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The Viking's Touch. Joanna FulfordЧитать онлайн книгу.

The Viking's Touch - Joanna  Fulford

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between him and my late husband. It amounts to unwarranted interference in Drakensburgh’s affairs. This I will not permit.’ She paused, letting her gaze sweep round the assembled crowd, meeting their eyes. No one spoke. Nervousness diminished. She was in charge here and they would hear her. She lifted her chin and resumed, her voice firm and clear. ‘His lordship has also made known his wish to unite his estate with this one …’ that caused some sideways glances and drew faint, knowing smiles ‘… a wish he intends to fulfil by any means in his power.’ The smiles faded. ‘This also I will not permit.’ They were regarding her intently now. ‘However, Lord Ingvar’s war band is strong and, at present, Drakensburgh’s forces, though valiant, are too small to counter them should the need arise. To rectify that situation I have commissioned the services of Lord Wulfgar and his men.’ Again a murmur of voices broke out, this time in surprise. ‘There is more.’ She waited for quiet and then went on. ‘To have any hope of defeating Ingvar’s forces, there can only be one military commander. That will be Lord Wulfgar.’ The murmuring grew louder now and she intercepted a few angry looks among the expressions of surprise. ‘Ina will be his second-in-command.’

      A man stepped forwards, big, burly, swarthy skinned. She recognised Thorkil for he had ever been one of her husband’s most loyal adherents. ‘Why should we take orders from Lord Wulfgar? We have sworn no oath of fealty to him.’

      A chorus of agreement greeted this. Anwyn let it die down. ‘No, but you do owe fealty to me.’ She paused. ‘It is my will that he be invested with the authority to command the combined force.’

      ‘Only Ina has that right,’ replied Thorkil.

      Anwyn fixed him with a cool and level stare. ‘It is I who have the right to decide what happens at Drakensburgh—no one else.’

      Thorkil’s bushy eyebrows knit together, but before he could say more Ina spoke out. ‘Lady Anwyn speaks true—her word is law here.’ He paused. ‘Do not dispute it again.’

      Thorkil glowered, but remained silent, exchanging eloquent looks with his immediate neighbours, Sigurd and Gorm. Anwyn drew in another deep breath and then turned to look at the man to her left.

      ‘Perhaps Lord Wulfgar can clarify the situation.’

      He inclined his head in acquiescence and strolled forwards to the edge of the dais, looking round at the assembled group.

      ‘I can well understand why some might find this situation hard to accept. Change is not always welcome. Some men see it as a threat.’ He looked at Thorkil for a moment. ‘However, I am not the threat confronting Drakensburgh: Ingvar is. Only a united force has any hope of prevailing against him and, as any warrior knows, a force can have but one leader.’ He paused. ‘I will not compel any man to pledge allegiance to me. Those who have no wish to do so may leave, and with no ill feeling. However, those who choose to remain will acknowledge the authority that Lady Anwyn has seen fit to give me.’

      He fell silent then, waiting. The silence stretched out, but no one moved or spoke. Wulfgar nodded.

      ‘Then I take it we are all agreed.’

      Again none disputed his words. Anwyn let out the breath she had been holding, even as she acknowledged the skill of the performance she had just witnessed. It seemed to call for a gesture from her.

      ‘Tomorrow night our two forces shall feast together in friendship. Until then, go in peace.’

      Immediately a loud buzz of conversation ensued, but she was relieved to note only a few creased brows among the crowd. Most of them seemed to have accepted the new state of affairs. However, they had a vested interest in doing so since it was a lot easier and more convenient than trying to find a new place elsewhere. Of course, Lord Wulfgar had known that and calculated accordingly. Glancing round, she met his eye and saw him nod in quiet approval.

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