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The Real Witches’ Kitchen: Spells, recipes, oils, lotions and potions from the Witches’ Hearth. Kate WestЧитать онлайн книгу.

The Real Witches’ Kitchen: Spells, recipes, oils, lotions and potions from the Witches’ Hearth - Kate  West

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3 drops frankincense

       2 drops myrrh

       2 drops sandalwood

       1 drop cinnamon

      Goddess Oil

      Wear this to honour the Goddess or apply it to a candle to invoke her assistance.

       2 drops jasmine oil

       2 drops myrrh oil

       1 drop rose oil

      God Oil

      Wear this to honour the God or apply it to a candle to invite his strength.

       2 drops sandalwood oil

       2 drops orange oil

       1 drop cinnamon oil

      Power Oil

      Use this to enhance or empower any Magical working.

       4 drops orange oil

       1 drop cinnamon oil

       1 drop ginger oil

       1 drop pine oil

      Divination Oil

      Anoint yourself and/or use this in an oil burner before any acts of divination.

       2 drops frankincense oil

       2 drops lemongrass oil

       2 drops nutmeg oil

       2 drops clary sage oil

       1 drop bay oil

       1 drop rose oil

      Communication Oil

      Use this whenever you want to facilitate communication, perhaps a job interview or difficult meeting. If the situation affects you, wear the oil, if it affects another, use it on a talisman (Magical token) or on your Magical candle.

       4 drops rosemary oil

       2 drops sandalwood oil

       2 drops jasmine oil

       2 drops ylang ylang oil

       1 drop cedarwood oil

      Banishing Oil

      Use this to drive away negative thoughts, feelings and influences. If you feel that the influences are coming from outside, you can put a few drops of this over each window and doorway to your home. Otherwise wear it personally or use it Magically on a candle.

       4 drops frankincense oil

       2 drops bergamot oil

       2 drops clary sage oil

       2 drops lavender oil

      Wealth Oil

      This oil will not simply bring you money – Magically speaking, that is very dangerous. It will, however, increase your opportunities to earn money.

       3 drops basil oil

       2 drops ginger oil

       1 drop vanilla essence or extract (not flavouring)

      Sleep Oil

      This oil will aid restful sleep and, with the addition of 2 drops of clary sage, enhance dreams.

       6 drops lavender oil

       3 drops frankincense oil

       1 drop valerian oil

      Study Oil

      Anoint yourself with this before and during periods of study, also before exams or other tests of memory. This blend can also be used in a burner whilst working or studying.

       4 drops rosemary oil

       4 drops basil oil

       2 drops grapefruit oil

       1 drop cajuput oil (optional)

      General Healing

      This is an all-purpose blend which can be incorporated into 2 tbsp of any base and applied direct to the skin.

       6 drops lavender oil

       2 drops frankincense oil

       2 drops myrrh oil

       2 drops jasmine oil

      Muscular Aches and Pains

      Where there is muscular pain it is best to massage the oil gently into the skin. Unless you are qualified, it is a good idea to avoid attempting any deep massage involving the muscles themselves.

       4 drops lavender oil

       2 drops rosemary oil

       2 drops marjoram oil

       2 drops cypress oil

       2 drops black pepper oil

      Pain in the Joints

      As with the preceding blend, the lotion or cream should be gently massaged into the skin, but no manipulation of the underlying tissues should be attempted. If possible, the affected area should be covered (not bound), for about half an hour after treatment.

       4 drops lavender oil

       3 drops camomile oil

       2 drops black pepper oil

       2 drops juniper oil

      Digestive Complaints

      Whilst you may think it unlikely that anything you put on your skin will help your digestion, you could well be surprised. Try:

       4 drops lavender oil

       3 drops peppermint oil

       2 drops fennel oil


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