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Homecoming Hero. Renee RyanЧитать онлайн книгу.

Homecoming Hero - Renee  Ryan

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questions. But before we break away, I want to let you know about a class I’m thinking about offering.”

      J.T. made eye contact with Wolf.

      Wolf nodded in response.

      “What was that about?” Hailey asked.

      Wolf shushed her.

      Well. Nervy. The man had some kind of nerve.

      “It’s been brought to my attention,” J.T. continued, “that the church might want to offer a six-week training course in basic survival skills to anyone going on a mission trip.”

      An excited buzz rose in the room.

      “Show of hands. Any interest in something like that?”

      Dozens of arms shot into the air.

      “Excellent. Look for an e-mail in the coming days,” J.T. said before dismissing the group for a short break until the next missionaries took the stage.

      Something felt off about what had just happened. Hailey blinked at Wolf. He smirked back.

      “Wait a minute.” She looked hard at Wolf, turned her gaze to J.T. then swiveled back to Wolf again. “Are you teaching the new classes?” Her heart clunked against her ribs at the thought.

      “Maybe.” He grinned. “Okay, yes.”


      “It’s a good idea?”

      She narrowed her eyes. “Why do I think your involvement in this is anything but simple and straightforward?”

      “Because you have a suspicious mind?”

      “Not before I met you,” she muttered.

      Chuckling again, he rose and offered her his hand.

      She paused, but then realized she was being rude. She accepted his assistance with her trademark graciousness.

      When their palms pressed tightly together, a quick spark of…of…something skidded up her spine. Flustered, she pulled her hand free. “Let’s, uh, let’s go…go meet the Mulligans.”

      Had she just stuttered? Really?

      “Sorry, Hail.” He looked down at his watch, swayed as he did so. “Your two hours were up ten minutes ago. I’m gone.” He turned on his heel, making a beeline for the exit.

      She followed him into the hallway. “You’re walking away? Just like that? What about our agreement? Isn’t it my turn to listen to you?”

      “I’d love to stay.” He tunneled an unsteady hand through his hair. “But it’s been a long journey home. At the moment I don’t have much talk left in me.”

      Of course. Wolf had only just arrived in Savannah. Today. “You must be exhausted.”

      “You have no idea.”

      She should insist he leave and get some sleep, right now, but she couldn’t let him go with so much unsettled between them. “Let’s have dinner together Friday night.”

      “Are you asking me out?” He looked surprised, but not altogether unhappy at the prospect. “No.” Was she? “Okay, yes. I want to talk about—” she lowered her eyes “—Clay.” Which was true, just not the complete truth.

      There was something else going on between her and this bold warrior, something that had nothing to do with her brother. Something that was distinctly theirs. But she didn’t know how to voice any of that.

      It was probably best not to try.

      “Please, Wolf, I want to know more about my brother’s life in Iraq.” She sighed. “You’re my only connection to him now. You…” Her words trailed off.

      He touched her cheek softly. “All right, Hailey. Friday night works for me. I’ll pick you up at seven.”

      She instantly remembered the motorcycle he’d roared in on. “No.” She took a calming breath. “I mean. I, uh, I’ll cook.”

      Which could end up being far worse. She was a notoriously bad cook. B-A-D. Bad.

      Wolf didn’t need to know that, though. She had three days to pick up a few basic culinary skills.

      If she failed? Well, there was always takeout.

      Chapter Four

      Wolf was back in Iraq, on the road outside Baghdad. Clay had taken the driver’s seat, as usual, even though Wolf had argued the point until he’d lost his voice.

      The bump up ahead hadn’t moved since the last time they’d taken this route. But it had grown larger, monstrous. The IED underneath the debris was impossible to miss. Yet Clay nosed the truck straight for the bomb.

      “Look out!” Wolf shouted, his voice hollow in his ears.

      Moving in slow motion, Clay turned to look at him. His features were distorted, his movements uneven. “Don’t worry, Wolf-man, everything’s under control.”

      But it wasn’t.

      The Humvee dipped, then lurched forward.

      Wolf reached out to grip the dashboard. He came up empty.

      His breathing quickened into hard, angry puffs. The acrid smell of death surrounded him. He swiped at his forehead.


      Bang, bang, bang.

      Enemy fire. Coming at them fast.

      Wolf ducked. The Humvee started its roll.

      He grabbed for Clay, but he missed and hit the ground hard. The impact knocked the breath out of him.

      He dragged in choking gulps of air.

      Another round of gunfire exploded through the air.

      Wolf reached for Clay again. This time he caught him. Clay shrugged him off. “Not me. Hailey.” His face turned a dingy gray below the blood-smeared cheeks. “Promise me, Wolf-man, promise you’ll save my sister.”

      “I will,” Wolf vowed. “No matter what.”

      The rapid-fire shots came again. Faster. Louder. Bang, bang, bang.

      Wolf looked frantically around him. His vision refused to focus. “Medic,” he shouted. “We need a medic.”


      The oddly familiar voice came at him from a distance, like an unwanted echo inside his head.

      Bang. Bang.


      He peered into the darkness that had fallen over the desert. The landscape blurred in front of him.

      “Wolf, come on, man.” The voice came at him again. “I know you’re in there. I heard you call out.”

      Wolf pushed to his hands and knees.

      The ground turned slick under his sweating palms. Slowly the room came into focus. His mind cleared, inch by brutal inch. Right. Right. He was home. Back in the States. In one of the apartments on post. And he’d had The Dream again.

      Bang, bang, bang.

      Wolf flinched, resisting the urge to take cover.


      He rolled his shoulders forward, recognizing the low-pitched baritone at last. What was J. T. Wagner doing here?

      Shaking off the lingering despair that always came with The Dream, Wolf shoved to a standing position. He moved too quickly and lost his balance. He grabbed for the desk, miscalculated, knocked over a glass, which proceeded to shatter into a thousand little pieces.

      “You all right in there?” J.T. called.

      “Yeah, yeah, hold on. Just hold

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