The Real Witches’ Book of Spells and Rituals. Kate WestЧитать онлайн книгу.
of magic because the more strongly you can visualize your magic actually working the more effective it will be. In many cases it is best if you actually visualize the whole process which will bring about the desired change, rather than just focussing on the end result. For example, if someone has an infected finger, it can be more effective if you can visualize the white blood cells rushing to the site to destroy the infection, rather than simply focusing on a healed finger. Likewise if you can visualize two warring parties meeting and agreeing to talk things through, then visualize their discussion, with both sides being patient, your chances of bringing about a reconciliation are far greater than if you just hope that they will ‘make it up’.
The ability to visualize means that, after much practice, you will be able to perform magic without tools and equipment. There comes a time when you can learn to utilize the elements, create your Sacred Space and work your magic with no Altar, words or actions, other than the visualization within your mind.
Having talked about how to make Magic work we need to look at the things we need to do before we can actually start doing it. We’ve already seen why you need to have your ‘internal elements’ in balance, but there are other things you need to consider before you start waving that ‘magic wand’! As I’ve said before, one of the sayings of the Craft, which seems to have made it into everyday speech, is ‘Be Careful What You Wish For’. This is because, first, there can be sometimes quite a large gap between what you ask for and what you really want. ‘I want gold’ could result in your being given a gold sheet of paper or a gold-coloured flower. Secondly, you need to think carefully through all the potential consequences. ‘I want gold’ could result in inheriting money through the loss of a loved one. So you need to formulate your magic very carefully. You’ll find other cautions later in this chapter, but don’t expect these to cover all eventualities. Personal responsibility is one of the key tenets of the Craft and you are personally responsible for all the effects of your magic, whether you foresaw them or not!
In order to prepare your magic it is a good idea carefully to think through not only what you want to happen, but also what might happen, good or bad, as a result. A good many Witches place a spell of protection over their car. Done carefully this can help to avoid accidents (although careful driving is still a prerequisite!), damage and theft. But done without due thought it can also result in a car which seems, from the actions of other road users, to have become less visible, resulting in several ‘close calls’ on the road!
You also need to consider your environment. You will be less likely to be able to focus if there are distractions, both physical and mental. This is why you should have a clear and tidy working space, should turn off the TV, radio and phone and ensure that you will be free from disturbances from others. If possible lock the door, ensure the children are abed and any pets are settled out of the way. You also need to ensure that you yourself are prepared, that you are neither hungry nor thirsty, nor likely to need the bathroom halfway through. Then you need to be able to clear your mind of all the worries and concerns of daily life. For this we often use the Rite of Banishment of Unwanted Influences (see here), which allows us to rid ourselves of outside thoughts. Many Witches find that the best way to personally prepare is to bathe, and then dress in special clothes, which they reserve for Ritual and Magical work. This has the effect of helping you to distance magical work from daily life. For some, the setting of the Altar helps to enhance this process as it is a Rite in itself which focuses the mind on the work to come.
Speaking of setting the Altar, it is essential to ensure that you have everything to hand which you will need. It is very distracting, whether working on your own or in a group, to have to pause to leave the Circle to collect something. For this reason many Witches write a short summary of what they are about to do, together with a list of the tools they will need. For some, this writing of their intent becomes not just part of the preparation but also part of the Magic itself.
When working in a group or Coven it is also important that everyone present is aware of the intention of the Ritual and that they agree with the Magic to be worked. If just one person in a group disagrees with the purpose of the Magic they can have an adverse effect on the outcome. At the least they weaken the Magic, at worst they can prevent it happening at all. Everyone needs to be aware of exactly what is going to happen, and their role in it, as the energy flows more freely when everyone can move smoothly and knowledgeably throughout the Ritual. Hence in Coven working it is usual to find that a copy of the Ritual, with roles assigned, is available to everyone on their arrival at the Covenstead. In addition, the High Priestess will then go through that Ritual with the whole group prior to the start of working, to ensure that everyone understands exactly what is supposed to happen and what is expected of them.
Having looked at what makes magic work we also need to look at the things that can prevent it from working.
Asking for the Wrong Thing
As mentioned above, you must be careful what you wish for, otherwise you may get what you asked for, not what you actually want. Generally speaking, the more time you spend considering what you really want to achieve, and considering all the potential outcomes, the better you will be able to formulate your wishes and direct your intent.
Insufficient Belief
It is not necessary for your subject to believe that magic works for it to happen, this is not a form of faith healing. Although having said that, if your subject, or any participant in the Ritual, actively disbelieves that it will work, that will have a negative effect on the outcome. Think of it this way; you are applying positive thought towards making something happen, and if someone else is applying negative thought then the two thoughts may cancel each other out, or the lesser of the two energies will weaken the stronger.
However, it is essential that you believe that your magic will work. If you have doubts about your ability, or the ‘rightness’ of your actions, then these will weaken or even stop your energy from working.
Too Much Talk
Although I have said that in a Coven everyone must be aware of what is to happen, talk about magical working should not extend beyond those actively taking part. First, for the reason above, the more people who are aware of your magic the more likely someone will hear about it who will have negative thoughts towards the outcome. Please also remember that however cautious you are about who you tell, and however much they promise to keep it quiet, secrets are only secret when no one knows about them. You must have heard someone say ‘can you keep a secret?’ just before telling you something they are not supposed to be communicating!
The second reason is because talking about your magic can actually reduce the energy and focus you can put into that magic. Think back to the last time you felt really strongly about something, perhaps an injustice or some gossip – the more you talked this over with your friends and family the less outraged or strongly you felt. This actually shows the way your energy is being dissipated by simple communication.
Need as Against Desire
Many people confuse what they need and what they want; you may ‘need a drink’, in which case water will suffice, whereas you want, or desire, champagne. Hence in Magic, if you say you ‘need a Porsche’, the result may cover your need for transport, resulting in a free bus pass, rather than your desire for a fast smart car. I have often been asked if it is possible to change a flat tyre by magic? The answer is yes, but your request is more likely to be granted through the arrival of someone who will help you to change your tyre, rather than by some kind of conjuring trick in which the jack leaps out of the car, the screws undo themselves, and the wheel is replaced by some invisible agency! However carefully you phrase your wishes there are some times when you get what you need rather than what you desire. This is because there is a part of your mind which, rather sensibly, is aware of what is required to solve your ‘problem’, and will function at that level. This is an integral part of the kind of magic performed by Witches rather than other kinds of less acceptable practices where self is considered to be all.