.  And then sit down at the foot of his Cross: however young, strong, proud, gallant, gifted, ambitious you may be—sit down at the foot of Christ’s Cross, and look thereon, till you see what it means, and must mean for ever.  See how he nailed to that Cross, not in empty metaphor but in literal fact, in agonising soul and body, all of human nature which the world admires—youth, grace, valour, power, eloquence, intellect: not because they were evil, for he possessed them doubtless himself as did none other of the sons of men—not, I say, because they were evil, but because they were worthless and as nothing beside that divine charity which would endure and conquer for ever, when all the noblest accidents of the body and the mind had perished, or seemed to perish.  In the utmost weakness and shame of human flesh he would shew forth the strength and glory of the Divine Spirit; the strength and the glory of duty and obedience; of patience and forgiveness; of benevolence and self-sacrifice; the strength and glory of that burning love for human beings which could stoop from heaven to earth that it might seek and save that which was lost.

      Yes.  Look at Christ upon his Cross; the sight which melted the hearts of our fierce forefathers, and turned them from the worship of Thor and Odin to the worship of ‘The white Christ;’ and from the hope of a Valhalla of brute prowess, to the hope of a heaven of righteousness and love.  Look at Christ upon his Cross, and see there, as they saw, the true prowess, the true valour, the true chivalry, the true glory, the true manhood, most human when most divine, which is self-sacrifice and love—as possible to the weakest, meanest, simplest, as to the strongest, most gallant, and most wise.

      Look upon him, and learn from him, and take his yoke upon you, for he is meek and lowly of heart, and you shall find rest unto your souls; and in you shall be fulfilled the prophecy of Jeremiah, which he spake, saying, ‘Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, neither the mighty man glory in his might, neither let the rich man glory in his wealth: but let him that glorieth glory in this, that he understandeth and knoweth me, that I am the Lord, who exercises loving-kindness, judgment, and righteousness in the earth: for in these things I delight, saith the Lord.’


      Psalm xxvii.  1.  The Lord is my light, and my salvation; whom then shall I fear?  The Lord is the strength of my life; of whom then shall I be afraid?

      I said, last Sunday, that the key-note of David’s character was not the assertion of his own strength, but the confession of his own weakness.  And I say it again.

      But it is plain that David had strength, and of no common order; that he was an eminently powerful, able, and successful man.  From whence then came that strength?  He says, from God.  He says, throughout his life, as emphatically as did St. Paul after him, that God’s strength was made perfect in his weakness.

      God is his deliverer, his guide, his teacher, his inspirer.  The Lord is his strength, who teaches his hands to war, and his fingers to fight; his hope and his fortress, his castle and deliverer, his defence, in whom he trusts; who subdueth the people that is under him.


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