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The Journey Home. Linda FordЧитать онлайн книгу.

The Journey Home - Linda  Ford

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to consult the sheriff? “Sheriff, am I glad to see you. Perhaps you can help me.”

      “That’s why I’m here.” He pulled out his gun and leveled it at Kody. “Put your hands in the air and get down real slow.”

      For the second time in the same afternoon, Kody’s arms went up and he dropped to the ground easily and gracefully.

      Charlotte’s heart stalled with alarm. Had she unwittingly accompanied a fugitive? She swallowed hard, trying to ease the gritty feeling inside, like she’d taken in too much dust in the last blow.

      What had Kody done?

      And why had she allowed herself to believe he wanted to help her? She’d been duped by talk about a God-fearing mother. She’d been taught you couldn’t judge a man by the color of his skin. Seems you couldn’t judge by his words or demeanor, either.

      “Something wrong, Sheriff?” Kody asked in a low voice, apparently unconcerned.

      She doubted he could be as indifferent as he appeared with the sheriff motioning him away from his horse.

      “Charlotte, get in the car,” Sheriff Mack said. “And you—” he kept his gun steady as he approached Kody “—turn around slow.”

      Charlotte sighed in relief as she got into the front seat of the sheriff’s car. Sheriff Mack lived with his maiden sister. They’d be glad to take her in and she’d find a way to prove her value to them.

      She watched as the sheriff handcuffed Kody and pushed him into the backseat. I wonder what he’s done. Too bad. He seemed like a nice enough fellow.

      The sheriff grabbed up the horses and tied them to the car. “Good thing Lother sent me after you,” he said to Charlotte as he got behind the wheel.

      A prickly sensation crawled along Charlotte’s skin. She pulled her skirt down hard and tucked it around her legs. “Lother? What’s he got to do with this?”

      The sheriff chuckled. “No need to play coy with me, Charlotte. He told me you two were to marry. Said he saw this Indian take you out of town.” Sheriff Mack started the car and edged down the road toward Big Rock. “But don’t you worry. I’ll take care of your kidnapper.” He scowled over his shoulder at Kody. “Guess you know better than to expect any mercy. It’s the rope for you.” He turned and smiled at Charlotte. “I’ll make sure you’re safe with Lother before nightfall. Might even agree to stand up for him at his wedding.” He nodded, seeming pleased with himself.

      Charlotte stared at the sheriff. Nothing he said made any sense. Safe with Lother? She shuddered. “Are you saying Lother thinks I’ve been kidnapped?”

      “Good thing he saw your predicament.”

      “But I went of my own free will.”

      The sheriff stopped the car and faced her. “Didn’t you just ask me for help?”

      “I need someplace to stay until Harry sends for me.” Her eyes stung with embarrassment as she prepared to beg. “I thought I could stay with you and your sister.” She hated the desperate tone of her voice, but truth was, she had quickly dispensed with her pride about the time she walked off the train platform. “I could scrub up after the prisoners for you.”

      Sheriff Mack shook his head. “No can do. If I take you back, I’ll turn you over to Lother. It’s my duty.” He patted Charlotte’s hand. “Now don’t you fret none. Many a young lady has been nervous on her wedding day. It’s perfectly normal. But once it’s done, you’ll feel better.”

      Anger and disgust raged inside her at the way these men decided her future with absolutely no regard for her wishes. “I would not marry Lother if he was the last man on earth.” She tipped her head toward Kody. “This man is the only one who has had the decency to offer to help.”

      Sheriff Mack looked uncomfortable. “Now, Miss Charlotte, no need to get all high and mighty on me.”

      “He’s done nothing wrong. Release him at once.”

      “Now wait one cotton-pickin’ minute.”

      “Now.” She tilted her head toward Kody, indicating she wanted him released.

      “You’re making a mighty big mistake.”

      But Charlotte would not relent.

      Muttering dark predictions about her future, Sheriff Mack took the handcuffs off Kody. “You’re free to go.”

      Charlotte stepped out of the car as Kody backed away. He remained motionless as Sheriff Mack untied the horses. When Kody made no move to take the reins, Charlotte reached for them.

      Sheriff Mack looked at her a moment, then scrunched up his lips on one side and made a sound of disgust. “Lother isn’t going to be happy about this.”

      She didn’t answer, although her brain burned with angry retorts. Too bad about Lother. That’s your problem, not mine. Next time you should… There would be no next time for her. She intended to seek refuge with Kody’s parents in Favor. What choice did she have? No one else offered sanctuary. God, help me.

      She turned her head away as the dust whipped up around the departing vehicle.

      Only after the gray cloud abated did Kody turn and in one smooth move, leap onto Sam’s back. “Let’s get out of here,” he muttered as he urged Sam into a run.

      Charlotte climbed onto the mare’s back and kicked her sides, trying to catch Kody, but it seemed the mare’s fastest pace was a bone-shuddering trot that practically shook Charlotte from her back. After several futile attempts to get the animal to gallop, Charlotte settled back into a slow walk as Kody and Sam disappeared over a hill. The puffs of dust swirling from Sam’s hooves gave her direction.

      Why would no one help her? I wouldn’t be a burden. I’d make them glad they’d taken me in. But her silent arguments were a waste of time. She had to think about the future. My times are in Your hands. God had promised. He would not fail her.

      With each exhalation she let out fear and disappointment. With every indrawn breath, she pulled assurance and peace into her heart. Certainly she couldn’t understand why He would choose to send help in the form of a stranger and a half-breed. But she would not fear. She would trust. She’d allow Kody to take her to his parents, but she’d be on guard at all times to make sure she got there safely.

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