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Up Close and Personal. Joanne RockЧитать онлайн книгу.

Up Close and Personal - Joanne  Rock

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his reaction. Then one woman laughed. Another snorted. And then the whole crew busted a gut over his hesitation.

      Everyone but the fearless workshop leader, that is, who appeared to falter. She bit her lip with sudden indecision, a row of perfect white teeth sinking into the soft fullness of her lower lip.

      “You’re kidding.” He didn’t drop his attention from her face, but the desire to run a quick fact-gathering mission on the particulars of her body was so strong he had to take a step back.

      “Are you uncomfortable being touched by a stranger, Rocco?” Her sandy eyebrows scrunched in worry over the idea.

      He wondered if the moment of thoughtfulness was real or a well-acted performance. Sometimes people who preyed on others survived by developing an uncanny level of insight and empathy for the people they targeted. Was she playing him now?

      “Not necessarily.” He lowered his voice to slide under the cackle of excited conversation all around them. “But could you clarify what you mean by erotic massage?”

      He had no intention of stripping for entertainment value tonight. Even in the headiest of his glory days with the teams, he’d never found the SEAL groupie thing appealing.

      “I’m instructing them on how to give a massage that generates sexual interest, but without touching in an overtly sexual way.” She proved as skilled at talking under the hubbub as him, her manner straightforward and direct in spite of conversational material that literally made the hair on the back of his neck stand on end.

      And what was that about? He was here to feel out the woman’s character, yet she seemed to be the one finding all his weaknesses and surprising him at every turn.

      Jessica released his arm while the rest of the room quieted.

      “I don’t want to put you on the spot. If you’d rather not test your sensual willpower in front of a bunch of strangers, we’ll certainly understand.”

      Possibly it was his imagination, but he could have sworn all the other women in the room leaned forward in their seats.

      And he’d have to be completely lacking a pulse not to experience at least a twinge of male interest at this scenario. Even with a potential adversary doing the stroking.

      But he hadn’t come to Coronado Island and faced memories of his former career—the SEAL team that had been his whole life—only to get scared off by a sensual distraction. He would deal with whatever temptation lurked in Jessica’s touch in order to learn more about her. He couldn’t walk away until he found out if she was the kind of woman who could purposely swindle an old man.

      “Not a chance.” He sat down on the chaise. “I’ve got a good fifteen minutes before I have to get back to work. Do your worst.”


      JESSICA HELD her breath along with every other woman in the room when Rocco Easton shrugged out of his white jacket.

      What was it about a set of great shoulders that commanded attention from even the most aloof feminine observer? And damn it, Jessica considered herself the queen of detached. She could provide a good deal of male testimony that would agree.

      Yet something about the waiter’s expressionless compliance suggested he could turn off his personal desires even faster than she could. Wasn’t that an odd quality in a man who couldn’t be a day over thirty? There was something strong and unyielding about him, something that reassured her he would never be overcome by an attack of lecherousness after a bit of massage.

      Whatever the reason for the reserve she sensed in him, Jessica appreciated it in light of her own hang-ups.

      “Well?” Rocco’s voice emanated at breast level while she stood next to him.

      The sound seemed to rumble right through her, sending frissons of response over her skin. And oh my, but that was an unusual reaction for her. She’d paid for every kind of counseling imaginable after the rape—well, she’d paid for it after college, during her internship at a psychologist’s office, since she hadn’t been able to afford it until then. Still, no amount of therapy had ever made her a wildly responsive woman in the sexual department. That coolness of her own desires had prompted her to study sensuality and make it her area of specialty in her seminars.

      But being able to teach it and being able to live it were two different things. This waiter’s ability to ignite a physical response in her so quickly surprised her more than her father’s announcement, when she was twelve, that he was going to quit drinking. Of course, she figured this startling discovery would turn out to be as false as her dad’s promise.

      “The goal of this massage is a deep understanding of your partner along with increased physical awareness.” She launched into her discussion by rote, her memorized notes coming to mind easily despite the highly unexpected circumstances of this talk.

      The words made her feel in control again, arming her with much needed distance. Kneeling on the chaise beside the waiter who bore a stronger physical resemblance to the SEALs they’d seen out in the surf than to any server running around the hotel, Jessica was glad she hadn’t brought a massage table. She’d wanted to give the room a suggestive ambiance instead of a classroom feel, and she thought it was the right choice, even if it made working on Rocco a little challenging.

      He was built like a truck. His shoulders taxed the seams of his white cotton shirt, the V of his back tapering admirably by the time her eyes reached his belt level. If she’d seen him on the street, she would have pegged him as someone involved in physical labor. And she definitely would have taken note of him. No wonder her students had come in from their manhunt positively glowing with their triumph.

      Rocco was a first-rate male specimen.

      His icy blue eyes studied her now, his attention intense if somehow clinical. She had the impression he absorbed far more of the finer points of massage than her paying students. The eight women who were here to reclaim their sensuality all seemed to be more interested in licking their chops over their guest.

      Of course, if Jessica hadn’t been speaking, she might have engaged in a bit of chop licking of her own. She hadn’t really missed sex in the last few years since life had closed that particular door, but that didn’t mean she didn’t notice men. Far from it. Her imagination had always succeeded in painting more delectable interludes with men than she’d been capable of in real life, and the stud seated to her right had the power to inspire all kinds of tasty fantasies if she had the time to indulge them.

      “If you’ll just turn sideways for me, Rocco, I think we’re ready to begin.” Jessica warned her hands not to be nervous as they fluttered over his shoulders and then landed softly on either side of his neck.

      Holy Mary, Mother and Joseph.

      She had to hold herself rigid in order to suppress her reaction to the electric shock that traveled through her fingers, up her arms, danced around her breasts and then seared all the way down to her womb. Did the reaction show on her face? She lost her place in her spiel for a moment as she struggled to stifle the hum of sexual energy vibrating through her now.

      She peered down at her fingers, planted on his shoulders, as if she could perceive some cause for the phenomenon.

      “Excuse me,” she intoned finally, closing her eyes as she prayed for some memory of what the hell she’d been talking about. “I seem to have lost my place.”

      Rocco cranked his neck around to see her, his blue eyes sparking with the same live current she felt through her hands. She was so completely out of her depth.

      “You were discussing the right times to apply a variety of strokes.”

      Jessica swore she could fall right into those eyes of his. They didn’t appear icy anymore. The crystalline blue held a white heat that threatened to singe away all her carefully rehearsed words. Already she felt herself falling into a sea of sensations, her brain failing to grasp what strokes he was talking about.

      Damn it, maybe she

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