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A Regency Virgin's Undoing: Lady Drusilla's Road to Ruin / Paying the Virgin's Price. Christine MerrillЧитать онлайн книгу.

A Regency Virgin's Undoing: Lady Drusilla's Road to Ruin / Paying the Virgin's Price - Christine  Merrill

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      His arm draped easily over her side now, holding her with more tenderness than passion. ‘What happened was not about money, or duty. It was something very special; I doubt it would have happened had you been here with another, or had I. Do you understand?’

      She gave a slight nod; they were so close that he must feel the motion of it against his shoulder.

      ‘And you do not have to be worry that it will go any further. You are safe with me, just as you were before.’

      Safe. Then clearly he knew less about the situation than she did. For there had been nothing safe between them from the first moment they had been alone together. But the lack of safety bothered her less than her reaction to it. She had never felt so alive and so strangely happy.

      From now on, when she looked at Mr Hendricks with one eye she could still find the quiet, responsible man in spectacles that would follow her instructions to a T. But with the other, she saw a highway robber, a devil-may-care rogue, up for any challenge, who might help a lady politely down from a coach only as an excuse to urge her to impropriety. And instead of giving him the disapproving sermon he deserved, her heart fluttered with excitement.

      ‘I wish to ask you a question as well.’

      She knew the sort of questions that a gentleman should ask, once they had behaved as Mr Hendricks had with her. He meant to offer. She was sure of it. And if he did, she would say yes to him. It would be quite impossible, for her father would never permit them to be together. But no matter what happened when they returned to London, tonight she would tell him the truth of her feelings. ‘After the last few days, I think you are entitled to any answers you wish,’ she said, trying to sound soft and approachable.

      ‘After all that has happened, are you still intent on going to Scotland to find and retrieve your friend?’

      She tried to hide her disappointment. Though her goal was the most important thing, she did not really wish to speak of it now. ‘Yes. I am not bothered in the least by the difficulties we have had. And we do seem to be gaining on them, do we not? This stop is not putting us too far behind?’ If dallying in the arms of Mr Hendricks had lost her a sister, it would be difficult to forgive herself. But was it so wrong to wish for just a small share of what Priss took for granted?

      ‘I suspect we shall be quite close behind them, once we take to the main road again,’ he assured her. ‘But you understand that this means they have not been hurrying towards their goal. They have not hesitated to take meals together where people can see them. And they spend their nights at an inn and not on the road.’

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