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Captured for the Captain's Pleasure. Ann LethbridgeЧитать онлайн книгу.

Captured for the Captain's Pleasure - Ann Lethbridge

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you are, Lady Selina,’Anderson said, opening the parasol. Two days’ growth of beard and his arm in a sling gave the usually smart business agent a rather disreputable appearance.

      A bandage around his forehead, Richard followed him out. Mr Anderson directed them to the shade beneath the awning slung over the Gryphon’s deck. Mr Wishart had proved most helpful in meeting Alice’s requests, once she had the doctor’s agreement. Once out of the heat of a blazing sun riding high in a cloudless sky, Alice lifted her face to the cooling breeze.

      Richard clung to the rail. For all his brave words, he looked as if he didn’t trust his legs for support.

      ‘Don’t do too much on your first day up,’ she warned, taking his arm.

      ‘I’m all right.’ He shook her off and peered over the mahogany rail into the blue-green ocean sliding by. ‘You are worse than old Nanny Mills.’

      And that was a bad thing? Alice curbed her tongue. Finding Richard still unconscious when she’d been hustled back to the hold last night had given her a fright. She’d bathed his temples with cool water and spent the night dozing in a chair beside his cot. Her relief at his awaking this morning with a demand for food knew no bounds.

      Apart from the usual creaks and the wind humming in the rigging, the ship seemed strangely silent. No sailors aloft or on deck. She sent a sidelong glance at their captain at the helm and his nearby first officer. Now why would they send the men below?

      Richard must have seen the direction of her gaze. ‘Damn, but he’s something, isn’t he?’

      ‘Richard, your language,’ Alice admonished.

      But her brother was right. At one with the elements, with his strong hands gripping the wheel, he braced against the wind and stared at the horizon as if nothing in the world existed but him and his ship. The wind played with his loose-fitting white shirt. It pulled the fabric taut and teased her with a glimpse of the sculpted muscles of his torso. Then it dove inside the shirt, billowing the cotton like a sail, emphasising his narrow hips and strong thighs in tightfitting breeches.

      Her breath hitched in appreciation of his male beauty.

      It was a good thing she understood her own wanton nature, her own weakness, or she might be tempted to do more than look. But she’d followed that path before and knew the pitfalls. She was well armed to resist the handsome rogue. She hoped.

      She took a deep breath. What she needed to do was find a way out of captivity that did not end in her father’s complete ruin.

      Lionhawk’s questions seemed to hold the key, if she could just work out what it was he wanted and why he knew so much about her and her family.

      ‘Richard, whatever the captain asks you about Father’s business, tell him nothing,’ she said in a low voice. ‘Tell him you have been away at school and this is the first time you’ve been on one of these trips.’

      Richard grimaced. ‘You mean tell him the truth.’ Once more his gaze strayed to the man at the wheel. ‘What I’d give to have a ship of my own, to be answerable to no one. I want to sail, not buy and sell things or spend hours in a stuffy office pouring over accounts.’

      The admiration in her brother’s expression sent a sick feeling sliding around in her stomach, like the queasiness during the first days at sea. Richard was far too easily impressed. He’d always wanted to go to sea and Lionhawk was just the kind of man he’d take it in his head to emulate.

      ‘What are you looking at?’ Selina asked, joining them with Mr Anderson in tow. ‘That pirate?’

      ‘Privateer,’ Richard corrected.

      Selina poked her arm. ‘What questions did he ask you last night?’

      Richard swung around. ‘What is Lady Selina talking about?’

      ‘I had a long talk with our captain while we played a game of chess,’ Alice said. ‘He was prying into Father’s affairs, trying to ascertain how much ransom we were worth.’

      Selina shivered. ‘Horrid man.’

      ‘Yes,’ Alice said, wishing her stomach didn’t give a flutter every time she looked at him.

      Richard bristled. ‘You shouldn’t have gone to his cabin.’

      ‘Do you think I had a choice?’ she said drily. ‘I don’t believe I told him more than I should.’ If only she knew the purpose behind his questions, she might mount a better defence.

      ‘Take heart, Lady Selina,’ Anderson said. ‘At least he’s not thrown us overboard.’

      Selina’s green eyes grew round. ‘Do you think he would?’

      ‘There’s no saying what a blackguard like that would do,’ Anderson said. ‘Preying on merchant ships about their lawful business and capturing honest citizens. He deserves to hang.’

      Selina blanched.

      ‘Oh, for goodness’ sake, Mr Anderson,’ Alice said. ‘Can’t you see you are frightening Lady Selina? It really is too bad. All the man wants is money.’

      Anderson coloured. He bowed stiffly. ‘I beg your pardon, ladies.’

      Richard thrust out his chest and tried to look manly. ‘Don’t worry, Lady Selina, I’ll keep you safe.’ He turned an anxious pair of eyes on Alice. ‘He didn’t offer you any insult, did he?’

      ‘Of course not,’ she said, not quite meeting his gaze. To her shame, she couldn’t call a kiss she’d responded to with enthusiasm an insult any more than she could call Andrew to account for what they’d done together.

      Selina pouted. ‘I want to go home. We are going to miss the Bedlingfords’ rout.’

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