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сноске: F. Gervasi. The Life and Times of Menachem Begin. (New York: Putnam, 2009).
Хороший обзор на эту тему: K. Miczek et al., “Neurosteroids, GABAA Receptors, and Escalated Aggressive Behavior,” Horm Behav 44 (2003): 242; and S. Motta et al., “Dissecting the Brain’s Fear System Reveals That the Hypothalamus Is Critical for Responding in Subordinate Conspecific Intruders,” PNAS 106 (2009): 4870.
Небольшая и обескураживающая литература касается молодых солдат и пострадавших при геноциде, которые смогли преодолеть симптомы посттравматических расстройств с помощью жестокого поведения: R. Weierstall et al., “When Combat Prevents PTSD Symptoms: Results from a Survey with Former Child Soldiers in Northern Uganda,” BMC, Psychiatry 12 (2012): 41; R. Weierstall et al., “The Thrill of Being Violent as an Antidote to Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in Rwandese Genocide Perpetrators,” Eur J Psychotraumatology 2 (2011): 6345; V. Nell, “Cruelty’s Rewards: The Gratifications of Perpetrators and Spectators,” BBS 29 (2006): 211; T. Elbert et al., “Fascination Violence: On Mind and Brain of Man Hunters,” Eur Arch Psychiatry and Clin Nsci 260 (2010): S100.
B. Oakley et al., Pathological Altruism (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011).
L. MacFarquhar, “The Kindest Cut,” New Yorker, July 27, 2009, p. 38.
К сноске: For a lengthy overview of Munchausen syndrome by proxy, see R. Sapolsky, “Nursery Crimes,” in Monkeyluv and Other Essays on Our Lives as Animals (New York: Simon and Schuster /Scribner, 2005).
J. King et al., “Doing the Right Thing: A Common Neural Circuit for Appropriate Violent or Compassion Behavior,” NeuroImage 30 (2006): 1069.
Обзор открытий и размышлений Маклина можно найти в работе: P. MacLean, The Triune Brain in Evolution (New York: Springer, 1990).
A. Damasio, Descartes’ Error: Emotion, Reason, and the Human Brain (New York: Putnam, 1994; Penguin, 2005).
W. Nauta, “The Problem of the Frontal Lobe: A Reinterpretation,” J Psychiatric Res 8 (1971): 167; W. Nauta and M. Feirtag, “The Organization of the Brain,” Sci Am 241 (1979): 88.
R. Nelson and B. Trainor, “Neural Mechanisms of Aggression,” Nat Rev Nsci 8 (2007): 536.
Другие следствия повреждения миндалины у человека изложены в работах: A. Young et al., “Face Processing Impairments After Amygdalotomy,” Brain 118 (1995): 15; H. Narabayashi et al., “Stereotaxic Amygdalotomy for Behavior Disorders,” Arch Neurol 9 (1963): 1; V. Balasubramaniam and T. Kanaka, “Amygdalotomy and Hypothalamotomy: A Comparative Study,” Confinia Neurologia 37 (1975): 195; R. Heimburger et al., “Stereotaxic Amygdalotomy for Epilepsy with Aggressive Behavior,” JAMA 198 (1966): 741; B. Ramamurthi, “Stereotactic Operation in Behavior Disorders: Amygdalotomy and Hypothalamotomy,” Acta Neurochirurgica (Wien) 44 (1988): 152; G. Lee et al., “Clinical and Physiological Effects of Stereotaxic Bilateral Amygdalotomy for Intractable Aggression,” J.Neuropsychiatry and Clin Nsci 10 (1998): 413; E. Hitchcock and V. Cairns, “Amygdalotomy,” Postgraduate Med J.49 (1973): 894 и M. Mpakopoulou et al., “Stereotactic Amygdalotomy in the Management of Severe Aggressive Behavioral Disorders,” Neurosurgical Focus 25 (2008): E6.
Вот некоторые статьи, касающиеся политических споров вокруг хирургического удаления миндалины: V. Mark et al., “Role of Brain Disease in Riots and Urban Violence,” JAMA 201 (1967): 217; P. Breggin, “Psychosurgery for Political Purposes,” Duquesne Law Rev 13 (1975): 841; E. Valenstein, Great and Desperate Cures: The Rise and Decline of Psychosurgery and Other Radical Treatments for Mental Illness (New York: Basic Books 2010).
C. Holden, “Fuss over a Terrorist’s Brain,” Sci 298 (2002): 1551
D. Eagleman, “The Brain on Trial,” Atlantic, June 7, 2011; G. Lavergne, A Sniper in the Tower (Denton: University of North Texas Press, 1997); H. Hylton, “Texas Sniper’s Brother John Whitman Shot,” Palm Beach Post, July 5, 1973, p. A1.
Великолепный обзор роли агрессии в формировании страха: J. LeDoux, The Emotional Brain: The Mysterious Underpinnings of Emotional Life (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1998).
N. Kalin et al., “The Role of the Central Nucleus of the Amygdala in Mediating Fear and Anxiety in the Primate,” J Nsci 24 (2004): 5506; T. Hare et al., “Contributions of Amygdala and Striatal Activity in Emotion Regulation,” BP 57 (2005): 624; D. Zald, “The Human Amygdala and the Emotional Evaluation of Sensory Stimuli,” Brain Res Rev 41 (2003): 88.
D. Mobbs et al., “When Fear Is Near: Threat Imminence Elicits Prefrontal-Periaqueductal Gray Shifts in Humans,” Sci 317 (2007): 1079.
G. Berns, “Neurobiological Substrates of Dread,” Sci 312 (2006): 754. Также о роли миндалины в реакции испуга у человека можно прочитать в следующих статьях: R. Adolphs et al., “Impaired Recognition of Emotion in Facial Expressions Following Bilateral Damage to the Human Amygdala,” Nat 372 (1994): 669; A. Young et al., “Face Processing Impairments After Amygdalotomy,” Brain 118 (1995): 15; J. Feinstein et al., “The Human Amygdala and the Induction and Experience of Fear,” Curr Biol 21 (2011): 34; A. Bechara et al., “Double Dissociation of Conditioning and Declarative Knowledge Relative to the Amygdala and Hippocampus in Humans,” Sci 269 (1995): 1115.
A. Gilboa et al., “Functional Connectivity of the Prefrontal Cortex and the Amygdala in PTSD,” BP 55 (2004): 263.