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The Viking's Defiant Bride. Joanna FulfordЧитать онлайн книгу.

The Viking's Defiant Bride - Joanna  Fulford

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been quite wrong. One day, about a month after the former conversation, he announced that Lord Aylwin had asked for her hand. At first she had not known whether to laugh or cry. A wealthy and respected Saxon lord, wise governor of rich lands, Aylwin was a near neighbour. He had been the friend of her father and, his own wife having died some years earlier, he sought a new bride. At forty he was old enough to be her father and his sons were grown men, but he was still strong and vigorous. Elgiva had baulked. Although she had nothing to say against Aylwin as a man, she knew she could not feel for him what a woman should feel for a husband. In truth, she had never felt it for any man of her acquaintance. However, women of her rank did not marry for love. If both partners respected each other, it was enough. But not for her, she thought, not for her. Osric had not understood.

      ‘Do you know anything against Aylwin?’


      ‘You know he is wealthy and of good reputation? A man to be respected?’


      ‘Then why should you refuse him?’

      As Elgiva sought for the words to explain, Osric had pressed his advantage.

      ‘You know Lord Aylwin sought your hand long since.’

      ‘And I said then I did not love his lordship.’

      ‘Love? What has love to do with it? This is an advantageous match.’

      ‘I do not deny it. He is also old enough to be my father.’

      ‘He is in his prime and will make you an attentive husband.’

      ‘I will not consent to such attentions.’

      With that she had marched out of the room and there the matter had rested. Osric, for all his faults, still had a certain fondness for his sister and would not force her to a marriage that was distasteful to her. Life had gone on much as before until, a month ago, Osric’s horse put its foot in a hole while they were out hunting. Horse and rider fell with force—the former breaking its foreleg and the rider his neck.

      The shock had been great and the sorrow also. At a stroke Elgiva found herself alone with all the care of a large estate and two young children. Osric’s wife, Cynewise, had died in childbed at the age of twenty. It was a common enough occurrence and, for women, one of the hazards of marriage, but for Elgiva it had been an added shock. She knew that Osric would have married again, in time, for a man might well have several wives in his lifetime. For a woman alone the future looked bleak. When she had told Osgifu that she didn’t know what to do, it had been prevarication and they both knew it. She must marry and soon. But Aylwin?

      ‘What do the runes say, Gifu?’

      Elgiva knew already what they would say, but she needed to have it confirmed. The runes never lied. Carved out of ash, a tree sacred to Odin, and indelibly marked with ancient esoteric symbols, they would point the way as they had done before. Osgifu regarded her with a steady gaze.

      ‘Ask your question.’

      Elgiva drew in a deep breath. ‘Shall I marry Aylwin?’

      She waited, hands locked together, as Osgifu scanned the rune cast. The silence lengthened and her grey eyes narrowed, a sharp line creasing her brow.

      ‘Well? Shall I marry?’

      ‘Aye, you will be married, but not to Aylwin.’

      ‘Not Aylwin?’ Elgiva was puzzled. ‘Then who?’

      ‘I do not know the man.’

      ‘What does he look like?’

      ‘I cannot tell. The upper part of his face is hidden behind the plates of his helmet. He wears a shirt of fine mail and in his hand he carries a mighty sword, as sharp as a dragon’s tooth.’

      ‘A warrior? A Saxon lord, then. Shall I meet him soon?’

      ‘You will see him soon enough.’

      Thereafter she became strangely reticent and all of Elgiva’s questions could draw nothing more from her.


      The mystery stayed with her but, as the days passed, she knew she could not wait indefinitely for some stranger to ride by and rescue her from all her problems. A woman alone was vulnerable. A woman with wealth and land was doubly so once it became known she had no protector. It was not unknown for such to be married under duress to an ambitious and ruthless lord with a strong retinue and no aversion to the use of force. She shivered. Better to wed a respected man who would treat her well and restore Ravenswood to its former self. It came to her that she must wed Aylwin and soon. Love was all very well in stories of high romance: real life wasn’t like that. Her brother had been right. It was an advantageous match. Perhaps, with time, she might come to love Aylwin. Certainly she would make him a dutiful wife and bear his children. Her mind glossed over the details, unwilling to dwell on the matter. Should she be so nice when, every day, girls of thirteen or fourteen were married off to men thrice their age? The question now was how to bring this about. She had refused Aylwin’s suit. Could she now go a-begging?

      In the event the matter was solved for her when, a few days later, the servants announced the arrival of Lord Aylwin accompanied by a small group of armed men. She received him in the great hall and, having bid him welcome, offered his men refreshment and allowed him to take her to one side. She wished that she had had more warning—she was suddenly aware of her sober-hued gown and her hair braided simply down her back without ribbon or ornament. It was hardly the dress of a woman receiving a suitor. However, Aylwin seemed to find nothing amiss and smiled at her. Of average height, he was stocky and powerfully made for all that the brown hair and beard were grizzled with grey. The expression on the rugged face was both sympathetic and kind, but the eyes spoke of admiration.

      For a while they spoke of Osric and he said all that was proper, but it did not take him long to come to the real purpose of his visit.

      ‘Your brother’s death leaves you alone and in a most difficult situation, my lady. In these times a woman must have a protector.’

      Elgiva heard in his words the echo of her brother’s and felt a frisson along her spine. Heart beating much faster, she knew what was coming and waited for it.

      ‘I would like to be that man.’ He paused, eyeing her with an unwonted awkwardness. ‘I am no longer in the first flush of youth, but I am still in good health and well able to protect you. I can also swear my undying loyalty and devotion.’

      Elgiva felt her face grow warmer and for a moment her amber eyes were veiled. Aylwin, mistaking the reason, drew in a deep breath.

      ‘Let me protect you, Elgiva. I do not ask you to love me now, but perhaps in time that may come. Meanwhile, be assured that you will be loved, my lady.’

      Hearing an unmistakeable note of sincerity, she looked up swiftly, meeting his gaze.

      ‘Does it surprise you to hear that?’

      ‘I had not thought…that is—’ She broke off, floundering.

      ‘Have you any idea how beautiful you are?’ he went on. ‘From the first day I saw you I wanted you for my wife. My Gundred has been dead these five years and a man grows lonely. I think you are lonely too. May not two such comfort each other?’

      Elgiva nodded. ‘I think that perhaps they may, my lord.’

      For a moment he did not move, the dark eyes intent on her face. ‘Then you will marry me?’

      ‘There would be certain conditions.’

      ‘Name them.’

      ‘That the rights of my nephews are protected and that you act as overlord of Ravenswood until they can act for themselves.’

      ‘Agreed. If you wed me, they shall be reared as my own sons.’

      ‘I would also ask for a decent interval of mourning for my brother.’

      ‘It shall

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