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An Orphan’s Courage. Cathy SharpЧитать онлайн книгу.

An Orphan’s Courage - Cathy  Sharp

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too concerned with the law and not compassionate enough,’ Wendy said. ‘I’ve never forgotten the way they dealt with the May twins, Sarah and Samantha; giving them to their father’s sister was so wrong – and there was June Miller … that was a disaster. She should never have been fostered with those awful people that abused her.’

      ‘No, that was wicked,’ Rose said. ‘Perhaps we are still needed for a bit longer. I know Sister thinks so …’

      ‘Yes, she does,’ Wendy said, ‘and the kids love her. Billy Baggins and Mary Ellen still come and see her, even though he’s doing so well running that warehouse and all those market stalls – and, as you know, your sister is well on the way to becoming a teacher. She told me that she still thinks of St Saviour’s as her family, and she’s always doing things for the kids. She remembers when Angela Adderbury was here and used to give the children stars and encourage them to do lots of projects for stars.’

      ‘Yes, Mary Ellen and Billy have done really well, but there are lots more kids that have got on because St Saviour’s was here,’ Rose agreed, but she couldn’t help wondering how long it would continue just the same …

      ‘We’ve been given a budget for the work,’ Beatrice said to the young man who had presented himself in her office in his overalls, as if prepared to start immediately if given the go-ahead. She rather approved of that and it was part of the reason the Board had chosen his firm from amongst those that had tendered. ‘You’re a decorator, but you do realise there are some plumbing jobs included in the specification?’

      ‘Yes, of course. My brother Nick is a builder. He does bricklaying, carpentry and plumbing. I’m lazy; I just make it all look good at the end …’

      Beatrice saw the twinkle in his eye and smiled inwardly. He reminded her of someone but she couldn’t think who at the moment. ‘Well, your figures seem to be satisfactory, Mr Thompson. When can you start?’

      ‘I’d like to do some preliminary work today, Sister,’ Rob said. ‘Just make a few notes and then I’ll order the materials we need. Did you have any preference for the colour schemes in the kids’ dorms?’

      ‘We’ve always stuck to the same basic colours – doesn’t it cost more if we change?’

      ‘No, because we use three coats,’ he said. ‘We don’t just splash on one watered coat and then a top coat. We could make this place look brighter and more modern, if that was what you wanted? Or we can stick to the basic cream but use a lighter, newer colour … I could even do a feature wall with stencils, pink and flowery for the girls and blue and sporty for the boys … perhaps a racing car …’

      ‘Good gracious.’ Beatrice removed her spectacles and rubbed the bridge of her nose where they’d pinched. ‘For now I think perhaps a lighter cream for the communal areas. I’ll speak to my staff about the feature walls. You don’t need a decision on that right now?’

      ‘No, I’ll get started on the utility rooms; kitchen, bathrooms. Nick will put in the new sinks and toilets where we agreed and then I’ll paint the reception areas, finish up with the dorms and fit the nurses’ home in a bit at a time – I’ll be here at seven thirty in the morning, if that isn’t too early?’

      ‘I am always here by seven – unless we have an emergency in the night, but there will be someone on duty.’

      ‘Then I’ll just have a look round and make some notes – and we’ll see you in the morning.’

      Beatrice nodded and sighed as the young man left her office. She was certain she’d seen Robert Thompson before but she just couldn’t recall it. He was in his late twenties so he couldn’t have been one of her children at St Saviour’s and yet there was something about his eyes … and the smile that lit up his face that touched a chord in her memory … and then it came to her: he was a little like someone she’d once loved. For a moment she felt a suffocating pain in her chest, but the next second it had gone.

      She shook her head and straightened her cap, smoothing the plain grey habit she wore. She’d noticed that one of the children Sergeant Sallis had brought in was looking a bit flushed earlier that morning. It would be a good idea to just pop in and see if she had developed a fever …

      Something was nagging at the back of her mind as she walked to the isolation ward where the two children were still housed. Neither of them was ready for school or to join the dorms yet, although Andy seemed to be coming on in leaps and bounds. Beth was a quiet, nervous child who clung to her brother and seemed frightened of speaking lest she did something wrong. Beatrice suspected that she’d been badly treated for some time and she wished Andy felt able to tell her, because whoever had done this to them needed to be punished … but without confirmation it would be difficult for the police to do very much.

      Rose was standing by the girl’s bed, taking her temperature when Beatrice entered. She turned and smiled and the satisfied expression in her eyes told Beatrice that the child was fine.

      ‘Beth was feeling a little poorly when Nurse Wendy gave her a wash this morning, but she’s better now and I’m going to ask for some more jelly and ice cream for her.’

      ‘Temperature normal now?’ Beatrice asked, her practised eyes going over the little girl. Beth still looked a little flushed but her forehead wasn’t sweaty and she felt cool to the touch.

      ‘A little higher than normal but not enough to call the doctor for,’ Rose said. ‘Did you want to see Wendy’s report while you’re here?’

      ‘How are you feeling, Beth?’ Beatrice asked the child.

      She glanced nervously at her brother and then said, ‘I’m all right, Sister …’ She hesitated, then, ‘When can we get up and go outside please?’

      ‘Do you feel you’re ready to go to school, Beth?’

      Again the slight hesitation, and then Andy got out of bed wearing his St Saviour’s pyjamas and came to sit on the edge of her bed. ‘We want to go to school, Sister, but … if we tell you where they’ll tell him … and we can’t go back there or he’ll kill us …’

      ‘The Beast …’ Beth said, her voice trembling and her eyes filling with tears. ‘Tell her, Andy – tell her how he beat us and didn’t give us enough to eat after Mum died …’

      ‘Is this man your step-father?’ Beatrice asked, her voice sterner than she intended. ‘Let me promise you that if he was the one that beat Andy before you came here, he will not be allowed to have the care of you again.’

      ‘If the school tells him we’re there he’ll get us on the way back here,’ Andy said and Beatrice saw a flicker of fear in his eyes. Beth’s hand reached for his and he held it tightly. ‘I can stand up to him, Sister – but I don’t want him to hurt Beth again …’

      ‘Well, you don’t have to go to school just yet. Nancy is our head carer and she will give you a few lessons to do in the mornings until you feel able to return to normal school – but if you can trust me and tell me the name of this man I may be able to have him punished. He should be in prison for what he has done to you.’

      ‘He would come after us and take us back,’ Andy said. ‘I want to go to school but I can’t protect Beth, because she goes to … the juniors …’

      ‘Yes, I understand your concerns,’ Beatrice said, treating his opinions with the respect they deserved. ‘Perhaps, if you wished to return to school, I could have a word with your headmaster? I have already spoken to Miss Sampson from the Welfare people about you, Andy, and for the moment she is content to leave you in my care – but the Department would like to investigate your case and punish the man that hurt you …’

      Andy shook his head stubbornly, and Beatrice nodded, because she knew that he needed time before he could really trust her. ‘Yes, I do understand. Do you wish to let Beth have her lessons with us for the moment and try to attend school yourself?’

      ‘Can I think about it, Sister?’


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