America under enemy rule and the world as it is. Антон Николаевич ГеляЧитать онлайн книгу.
appreciate the fruits of their hard labor. The Democrats, whether losers on welfare or speculators on the Wall Street, don't work hard, so, they don't appreciate the fruits of hard labors, especially in your pocket. Easy come-easy go.
You remember what happened to New York City during blackout, and you know what happens now in the Democratic Chicago (where the totalitarians disarmed law abiding citizens, so only trash created as a permanent voting base by the Democrats and the enemy of the people government are armed).
As you know, there is no freedom without law. Mature conservative population folows the laws without external enforcement. In a Nanny-State, in the socialists states, the infantile population of eternal teenagers with a sense of entitlement (that is a product of the socialism or any other redistributive society) does need a whip. Without any external shape, a frame, the amorphous mass will behave like wild animals, especially in the socialist states. Do you remember what happened in eternally Democratic NYC during the blackout? Robberies, looting, rapes and all kinds of crimes immediately following the blackout. During power grid problems in rural areas blackouts resulted in no violence at all because the behavior was governed by the unwritten rules, by the wisdom of ages, by the ethical code, by the 10 Commendments.
Now a quick scoop of the possible governance forms.
Chaos of anarchy is a short transition period, typically organized by the totalitarians in order to create unbearable situation where the sick and tired of violence population will ask the same totalitarian scumbags to bring about order. That's how red communist totalitarians in Russia in 1917 or brown Hitler's totalitarians in Germany in 1933 organized themselves the anarchy and chaos to create an excuse for the totalitarian "law and order restoration"– we know the results from the history. You ask them to "restore" the order? Oh, the totalitarian scumbags will– with an iron fist, under their rules, with no personal freedom. Democracy, the rule of majority, is also a transitional state, where the rules change every day as majority votes for something they like today better. The votes in democracy are frequently can be bought, and Obama did it with the taxpayers' money– he promised "an income tax return" to 95% of Americans, if they vote for him, even though after 100 years of the socialists encroachment only half of Americans actually pay taxes now. Oligarchy, the rule of the elite, is the most common type of governance today. Professional politicians and, possibly, even amateurish Chicago– style mobsters dominate the politics now (will see what the CHicago trial final results are). Republic, the rule of law, is the best possible type of governance. Classic example– the cowboys catch a robber and after voting by majority Lynch him– that's democracy. When they catch him and bring to the court of law where the peers decide his fate according to the law– that's Republic. As T. Jefferson famously replied to a woman asking about future type of governance in America:" Republic, ma'm… if you can keep it". Yes, Rupublic, the rule of law, is the best possible way with least government interference, but the power greedy scumbags in Washington, DC always more power, more money, and they keep trying to erode the Republic. Now it happens in a catastrophic proportions.
Federal government as the worst enemy of the people is most noticeable, but the bureaucracy doesn't start there, it's just the worst kind. To appreciate which kind is more and which is less tolerable, we shall have to use the same universal criterion: the degree of freedom, which in more scientific terms reads the strength of the feed back loop.
Personal decision making: The highest degree of freedom, the strongest feed back loop for the decision making and resulting action is when an individual decides for him/herself.
Family decision making: It's pretty darn good too, considering it creates less tensions within the family when everybody is involved.
Advice in the decision making: Two former ones might seek advice from those they deem capable of giving a sound advice. This might include friends, extended family, church, community association members, an attorney, professional consultants of all kinds and the like. Typically the help is sought when the decision is important and effects are long lasting.
Lower level of bureaucracy: This might include small companies you might work at. Well, it's still bearable "risk/benefit ratio"– they know you personally, you can communicate with them, you can use diplomacy or use reasoning, so this shell is rather soft, the feed back loop still reasonable– in short, we're cool.
Mid-level bureaucracy: It can be a mid-size company you work at, or it can be your favorite postal office, or it can be a municipal office. You still might have some say, some feed back loop, especially if you know them personally, but your chances to achieve a favorable outcome are getting slimier.
High level bureaucracy: It can be your state government office, a big corporation HQ in another state, or it can be you BMV office. Well, buddy, you're in trouble, they don't hear you. The shell is getting rigid, thick, you hardly can penetrate it. Regarding the big corporations -it depends. Generally speaking– Big Governments likes Big Corporation because they are easier managable. Can you imagine twisting arms of a million of small businesses? A time consuming taks. How about Big Corpration CEO? Just call him to the carpet, threaten to regulate to death Toyota because they dare not to let socialist labor unions destroy Toyota,(just as socialist labor unions have already destroyed former automotive capital of the world Detroit with America losing to the world-wide competition due the artificially inflated by the socialist labor unions costs of carmaking), and the shake down is complete in a matter of hours. Bribes not always save their neck too– BP paid to Obama a lot of money, Obama is their biggest recipient in 26 years, and BP keeps supporting all this "clean energy" crap,so BP thought that they can shortcut now the oil business recommendations freely. Well, here they got burned though. Their friend Obama couldn't prevent the Gulf oil spillage, and he even did another $ 20 billion BP shakedown to have basically personal fund to pay to his cronies. National socialist Hitler also kept the Big Corporations afloat, just as democratic socialist Obama does. Big money bags for the future shakedowns. It's called cronies capitalism, not a free market.
Classic pattern how the bureaucrats hurt you: They use perceived, real or just created by them crisis to grab more power. 96% totalitarian leftist media help them by hysterical coverage of any incidents, mishaps and the like to create in public the sense of urgency like "DO something!". The government and “progressive” media create a hype to make sure no one will dare challenge the essence of the “change” because of the highly emotional “noble” label, something like “Help poor kitties, poor minorities, poor women, poor crime victims, poor children, poor cripples” and the like. Oh, yes, the bureaucrats gladly will do "something". They will do virtually nothing to punish perpetrators or right the wrongs, but they will punish 100% of innocent ones. When the government disarms-it disarms only law obiding citizens while the criminals are still armed, which make the situation much worse. When the chief enemy of patients Joint Commission mandates locking up the innocent medicines in the C-section room, it kills the babies and mothers alike when emergency C-sections come. When it mandates piles and mountains of paper work "to prevent mistakes", then it is the time stolen from the patients care to the care of paper, and less time for patients means more chance of making mistake in a rush. When the bureaucrats make doctors, nurses and pharmacists waste their time on spying on each other, on doing cross checks and so forth under pretext of "narcotic abuse prevention", again, it hurts only innocent people and diverts our valueble time to create more papers for the bureaucrats just to justify their existence and tighten their grip. There is no presumption of innocence for those our enemies. They treat all of us as guilty and demand that we prove our innocence. If 100% of the government bureaucracy is eliminated, then innocent people can actually work, and the very few real criminals and perpetrators (something like 0.00001% of the impacted by the bureaucrats population) will be caught by police and tried. When their mandates inevitably fail, they explain that it is because there are NOT ENOUGH mandates, and grab even more power, intrude into your privacy even more. Just like another invasion in privacy regarding cell phone use with zero effect on the safety– police can stop you in socialistic Illinois and go through you private cellphone call log. Now under Obama they demanding ID for a bottle of wine purchase even though I don't look younger than 40. Soon the totalitarians will demand a written permission