Wedding Planner Tames Rancher!. Pamela IngrahmЧитать онлайн книгу.
on her own two feet as long as she knew she had her daddy to fall back on. Instead, all she felt was a pang of envy.
“Maybe someday Myra Jo will know how lucky she is to have you for a father,” she finally managed to say.
“Maybe,” Wade echoed in a lighter tone, “but I’m still not wearing a tuxedo.”
Leah had to roll her eyes, but was grateful that Wade had lightened the mood.
“Come on, Wade. Surely that’s just another delaying tactic?”
Hope quickened in her breast only to fade as she realized he was serious about not wearing a tuxedo. The wedding was only a month away; now was not the time for him to be unreasonable.
“I’m no weekend cowboy, Leah, living in Westlake and thinking I’m a rancher because I own a few acres and run a few head. I work my land and my herds. My hands get dirty and my boots aren’t for show.”
He took a breath and continued. “I can still remember the year we got indoor plumbing. I remember the year we didn’t eat meat until fall and we butchered a hog. I remember skipping school because I had to help my dad. Those things mold a man.”
He studied his clean, square nails.
“My Daddy’s word has always been worth more than gold, so if my family wasn’t good enough for people like the Bradfords then, we’re sure the hell not good enough now.”
“I can understand how you feel, but in the end this is your only child’s wedding.”
“I’ve told you that I’ll give Myra Jo the full three-ring circus, but I won’t play the trained bear for anybody.”
Wade suddenly looked weary, and Leah felt her heart pull. She had to believe growing up poor was not the only reason Wade was so firmly set in his ways. She wondered if Myra Jo’s mother was to blame for him putting up such high walls, or if some other woman had turned him so self-contained.
Whatever the reason—sheer cussedness or deep conviction—it was clear a battle would wage to put some shine on a man who wore his humble beginnings like a badge of honor.
“So,” he said, drawing her attention again, “have I scared you off?”
Leah loved a challenge, but she doubted Wade knew how reasonable it was for her to be afraid. Her reputation was at stake. Wade might not think she understood pride, but she did. Just like him, she knew the desire to be judged for who she was, not what she could do or how much money she made. Oh, how she knew the desire for people to see past the trappings and accept her for the woman she was on the inside.
She gave her head a little shake to stop her wandering thoughts. She could take comfort in the fact that Wade would play fair. Tough, but fair. That she could handle.
“Nope,” she finally said, holding out her hand. “You may have met your match, Wade Mackey.”
He paused a long moment before a smile slowly grew and he took her offered palm. “That would be a rare treat, Leah Houston.”
They sat back and let the waitress serve their dinners, and Leah discovered her appetite had returned.
“So what’s the next shindig on the list?” Wade asked between bites of steak.
“Myra Jo wants a barbecue as a combination graduation party and official announcement.”
“That’s right, I’d forgotten. I still think it’s pretty silly to ‘announce’ a year-old engagement.”
“I’ve seen the guest list,” Leah said carefully. “It’s going to be quite an affair.”
His lips tightened. “Bradford’s up for reelection and I guess he saw an opportunity to slap backs at my expense. But hell, I don’t care.”
Leah wasn’t sure that was entirely true, but she was sure this wasn’t a financial issue. She’d already been given the okay to hire the best caterers in Texas and one of the hottest up-and-coming bands. The decorations alone were no small cost, but the agreement she’d sent him had come back to her desk without a mark on it except his bold signature on the approval line.
“At least attire won’t be a fight,” she said, trying for some levity. “Denim will be de rigueur.”
“You think so?” he said, lifting an eyebrow. “We’ve already had three fights that my brand of denim isn’t good enough. Myra Jo wants to buy me some highfalutin designer jeans and have boots custom-made for the occasion. My Tony Lama’s will be just fine with a little spit and polish.”
Since they were back to square one, Leah decided to let things go for now. She only had a week until the barbecue, but then she would have another two until the rehearsal. Surely she could find a way to make him change his mind in three weeks. After all, she’d gotten the governor to dress up as The Beast so his daughter could be Belle at a costume party, hadn’t she?
The conversation drifted into the mundane for the rest of the meal, and the evening took on a delightful air. It wasn’t until the check arrived that they once again squared off.
Wade reached for it at the same time she did. His face took on that stubborn expression Leah decided she’d better get used to, so she finally let go. The test of wills had only taken a matter of seconds, but the battle had been real.
How foolish of her even to think of picking up the tab, even though the meal was a business deduction for her. He might only be seven years her senior, but feminism seemed to have passed this cowboy by without even ruffling his hair.
Leah noted Wade’s generous tip with absurd pleasure. She might have scratched cowboys off her fantasy list, but selfish men had never even been a consideration.
“Look, Leah, I’ve had about all the arguing I can stand. I clean up real good, so I can promise you I won’t show up at the barbecue, or even the wedding, in overalls. You just take care of Myra Jo and don’t worry about me.”
Oh, sure. That should be a breeze. Just as it had been a breeze to reserve the country club for the reception on such short notice, and book the caterer who was usually scheduled a year in advance, and cajole the baker into guaranteeing a five-tiered bride’s cake, a groom’s cake and the numerous extras required for an affair this size. What had Myra Jo been thinking to send out her invitations without these details planned? Now she could add getting the world’s most stubborn cowboy into a cutaway.
Any more “easy” tasks and she might just scream.
She calmed her wayward thoughts as Wade led her to the car, keeping a solicitous hand on her elbow. The evening sky was filled with a billion twinkling diamonds, and the quiet wrapped around them, incongruously making the parking lot seem intimate after the music-filled evening.
She wasn’t expecting the thrill that raced through her veins when he stopped and turned to give her an inscrutable look.
“Would you like to go for a walk on Town Lake before I take you home?”
Years of practice allowed Leah to keep her astonishment hidden. No, their meeting hadn’t been a date by the usual definition, but she probed her memory and found many real dates which hadn’t been this enjoyable.
Why did she find Wade’s interest in her companionship so hard to believe? Why was she looking for ulterior motives when the man might simply wish to spend some time with her? They’d had a pleasant evening, and all he wanted was to go for a walk by the lake.
Perhaps most surprising of all, she wanted to accept the impromptu invitation.
“That sounds lovely.”
The short drive down Lamar Boulevard was companionable. Leah congratulated herself on being able to put Wade a bit more at ease, and hoped she was building a good foundation to work from when things got dicey. For now, she decided to follow Wade’s example and enjoy the moment.