In Bed With...Collection. Emma DarcyЧитать онлайн книгу.
in horror at the next thought that filled it. He’d more or less challenged his grandfather to beget his own heir for Rosecliff. While his grandfather hadn’t actually married Maggie Stowe, she’d lived very cosily with him for two years and she’d been given a year’s grace here after his death...which could mean his grandfather had still been hoping for a result.
“More coffee, Nanny Stowe?” Sedgewick asked, holding out the coffeepot.
She shook her head. Was she being careful of her caffeine intake?
“More coffee, sir?”
He waved it away. His heart was beating so fast he didn’t need any artificial stimulant. And thinking of hearts reminded him his grandfather had died of a heart attack...before anyone expected him to!
Doing what?
Trying to father a child?
Beau looked down the table at the blue-eyed red-haired siren who had power enough to entrance a man into attempting any reckless stupidity.
He had to know.
He had to ask.
He tried to find a way of couching the question less shockingly. Somehow the sense of urgency mashed his brain. Nothing came but the bald need to get the issue resolved. Immediately! The words shot out of his mouth...
“Are you pregnant, Maggie?”
SEDGEWICK dropped the coffeepot.
The shock of this extraordinary happening momentarily distracted Maggie from the deeper shock delivered by Beau Prescott. She stared down at the broken pot and the coffee spreading across the parquet floor with a sense of disbelief. She’d never known Sedgewick to drop anything. Every one of his movements was a study in grace and dignity. Had he been as stunned as she was by the outrageous question thrown at her?
“I do beg your pardon,” he intoned, his face quite blank, as though he couldn’t believe the mishap, either.
“I’ll get one of the maids to clean it up,” Maggie said, pushing her chair back for action.
“No, no...I see I have been splashed, as well.” Distress showing now. For Sedgewick it was quite impossible to tolerate any imperfection in his dress. “I shall have this...this mess...seen to immediately. Please excuse me, sir, Nanny Stowe.”
Maggie was left to face Beau Prescott alone. She stared at him down the length of the table, her mind skittering over the wild hopes she’d been nursing. If he imagined her pregnant, to some other man...he couldn’t be feeling as overwhelmed by her as she was by him. Which put her hopelessly at odds with the feelings he’d stirred in her.
Never in her life had she been hit so forcefully by sheer male sex appeal. When he’d entered the stairhall and looked up at her on the landing, she’d been stunned into immobility by how little the photograph had represented the real man. His skin glowed with vitality. The streaks of sunshine in his hair had gleamed like gold. His face wasn’t just strongly handsome. His eyes were so magnetic they made it instantly charismatic.
His physique was no less impressive. Casually dressed in khaki shirt and trousers, he seemed almost larger than life, like a throwback to when men were hunters and survival of the fittest meant something. If his grandfather had been the ultimate sophisticate, Beau Prescott was the prime male animal, throwing out a compelling challenge to his female counterpart on some instinctive level that had nothing to do with civilisation.
She had no idea how long she’d stood on the landing, enraptured by him, but when she had finally willed her legs to move, the nylon in her tights seemed to crackle with electricity, sending little quivers of sensation through her thighs. Even more shockingly, she’d felt the hot moistness of sexual excitement as he watched her descend the stairs, his gaze travelling slowly up the length of her body until even her breasts started tingling and tightening in rampant response to the primitive charge emanating from him.
Then the mad joy of finding he was taller than she was, tall enough to make her feel they were made for each other. And his hand taking hers, like a burning brand on her skin, a claim of possession, of mating. Utter madness in the light of the question that was still ringing in her ears and echoing around the emptiness it had opened up in her brain.
And he had seemed so nice, as well. Charming. She could have sworn the attraction was mutual...the way he’d absorbed every detail of her appearance, gazed into her eyes, held her hand. She’d been dizzy with exhilaration by the time she’d sat down at this table. Then with Mr. Polly’s suggestion of putting roses in Beau Prescott’s bedroom, she’d begun fantasising...
Maggie swallowed hard. She had probably needed a sobering slap in the face. The dynamic green eyes were still intensely focused on her but she found them uncomfortably piercing now. He was waiting for her reply. Not that he had any right to it—such a personal thing to ask!—but she felt pressed to clear the air between them.
Her tongue felt thick. She forced herself to produce a flat statement of fact. “The answer is no, Mr. Prescott. I’m not pregnant and not likely to be.”
He looked relieved.
Maggie was goaded to ask, “Would you mind telling me what possessed you to make such an inquiry?” She couldn’t help a somewhat terse note creeping into her voice. Disappointment, most probably. Or disillusionment. She must have been fooling herself over his reaction to her since he had jumped to the conclusion she was intimately involved with someone else.
He winced. “My grandfather wanted an heir.”
Confusion whirled. “Aren’t you his heir?”
“Yes.” A heavy sigh ending in a rueful grimace. “But he was on at me to get married and have a child to safeguard the family line. The last time I was here with him, I suggested if he was so keen to pass on his gene pool he should have a child himself.”
Enlightenment dawned like a white frost, covering and killing what had seemed like warm fertile ground between them. “You thought...that I...and Vivian...” Maggie choked. It was too awful a lump to swallow.
He at least had the grace to look discomforted. “It seemed...possible.”
“Vivian was in his eighties!” There’d been almost sixty years between them!
“A man’s libido doesn’t necessarily wear out with age,” came the dry observation. He offered a crooked smile. “And you are very beautiful.”
Maggie was not mollified. She knew perfectly well that beauty was a learnt skill. Vivian had taught her that. He’d seen the raw potential in her and taken pride in developing it. However, beauty was not really the point at issue here. Beau Prescott was horribly mistaken in his judgment and he had to be corrected. She eyed him with searing determination as she spoke.
“Even if Vivian had felt...that way...about me, and he didn’t...”
“Maggie, you exude sex. No man would be proof against it, not even an octogenarian.”
“Oh!” Her face started heating up again. “You’re terribly wrong.” It was Beau himself who exuded sex, not her. No other man had ever made her feel so sexually aware of herself. It wasn’t fair of him to transfer what had happened between them to anyone else. She tried to explain. “Vivian liked me. He was proud of me...”
“I have no doubt he adored you. From your feet up.”
“He didn’t want me like that!” she cried in exasperation, barely holding back the burning fact that Vivian had wanted her to want him! And the terrible truth was she did. Except he wasn’t turning out as nice as she’d first thought him.
Blatant scepticism looked back at her.
“Your grandfather was a gentleman,” she declared emphatically. Which was more than she could say for him, the way he was going.