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Banished to the Harem. Carol MarinelliЧитать онлайн книгу.

Banished to the Harem - Carol  Marinelli

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he? He had been the one saving grace in a pretty miserable day. And then she heard a knock at her door.

      Perhaps it was Mark bringing over the money? Or an aunt dropping round to mark the one-year anniversary of her parents’ passing?

      While normally she would have run down the stairs to answer, given how she was dressed Natasha held back and went to the window. She peeked through a gap in the curtain. Peering down into the street, she saw a limousine—but even before that she knew it was him.

      Had known at some level that she had been dressing for him.

      That this morning their attraction, or whatever it was that had occurred, hadn’t all been in her imagination, that he had felt it too.

      And now Rakhal was at her door.


      RAKHAL had spent the day trying to forget Natasha. He had completed the most pressing of his appointments and then peered through the impressive list of female contacts in his phone.

      This evening none of them had appealed.

      He could, if he’d chosen to, have returned to the exclusive London club he often frequented, where he was assured of a warm welcome from any number of young socialites who would be only too happy to spend a night in a prince’s bed.

      He’d chosen not to.

      Instead he had headed down to the hotel bar, taken a seat in a plump leather chair. In a moment a long glass of water had been placed in front of him, for here in London, it was his drink of choice. Less than two minutes later, another option had appeared. Blonde, beautiful, her smile inviting.

      With but a gesture of his hand he could have invited her to join him or have a drink sent over to her.

      It was that easy for Rakhal.


      Both here and at home.

      He’d thought of the harem that served his every need—the harem that would still serve him even after his marriage—and suddenly he’d been weary with easy. He was bored with no thrill to the chase.

      He’d gestured to the bartender, who had walked over ready to take his order, to serve the blonde a glass of champagne, but Rakhal had delivered other instructions.

      Now the car he had summoned waited as he knocked again at her door. Rakhal did not have time to play games, and neither did he have time to take his time. And yet here he was. All day she had intrigued him. All day his first taste of rejection had gnawed. Perhaps she was already in a relationship? he had pondered. But something told him she was not. There was a shyness to her, an awkwardness he found endearing. Rarely was effort required from him with women—perhaps that was the novelty that had brought him here.

      He decided that the novelty would quickly wane, but that thought faded as soon as she opened the door.

      It was as though she’d been waiting for him—had somehow anticipated his surprise arrival.

      Appealing before, she was exquisite now. Her hair was dry, its true colours revealed: the colours of a winter sky in Alzirz as the sun dipped lower over the desert, reds and oranges and a blaze of fire. His only qualm was that he wanted to see it worn down—would see it worn down, Rakhal decided, before the night’s end.

      ‘What are you doing here?’ Natasha had had her panic upstairs and was as calm as she could manage now—as casual as she could hope to be when dealing with the sudden arrival of Rakhal.

      ‘I said that I would pick you up at seven.’

      ‘And I told you I had plans …’ Natasha started. Yet she did want time with this intoxicating man and her refusal was halted. For all day she had regretted saying no to him, all day she had wished she had said yes, and now she had her chance. ‘Actually, my plans have changed …’ She hoped her make-up hid her blush as she lied. ‘My friend isn’t feeling well.’

      ‘Well, now that your plans have changed …’ He knew she was lying, and he would not ask her to join him again. He had asked her once, had even come to her door. Now he stood silently awaiting her decision, for it was up to Natasha now—he did not beg.

      The decision was an easy one. He was even more beautiful than she remembered him from this morning. He was wearing an immaculate charcoal-grey suit and his hair, messy that morning, was now swept back. The bruise on his eye had turned a deep purple, and Natasha felt her nails dig into her palms as she resisted the urge to reach out and touch it, to run her fingers over the slight swelling at his left cheekbone. It was bizarre the effect he had on her. Never had a man made her more aware of her femininity.

      Natasha swallowed, for he made her aware of her sexuality too, in a way no one ever had—certainly not Jason. She was filled with a sudden desperation for the night not to end—and it would, Natasha knew, if she did not go with him now. It would end this instant if she did not simply say yes.

      ‘I’ll get my bag.’ Natasha hovered a moment, unsure if she should ask him in—embarrassed to do so, but worried it would be rude not to. ‘Do you want to—?’

      ‘I will wait here,’ Rakhal interrupted. He wanted their night to start, and was not sure if she lived alone. If she did—well, he did not want to ruin any tentative progress with a kiss delivered too soon. It would be hard not to kiss her. He was already growing hard.

      He turned out to face the street, to look at the neat hedges and the houses. He tried to fathom her, tried to work her out just a little, surprising himself because for once he had a need to know more about the woman he would be spending the night with.

      She found a bag and quickly filled it with her purse and keys, then took a moment more to steady herself than to check her make-up. She found a jacket that didn’t really do justice to the dress. Even though it had stopped raining it was a cold, clear night, and she really couldn’t go out with bare arms, so she slipped it on and walked down the stairs. She could see his outline in the front doorway as he waited for her to be ready.

      He waited too while she locked the door, and then they headed to his car. This time it was his driver who came around and opened the door, and there was no man in robes waiting inside when she climbed in. She was nervous at being alone with him.

      Yet he was the perfect gentleman. He took the seat opposite rather than next to her, making polite conversation as the car moved through the dark streets. He did nothing and said nothing untoward—in fact he didn’t even comment on how she was dressed. No doubt he was used to going out with women dressed up to the nines. She wondered how he’d have reacted if he knew just how unusual this was for her, if she’d answered the door in jeans and slippers. Would the outcome have been the same? Would he have waited while she changed …? Would the usual outfits in her wardrobe have sufficed for a night like this?

      She doubted it.

      Yet he had seen her dripping wet this morning, had seen her at her worst, and still there had been want between them. The doubt blurred as she pondered this most stunning man. She could see his hand resting on his thigh, the dark skin, the manicured nails, and then she turned her gaze away when she realised he was watching her too. Her jacket felt like a blanket. The car was too warm. Both these things she blamed for the heat that spread across her body as she admitted her desire. She wanted to press a button, wanted the window to open and the night air to blast her face cool. When they turned a corner and his stretched-out leg rolled just a little nearer to her rigid feet she wanted to lift her feet to his waiting hands, to simply be ravished.

      They pulled up outside a luxurious hotel. As the door opened Natasha saw faces turning and was uncomfortable with this rare scrutiny from onlookers. She was grateful when his hand took her arm, and told herself that it was Rakhal they were looking at as they were welcomed and then led through the hotel and into a restaurant.

      Again he turned heads.

      Natasha knew it had nothing to do with her, for the place was filled with jewelled and made-up women. It was Rakhal who drew the eye, Rakhal who

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