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The Complete Riftwar Saga Trilogy: Magician, Silverthorn, A Darkness at Sethanon. Raymond E. FeistЧитать онлайн книгу.

The Complete Riftwar Saga Trilogy: Magician, Silverthorn, A Darkness at Sethanon - Raymond E. Feist

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one of anger. ‘I came to see if you were all right,’ she said defiantly.

      Guiding her down the stairs to the courtyard below, he answered, ‘We’re not so far removed from the forest a Tsurani bowman could not reduce the Duke’s household by one. I’ll not explain to your father and brothers what my reasons were for allowing you up there.’

      ‘Oh! Is that your only reason? You don’t want to face Father.’

      He smiled and his voice softened. ‘No. Of course not.’

      She returned the smile. ‘I was worried.’

      Roland sat upon the lower steps and plucked at some weeds growing near the base of the stones, pulling them out and tossing them aside. ‘Little reason for that. Arutha has seen I’ll not risk much.’

      Placatingly, Carline said, ‘Still, this is an important post. If they attack here, you’ll have to hold with a small number until reinforcements come.’

      ‘If they attack. Gardan came by yesterday, and he thinks they may tire of this soon and dig in for a long siege, waiting for us to starve.’

      She said, ‘More’s their hard luck, then. We’ve stores through the winter, and they’ll find little to forage out there once the snows come.’

      Playfully mocking, he said, ‘What have we here? A student of tactics?’

      She regarded him like an overtaxed teacher confronted with a particularly slow student. ‘I listen, and I have my wits about me. Do you think I do nothing but sit around waiting for you men to tell me what is occurring? If I did, I’d know nothing.’

      He put up his hands in sign of supplication. ‘I’m sorry, Carline. You are most definitely no one’s fool.’ He stood and took her hand. ‘But you have made me your fool.’

      She squeezed his hand. ‘No, Roland, I have been the fool. It has taken me almost three years to understand just how good a man you are. And how good a friend.’ She leaned over and kissed him lightly. He returned the kiss with tenderness. ‘And more,’ she added quietly.

      ‘When this is over . . .’ he began.

      She placed her free hand over his lips. ‘Not now, Roland. Not now.’

      He smiled his understanding. ‘I’d best be back to the walls, Carline.’

      She kissed him again and left for the main courtyard and the work to be done. He climbed back to the wall and resumed his vigil.

      It was late afternoon when a guard shouted, ‘Squire! In the forest!’ Roland looked in the indicated direction and saw two figures sprinting across the open ground. From the trees the shouts of men came, and the clamor of battle.

      Crydee bowmen raised their weapons, then Roland shouted, ‘Hold! It’s Longbow!’ To the guard next to him he said, ‘Bring ropes, quickly.’

      Longbow and Garret reached the wall as the ropes were being lowered and, as soon as they were secured, scrambled upward. When they were safely over the walls, they sank exhaustedly behind the battlements. Waterskins were handed the two foresters, who drank deeply.

      ‘What now?’ asked Roland.

      Longbow gave him a lopsided smile. ‘We found another band of travelers heading northward about thirty miles southeast of here and arranged for them to visit with the Tsurani.’

      Garret looked up at Roland with eyes darkly circled from fatigue. ‘A band he calls it. Damn near five hundred moredhel moving in strength. Must have been a full hundred chasing us through the woods the last two days.’

      Конец ознакомительного фрагмента.

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