Just Pretending. Myrna MackenzieЧитать онлайн книгу.
most of the things other kids had done. Still, he’d learned a lot about women in those years and he’d learned still more as he’d grown up and grown healthy. Women fascinated him and he’d enjoyed sampling more than his share. Gretchen was different, though. He could see that right from the start. Her shell was hard, as it had to be, but the core of her…well, that part of her fascinated him immensely. He very definitely wondered what exactly lay under that keep-your-distance armor of hers.
“You grew up in Miami?” he asked, his voice low and coaxing.
Her hands tightened on the wheel. “I grew up everywhere for a while. An army brat, but yes, we landed in Miami when I was ten.”
“How’d you end up here?”
She turned for just a second to look at him and she shrugged, a small smile on her face.
“Trying to soften me up, David?”
He smiled as she turned back to the road. “Maybe. Mostly I’m just interested in knowing who you are. It’s important for partners to know something of each other, don’t you think? I’m responsible for your life from here on out. You’re responsible for mine.”
She glanced his way again, a dawning respect in the look she gave him. “You’re right. It’s very important to know whose hands you’re placing your life in. I know I came on a bit strong yesterday, but I felt it was necessary, David.”
“I never doubted your methods, your motives or your abilities, lady,” he said seriously, truthfully. “Rafe chose you.”
“And you. I’m sure you are good at what you do.”
He tilted his head at her somewhat hesitant compliment. “How’d you end up in White horn, Gretchen? This is a long way from the mean streets of Miami.”
She smiled broadly for the first time, tilting her head up with pleasure, her smile sliding into her eyes to light them up like pale green flames, and David felt a zip of heated sensation shoot straight through his body. “My grand mother lived in Elk Springs. I used to come visit her, and it was an instant love affair between Montana and me. I moved to Elk Springs for a while four years ago, but White horn was a natural when Dakota Winston retired from the force. I love the size of the town, the location, the people, the mountain scenery surrounded by ranches… It’s home for me now, the best I’ve ever known.”
“No family here?”
Her low laugh filled the vehicle, an entrancing sound. David figured the lady might con a few criminals into surrendering just by seducing them with that laugh. “I have family everywhere,” she confided. “Three brothers and four sisters. I don’t remember a time in my life until now when I actually had a room to myself. Right now they’re all scattered, but we keep in touch. We’re as close as a phone or a modem or an airport can make us.”
He eased back more fully into his seat, relaxing as he stretched his long legs out, pleased that she’d let down her barriers just for a moment.
“So now you know me,” she said.
He had a feeling she’d just shown him the sheerest part of her surface, and that she didn’t intend to show him much more. Gretchen Neal was cautious.
“And what about you?” she asked. “You’re one of the Kincaids. Your family runs the Big Sky Bed & Breakfast. Your father is an architect. Your sister is a banker. One cousin runs a day care center. Your entire family is practically royalty in this town.”
“We’re just people, Gretchen.”
The lady actually rolled her eyes. “You believe that, don’t you?”
“It’s true.”
“David, after you left the station yesterday, every woman in the place was looking in the mirror, trying to see if she’d looked her best when you were there. This is not normal behavior around the station, in case you didn’t know that. You’re— Well, I’m sure you know what you look like and when you add that to the allure of being a Kincaid, that makes you a temptation to most of the women around here. Especially to those looking for husbands.”
She sounded and looked somewhat flustered. David raised one brow. “Just most of the women? Gretchen, you wound me. Deeply.”
Her chuckle tempted him to lean closer. “Sorry, I’m just…immune. Some of us are wedded and bedded to our jobs. Marriage isn’t an option for me.”
That got his attention. “So you’re dead set against marriage. Interesting. Is it because of your job?”
She took one hand from the wheel and held it out, palm up. “Not really. And don’t get me wrong. I like men just fine and I’m not anti-marriage. It’s a perfect choice for some people, but it’s not for me. I’ve already had my family, and while I adore every member of the Neal clan and I’d go out on the skinniest limb for any one of my brothers or sisters, I’m just not prepared to go that route again. I raised babies when I was still very young, I changed diapers, took temperatures, dried eyes and monitored curfew to help my mother out. Now I’m done with that. I like living alone and being free to make my own choices. And I intend to go on doing just that. I’m a lifer now, a loner. So don’t get panicky, Hannon. The women in the station may bat their eyes at you and run to get you coffee if you purr at them, but you’re safe from me.”
He chuckled. “You may find this hard to believe, but in spite of being a Kincaid, I don’t expect anyone, under any circumstances, to fetch coffee for me. And as for being safe from you, well…” He held out both hands. “Somehow I just wasn’t all that worried that you were going to crawl across the gearshift and onto my lap.”
David was surprised and entranced by the slight blush on her cheeks. She was tough, but not that tough. She didn’t want to get married, and it sounded as if she had good reasons. He had some good reasons of his own, the chief one being that he’d been a loner way too much of his life to be real good at maintaining a relationship for very long, not to mention all the bad relationships he’d watched his friends get embroiled in. But marriage, a wife, kids, had a certain dream like fantasy appeal to him. He wished he had the ability to make a go of it. Unfortunately, he didn’t. Besides, right now, there were more important things to consider.
“You think we’ve dropped enough barriers to enable you to trust me with a few of the details of the case now?” he asked.
Gretchen felt the low hum of David’s voice go through her like a touch that could seduce every secret out of her. But of course, they were working together on this case. It was time to give her assistant some assistance.
“You know that a resort casino is in the plans, and that part of it is going to be built on Kincaid land?”
He nodded. “The land belongs to distant relatives. It’s destined to be inherited by Gabriel Reilly Baxter, Garrett Kincaid’s youngest grandson.”
“Yes, the Kincaid portion, about fifteen acres, will house a hotel and spa, and the other half of the development being built on thirty acres of the Laughing Horse Reservation will consist of the casino as well as some honeymoon cottages up in the mountains. It’s a joint venture, one that makes sense, I suppose. The Cheyenne provide land that can be used for a casino and the private investors chip in the funding. Lyle Brooks has rounded up some silent investors to finance the project, and Lyle’s in charge of much of the operation. You’re friends with him?”
David frowned. “Why do you say that?”
She shook her head, strands of her hair catching on her lips. She carelessly freed it and gave him a look. “Lyle’s another distant relative, isn’t he? Another Kincaid, a grandson of Garrett Kincaid’s, and a member of the country club set I’m sure you belong to.” She wanted to apologize for what had to sound like an accusation, but she had to place all her cards on the table.
“You could have mentioned those things to Rafe yesterday.”
“Rafe knows what I know. It’s obviously not a problem for him.”