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The Cosy Canal Boat Dream: A funny, feel-good romantic comedy you won’t be able to put down!. Christie BarlowЧитать онлайн книгу.

The Cosy Canal Boat Dream: A funny, feel-good romantic comedy you won’t be able to put down! - Christie  Barlow

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      It was six o’clock in the morning when Nathan knocked on the bathroom door. ‘Have you been in here all night? I’ve just woken up and you were gone,’ he asked, poking his head around the bathroom door.

      ‘I hope I didn’t keep you awake last night.’

      ‘Slept like a log, but I’m assuming that’s not what you want to hear,’ he smiled warmly towards his wife.

      ‘Yes, I’ve been here all night.’ She answered, barely able to keep her eyes open. Bea’s face was ghastly white; she was on the verge of tears and already at her wits’ end.

      ‘I’m not sure how much more I can take of this. I think I’m here for the foreseeable,’ she whimpered wearily. ‘I’m already fed up of this pregnancy lark.’ She wiped her mouth with a tissue then heaved a sigh.

      ‘Can I get you anything? A cup of tea, maybe?’

      Bea shook her head. She’d gone right off tea and couldn’t stomach the thought of it.

      ‘Have we got any ginger biscuits? I need to try and nibble at something and maybe some iced water.’

      ‘I’ll have a look,’ he answered, disappearing on to the landing.

      ‘Nathan,’ she shouted, who promptly appeared again, ‘The deli … I’m not sure I can manage it today, or maybe I could mid-afternoon if this sickness subsides a little. Could you possibly go and begin the baking?’

      Nathan raised his eyes, ‘Me in a kitchen? I’m not really into baking, Bea.’

      ‘Time of need, Nathan. Nancy and Isabel work on a Saturday, they’ll cover the tables and take the orders. Don’t worry, it won’t be that hard. Text Nell. I bet she’s up. She’ll give you a hand or go and knock on the ‘Nollie’s’ door.’ His face look terrified, ‘I’m fed up of this pregnancy lark too.’

      Of course, Nathan was only joking but as tiredness washed through Bea’s body she’d lost her sense of humour.

      ‘You try sitting here.’

      ‘I was joking,’ he hurried over and kissed the top of her head. ‘Will you be alright if I leave Jacob here or shall I get him up and take him with me?’

      ‘He’s sleeping, leave him here. I’ll try and get a little sleep too. If things get too much I can always give Gilly a call,’ she said, vomiting once more as Nathen screwed up his face ‘Eww, I’m out of here.’

      Thirty minutes later, Nathan had left for the deli with a whole bunch of keys, instructions and a promise from Nell that she would be there the minute she spotted him walking up the towpath. Bea was grateful to them both. This morning she didn’t even feel as if she could manage to get changed or even brush her hair. It had crossed Bea’s mind that she might need to lean on Nell more and more if the nausea didn’t settle down soon, but with Nell’s new project on the horizon she didn’t want to become a burden.

      She peered around Jacob’s door and smiled. He was tucked up and still sound asleep. He looked so peaceful lying there. She couldn’t believe she would soon be going through all those sleepless nights again and then there was the dreaded potty-training – that was something she didn’t relish, but looking at Jacob she knew it was worth it.

      Bea walked downstairs and shivered. Usually first thing in the morning Nathan would light the log burner but with a change to his routine it was stone cold in the living room. She grabbed a throw from the settee and clutched it tightly around her shoulders. She stood and stared around the living room. They’d bought Driftwood Cottage before Bea had fallen pregnant with Jacob and she was excited to bring another little person into it very soon. She wandered into the kitchen, being careful not to step on the numerous trucks and fire engines that Jacob had been playing with yesterday. After kicking a piece of Lego to the side of the room she tossed a teddy bear on to the settee and opened the kitchen door.

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