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the reason this won’t work. A baby is not a reason to be together. And I’m not going to be with some man who didn’t want me three months ago, just because he’s worried about what my dad might think.”
“A child deserves two parents.” It bothered him to hear his voice crack like that. A few words and the pain of losing his dad returned to the center of his chest, just as it had the night before. After all these years, it hadn’t gotten easier; there were merely longer stretches of time when he could focus on other things. It was hard enough to think about how difficult it’d been on his mom to shoulder the responsibility of three boys, a mortgage and law school. It was even more difficult to recall the promise he’d made at the age of twelve, to his father, his hero, as he slipped away. Don’t worry. I’ll be the man of the house. I’ll take care of Mom and my brothers. “I have to accept my responsibility. I owe you that much, and I won’t allow your dad to think anything less.”
Logan pulled up to the curb out in front of the Keyses’ house. The reporters were parking their vans and cars. They’d be descending on them in no time. “We have to make a run for it, Jules. Now.”
She gathered her things. Logan hopped out of the car and hurried around to Julia’s side. They squeezed past the reporters, walking upstream against a rush of people coming at them. The obnoxious man with the big camera elbowed his way next to Julia, butting into her with his shoulder. The woman behind him pushed ahead. Too many people. On a narrow sidewalk flanked by parked cars and azalea bushes.
Julia stumbled. Her fingers splayed to brace her fall. Her purse flew out of her hand. Muscle memory took over. Logan lunged like an outfielder going for the ball. He curled his arm around Julia, pulling her into him. Everyone came to an abrupt stop.
“Are you okay?” he gasped. Adrenaline surged through his veins. That was too close. She could’ve been hurt. The baby could’ve been hurt.
She shook like a leaf, telling him exactly how rattled she was. “I’m okay.”
“Don’t move.” He plucked her purse from the sidewalk and handed it to her. Turning back, he positioned himself directly between Julia and the reporters. He spread his arms wide. If they were going to come another step closer to her, they’d have to go through him. He set his sights on the reckless cameraman. “If you come within fifty feet of her again, you’re going to be a very unhappy guy.” More like you’re going to be in traction.
The man puffed out his chest. “Are you threatening me? The sidewalk is a public right-of-way. We have the right to ask questions.”
If only there weren’t so many cameras trained on him. Two minutes and this guy would know not to get in Julia’s face again. Reluctantly, Logan lowered his arms. He hated to do it, but he had to back down or this would escalate. He couldn’t manage to unclench his balled fists, though. “Why don’t you show some decorum? We’re here for a wedding.”
“Yesterday she was linked with one of the biggest stars in Hollywood, and now she’s at her sister’s wedding with her old boyfriend, one of the most successful athletes of the last decade. You can’t blame us for wanting to know what’s going on.”
“Julia, just tell us if you dumped Derek for Logan and we’ll leave you alone,” one reporter shouted.
“Yeah. Just tell us,” another voice chimed in. “Are you cheating on Derek? Is that why he’s not with you for your sister’s wedding?”
Oh hell no. Cheating? With him? Steam was about to pour out of Logan’s ears. He turned back to Julia. The color had been sapped from her face. She looked so defenseless, not at all the self-assured woman he knew. All he could think about was the other helpless person in the middle of this—the baby. God, he’d been an ass last night. Julia was stuck at the center of two crises—Derek and the pregnancy—and he’d let his ego get in the way. The question of paternity was painful for him, but she had to live with much more. He did an abrupt about-face. “Julia and I are together. We’re a couple. There’s nothing with Derek.”
For a second, everyone shut up. Then came a single question. “Is it serious?”
He had to act. And he had to say yes. What kind of man says he isn’t serious about the woman he got pregnant? Once the baby news got out, that would be the media’s logical assumption. “Yes. It’s serious. Now leave us alone, please. Her sister is getting married and the family would like some peace.”
“Give us a kiss for the cameras first,” one of the reporters said. “So we know it’s real.”
“Don’t push it,” left Logan’s lips before he realized what he was saying. He couldn’t help it. Telling the press no was his gut instinct. And a kiss? As if his feelings weren’t confused enough. Not that he didn’t want to kiss her. He’d spent a good deal of time in her parents’ living room yesterday wishing he could do exactly that. Before things got complicated. Again.
The reporters complained and grumbled. Just a kiss and we’re out of here.
He was about to tell them to forget it when delicate fingers slipped into his hand. Julia. He turned. A sweet smile crossed her face. The color had returned to her cheeks. Although by the way she was now gripping his hand, he was fairly certain the flush was anger, not acquiescence.
“If you guys promise to let my sister get married in peace, you can have your kiss. But you have to promise.” The words were for the reporters, but she directed them at Logan. Her lips—the lips he’d fixated on so many times, were waiting right there for him. Pouty and plump.
We promise.
He didn’t risk waiting another second, threading his arm around her waist. He witnessed the graceful closing of her eyes and took that as his cue to do the same, to shut out the press and tune out everything around them. When it was Julia and him, all alone, things could be right. It was the rest of the world that made things complicated. Her lips sweetly brushed his—a hint of warmth and sugar, enough to make the edges of his resolve melt and trickle away.
Pressing against her, he felt the newness between them. There was no visible baby bump yet, but there was undoubtedly something new there—a slight, firm protrusion of her belly. That hadn’t been there at the beginning of the summer. New life. Was the baby his? Could it bring Julia back to him? Could it bring him back to Julia? Could he really get past that feeling that things would never be right between them?
Just like that, Julia ended the kiss and stepped away, turning toward the house. There was no sentiment, no moment of recognition for what had happened between them.
Logan cleared his throat, trying to conceal how disoriented he was. He was as thrown for a loop by her choice of tactics with the media as he was by his own. Julia, and that kiss, had turned his thinking upside down. “There you go, guys. I expect you to hold up your end of the deal.” He turned to Julia and grasped her elbow to usher her ahead, but she stood frozen on the sidewalk. He caught the surprise on her face as she stared ahead at her parents’ front porch. He followed her line of sight. The whole family was standing there—Mr. and Mrs. Keys, Tracy and Carter. Judging by their expressions, they’d heard—and seen—it all.
There were car doors closing and engines starting behind him. Probably the vultures on their way to the closest Wi-Fi hotspot to break the news. Or in reality, his little white lie.
“Tell me you didn’t just start what I think you did,” Julia muttered under her breath, smiling and waving at her parents.
Logan adopted the same phony grin and began walking up the sidewalk, squeezing Julia’s hand.
“Tell me you didn’t just do what I think you did. A kiss?”
“What about you? It’s serious?”
His pulse was thumping, but he was sure he’d done the right thing. Mostly sure, at least. “I didn’t have a choice,” he mumbled. “Somebody was going to get hurt. You were going to get hurt. I had to make them go away. And you’re worried about ruining your sister’s wedding. That was going