The Contemporary Testament. Aldivan Teixeira TorresЧитать онлайн книгу.
because of my experience, it is not possible to love someone at first. After awakening our interest, we begin to investigate our target little by little: With whom he lives, where he works, is married or single, customs and if we have the opportunity to have an approximation we talk and if we perceive that the interest is mutual exchanges contacts. From that arise new meetings and a conversation with two. In this step, there is a greater contact between the couple where we know deeply the defects and the qualities of the other. If the mutual interest persists the relationship evolves to an engagement or maybe even a lasting marriage. Then yes when one has two or three years of coexistence and we already have enough intimacy with the person we can say if we love or not with more firmness and certainty. One can evolve this feeling even more and will become a full love.
1.8) Implications of love: Love is a deep and amazing feeling. It comes from the depths of our soul and comes out in the natural environment. Love can be seen as an act of courage, faith and hope., neither when nor where. It simply happens. To these blessed creatures, able to feel and understand this sublime feeling, several questions are implied: First, one cannot expect reciprocity or the same intensity in the other, understand that each one it is a world and with distinct perceptions of its. Second, love is like a plant, it has to be cultivated every day so it can bear fruit and not die. Who loves, cares. Distance can help in some bad times when each one you have the opportunity to think about yourself and your relationship. When you remember the good times, it is because the feeling is true. Third, prepare to have difficulties of coexistence and do not expect to agree or to combine everything with your partner). To love does not mean the flap If you do not have excessive jealousy, let your partner have the freedom to be an autonomous person. Practice the exercise of trust and if you are betrayed it is time to rethink the relationship and if you are the right person. Fifth, keep the dialogue constant and respect. Without these, love is bound to end. Lastly, live this moment as unique and as if there was no other. Live the present without prejudices having only open senses to the loved person. Very worth it.
1.9) What are we capable of the loved one?
I have lived love intensely at least that reminds me of three times. A true love, pure, immaculate. These three people who woke me up this I thank immensely. In loving, I felt complete, joyful, transcended the space-time limits Somehow, these human beings knew what I felt and renounced physical contact. Even so, love did not become less, at least on my part. What would I do for them? I would give my body and soul to save them if they were in danger, I would be the fine breeze in times of heat, I would be their shield against human wickedness and perversity, I would be the one who would stretch out my hand to help with financial, family, and relationship problems; I would share his good and bad moments if I were accepted, I would comb his hair, cut his nails, give him a kiss and a hug when I woke up, I would sleep close to his chest, I would understand if my moments of bad humor, I would accept their defects and qualities, would give me completely in the moment of sex. This is true love and not what many think it is.
1.10) Conclusion about love
Thus, saith the Lord of spirits, the Almighty: Take advantage of every moment of your life to do good by perpetuating love, for you do not yet know how long there is to live on earth. How many times have you refused to go near that special person, embrace her, kiss her and say that you love her? If you have not done it until now, decide yourself. Forget prejudice, fear and risk. You will lose nothing in trying, otherwise you will gain experience.
The sense of creation is that you love one another without reservations, those who do this are truly my children. For my part, you will have my blessing and protection at all times in life. Be more human.
Seeking dignity and honesty
We are thinking beings and ready to evolve infinitely. Even if the current reality is catastrophic: inversion of values, violence, lack of security, lack of respect within the family and in society in general, with a growing prejudice and an evil that has no name, my father and I still believe in the human being.
I will wait until the end for a reconciliation with the humanity that I myself created when I was a part of God in ancient times. From the beginning, I already knew the consequences of the creation but in no time, I repented. My name is love, charity, and kindness, and I wanted to share my happiness with other beings. Free will was my best choice because it enabled angels and human beings to walk with their own legs. To believers and believers, I destine happiness and fools, I do not do this for excessive justice or rigidity. I do it by plant-harvest logic.
"Though the leaves and the trees fall, I will always exist, for my name is eternal."
The faith and uncertainty of tomorrow
The modern world is very dynamic: What a thing is today may cease to be in the future continually. These very common twists of life sometimes have simply unexpected consequences such as a financial situation, the reconciliation of a love, the loss of a loved one, illnesses, limitations, prizes, good and bad experiences, separations, betrayals, declarations and happiness achieved.
Throughout this short journey that is our life the most important of all is to never stop fighting, to persist or to have faith. What is to be ours will come by deserving and nothing can take away this right. We will not have more or less than the well-deserved and the just. Never want to be mirrored in anyone because each one has its own history.
My life is a great example of everything I said before. Being of poor origin, I always had to take extra effort in my battles. The road proved complicated. What moved me was an unknown inner force that encouraged me to continue trying to tread the paths of success. The culmination of this was to pass a federal contest and resume a forgotten literature two years ago.
I am not yet fully realized. But everything is heading for an ever greater and more solid success. Live the persistence and my belief in the living God, with him the impossible can become possible.
Tolerance to the specificities of the other
I, my father and my brothers and sisters of goodness are superior beings. Consequently, we act differently from the human fragile human mind. The first thing that distinguishes us is love without measure to human creation. Regardless of people's sin, we never abandon them in no situation. Many of them only remember that we exist in times of distress and distress and do not value the bread and graces we pour out day after day in their lives. How ungrateful of them.
In counterpoint to this, we are able to forget this to a minimum spark of hope of reconciliation. We want everyone to be saved. However, the reality is that few achieve this. Today, violence, evil, envy is commonplace today., people deceiving others in social networks and chats, betrayal, success at all costs, lack of principles, corruption in general, theft, disillusionment, attachment to material and lack of commitment. All these factors put the human soul in tatters and thrown into a bottomless abyss. Even the greatest faith cannot reverse this state.
Other things that distinguish us are our power, kindness, forgiveness, mercy and especially our respect for the other. Every human being is worthy of consideration regardless of age, creed, ethnicity, color, financial position, sexual choice, political or sports. that we measure is your heart, the purity of your acts, values and beliefs. Even if we disagree with some human positions, this is not cause for exclusion or dislike on our part. On the contrary, we come closer to win that soul.
We are God and this is not comparable to any living being. They believe more in my name and in my father's.
The struggle for unity among peoples
Since we created the world, my father and I have a dream: To unite humanity in such a way that all go hand in hand in an atmosphere of cooperation and worship of things of good. In the present situation, this is quite utopian, since many times, even a small family unit is destroyed and filled with disagreements.
By human nature, people argue, have opposing opinions, find themselves the owners of reason, do not want to give up and do not recognize the primacy of God. As Yahweh,