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from Donna’s suite. “Y’all can go i and see the new mother and baby now.” He placed hi hand on Jake’s shoulder. “I’m glad you were here fc Donna during the delivery.”

      The Bishop clan descended upon Donna en masse, Hank Caleb and Peyton standing back and observing as Susar Sheila and Tallie circled the bed. Jake stood in the door way, a hard ball of uncertainty lying heavily in the pit o his stomach.

      Tallie eased over beside her newborn niece. “Oh, she i a beauty. Look at that mane of black hair and those bi brown eyes. She’s the spitting image of Jake!”

      A numbing sensation spread quickly through Jake’ body. He wanted to turn around and walk away, but hi legs wouldn’t cooperate. You’re not ready for this! an inne voice warned. What kind of father would you be? You don know the first thing about babies, especially baby girls. D that little girl and her mother a favor and get out of thei lives.

      “Have you held her yet, Jake?” Tallie asked as she lifted the infant in her arms. “Come here and take your daughter.”

      Jake hesitated momentarily. All eyes were on him. H forced himself to move, to cross the room and accept th bundle that his sister offered him. His hands trembled. Hi arms stiffened. The tiny newborn felt weightless. What th hell was he doing? His gut tightened painfully.

      Holding the infant as if she were made of glass, Jake gazed down at his daughter. His daughter! She wriggled He tensed, then quickly offered her to Tallie.

      “Here, do something with her before I drop her.”

      Tallie laughed, took the child from him and carried her over so that her other two aunts could coo over her adoringly. Jake watched while the women made a fuss over Louisa. Louisa Christine. He still thought the name was too much for a baby. He liked the idea of calling her Christy, but figured Donna wouldn’t approve.

      What difference does it make anyway? That inner voice asked. You probably won’t be a major part of her life. Unless you marry Donna.

      He glanced over at the bed just in time to see Donna take the baby in her arms. The picture was perfect. Madonna and child. Mother and daughter.

      “You’ve got yourself a peach of a mother, kiddo,” Jake said to himself. “A beautiful, classy lady. But I’m afraid your old man isn’t much of a prize.”

      Susan lowered her infant son close to the newborn. “Lowell, I’d like to introduce you to your cousin, Louisa. You two are going to be really good friends.”

      “I think we should all leave and let the mama and papa have some time alone,” Hank suggested. “We can come back tomorrow for another visit.”

      “I’ll be going home tomorrow afternoon,” Donna said.

      “Dr. Farr told me that there’s no reason to keep me and Louisa more than twenty-four hours. That’s pretty much hospital procedure these days.”

      “We’ll come over to your house tomorrow night,” Sheila said. “I’ll bring supper and Susan and I can help you adjust to being home.”

      “Thanks. I’d appreciate that.” Donna caressed little Louisa’s rosy cheek. “I’ve hired a nanny, but she won’t start work until next week.”

      Had he heard her correctly? Jake wondered. A nanny? If Donna could afford a nanny, that had to mean she had a job and money of her own. She wouldn’t need him to hell support their child.

      But fathers are needed for more than financial support he reminded himself. A kid needs a father around all the time, even a little girl.

      Jake waited until his family had left before he approached Donna’s bed. She seemed totally absorbed in her inspection of their child. He cleared his throat. She ignored him. He cleared his throat again—louder. She glanced up a frown marring her pleasant features.

      “I think maybe we should talk, don’t you?” he said.

      “What’s there to talk about?”

      “About you and me and—” he nodded toward the infan “—our child.”

      “She’s my child, Jake. I’ve never thought of her any other way. I don’t expect you to take any responsibility for her, if that’s what you’re worried about.”

      Heat rose up Jake’s neck and spread across his face Donna’s comment pushed all the wrong buttons, bringing his temper to the boiling point.

      “Dammit, woman! Did you ever stop to think I migh want to take responsibility? That I might want to play a part in my daughter’s life?”

      That’s what she’d been afraid of—that Jake Bishop might want to be a real father to her baby girl. Donna didn’ want this big, roughneck cowboy to be a part of Louisa’s life in any way. After their weekend in Plain City, she’d thought she would never see him again. Having a brie affair with the man was one thing, but having him become a permanent part of her life was another thing altogether!

      “Yes, I did consider the possibility that you might wan to be a part of Louisa’s life, but I dismissed the notion,’ Donna said. ”After all, you’re hardly the type of mar who’d want to be tied down to a woman and child. And there is the fact that you and I hardly know each other.”

      “We spent two days and two nights together!” Jake’s voice bellowed.

      Louisa stirred in her mother’s arms, then she whimpered. “Hush! You’re scaring her.” Donna glared menacingly at him. “During that two days and two nights, we didn’t have one meaningful conversation.”

      “Sugar, you weren’t any more interested in conversation than I was. I gave you what you wanted. I gave it to you over and over again ”

      Donna’s amber eyes flashed golden fire. Her cheeks flared crimson. “You egotistical, macho jerk!”

      Jake moved closer to her bedside, leaned over so that their faces were at the same level and smiled wickedly at her. “We should get married as soon as possible.”

      “What!” Donna screamed the word.

      Louisa whimpered, then cried. Donna cuddled the child close to her bosom and crooned comforting nonsensical words to her She glared at Jake.

      “Go away! I don’t need you and I don’t want you. And neither does Louisa.”

      Jake cupped the back of his daughter’s tiny head. It filled his huge palm. “Do you think it’s that easy to get rid of me? I’m not going anywhere until we set up some ground rules concerning my daughter. And you’re dead wrong if you think she doesn’t need me or want me ” He took the infant away from Donna and up into his arms. Trembling inside as if his body had been hit by an earthquake, Jake lifted the whimpering baby up against his chest, patted her back and said, “It’s all right, Sugar Baby. Daddy’s got you now.”

      Donna looked up at the big man cradling Louisa against his chest and, for just a moment, couldn’t breathe. The sight of father and child overwhelmed her senses. There was something so essentially right about the two of them together. Strength protecting helplessness. A powerful man guarding what was his.

      The awareness of Jake as her child’s father surprised Donna. She had tried not to think about J.B. during the months she was carrying Louisa, though memories of that weekend had often invaded her thoughts. And in the hours since she’d learned her weekend lover was actually Jake Bishop, she had refused to acknowledge the possibility that he would play a significant part in her daughter’s life.

      But here he was now, as big, powerful and rugged as he’d been the first night he’d held her in his arms at the Blue Bonnet Grill—the night she’d lost her mind and succumbed to purely physical pleasure. She’d fought the memory of this man for nine months, but he had wreaked havoc on her subconscious. How many nights had she awakened, hot and aroused, after dreaming about him? Even now, only hours after giving birth, she couldn’t deny the strong attraction she felt for Jake. And the sight of his gentle hold on her baby did crazy things to her

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