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Carrington’s at Christmas: The Complete Collection: Cupcakes at Carrington’s, Me and Mr Carrington, Christmas at Carrington’s, Ice Creams at Carrington’s. Alexandra BrownЧитать онлайн книгу.

Carrington’s at Christmas: The Complete Collection: Cupcakes at Carrington’s, Me and Mr Carrington, Christmas at Carrington’s, Ice Creams at Carrington’s - Alexandra  Brown

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      ‘Whaat?’ I manage.

      ‘James and Maxine. They went out together after meeting on some training course in London, before he met and married his wife.’ She shakes her head. ‘That Maxine is now a woman scorned, I imagine. And James’s future is in her hands.’

      I try to take in this piece of information. It all makes sense now, his reaction when she was introduced. And Mrs Grace could be wrong about who had dumped who: what if Maxine favours James? She could still have a thing for him. Or worse still, James might rekindle what he had with her. I know he’s married, but she is supermodel-stunning after all. Then where would that leave me – she’s hardly going to get rid of him if they are an item, is she?

      I grab my bag. ‘Oh, look at the time,’ I say in a breezy voice. ‘I’d better go, but thanks so much for the sympathetic ear, Mrs Grace,’ I say gratefully.

      ‘Fate will see you right, my dear,’ she whispers, and suddenly my mind is crystal clear. I know what I have to do. ‘And don’t give up on Cupid … his arrow will find a way to your heart,’ she smiles, and gives me a big hug, enveloping me in a comforting, nostalgic mixture of stale perfume and Revlon lipstick.


      ‘There you are.’ Eddie runs towards me as soon as I step out of the staff lift. He looks agitated. ‘Do you know where James is?’

      ‘Err … no. What’s up?’

      ‘It’s the Russian – seems he’s in the mood for more shopping and I’ve been calling your section for the last half-hour at least,’ he pants.


      ‘Well, you’re here now. James has gone AWOL, can’t get hold of him at all and the Russian is going to be here like any minute now. You better hurry, he wants you to meet him outside by the main entrance.’

      ‘But why?’ I ask, wondering why he can’t just come in the store like all the other customers. I mean, it’s not as if he’s mega-famous or anything. Probably just thinks it makes him look exclusive or something.

      ‘I don’t know, something about a late lunch en route to the airport.’ Eddie nudges me. ‘Hubba hubba,’ he laughs, and I swat him on the arm.

      ‘Stop it, you’re revolting.’ A shiver of panic courses through me at the prospect of being alone with Malikov.

      ‘You’d better watch out.’

      ‘What do you mean?’

      ‘Well, before you know it he’ll have you drenched in Shalimar and spread-eagled across his leatherette waterbed while he sucks on a Monte Cristo and asks you to call him Daddy.’

      ‘Err, ran-dom! Even by your standards,’ I say, stifling a giggle.

      ‘You mark my words.’ Eddie folds his arms and looks at me, meaningfully.

      ‘Oh don’t be ridiculous. He probably just wants me to escort him around the store or up to the personal shopping suite. And besides, he’s not that old,’ I protest, desperately clinging to my own words for reassurance.

      ‘Oh well, why not – at least it’s a bit of excitement, unlike the rest of Mulberry-On-Sea.’

      ‘If it’s so boring here, why do you stay?’

      ‘Cos you’re here. The very best friend a girl could have.’ He looks serious for a brief moment. ‘I can talk to you and you never judge me, that counts for a lot in my book.’

      ‘Aw, that’s so nice Ed.’

      ‘Hmm, lap it up pussycat because it’s the only time I’m saying it.’ I squeeze his cheek and he shoves my hand away. ‘Whatevs! Now go. You don’t want to keep your sugar daddy waiting.’ Eddie makes a shooing action towards me.

      ‘Ha ha,’ I say, pulling a fake smile face and slinging my bag back over my shoulder before jumping inside the lift and pulling the cage door closed.

      I arrive just in time to see an ominous black Maybach with privacy windows glide to a standstill right in front of the main entrance. I dive behind the huge Clarins display board and buy myself a few seconds to call James. After what feels like an eternity, he eventually answers.

      ‘Just go without me,’ he snaps uncharacteristically, after I tell him about Malikov’s impromptu lunch request. ‘You can manage that, can’t you?’ His voice sounds brittle, and I can hear a woman yelling in the background.

      ‘Of course …’ I mutter, feeling taken aback. ‘I just wanted to check as we don’t normally go out for lunch with customers. I’d hate to jeopardise anyth—’

      ‘Just don’t upset him then, and you won’t.’

      ‘James, is everything OK?’ I ask, a lump suddenly forming in my throat.

      ‘Never better … look, I can’t talk now. Do whatever you need to.’ And the line goes dead. I stare at the phone in disbelief, wondering what’s got into him, before slotting it back into my bag. But I can’t think about it now, not with Malikov waiting.

      A henchman in a black leather coat hauls himself out and pulls open the passenger door as I walk towards the car.

      ‘Mr Malikov, he want you for a lunch,’ the henchman says slowly in a heavy Russian accent, as if struggling to pick the right words. My nervousness makes me want to giggle, but I stifle the urge.

      Sliding into the car, I pop my bag down on the floor and find that I’m sitting right next to Malikov; the armrest has been folded back and he’s sitting just off centre. He’s wearing a ridiculous-looking speckled grey fur hat with a pinstripe suit, complete with waistcoat, the buttons of which are straining around his bulging midriff. There’s another henchman sitting in the front passenger seat with a tattoo on the side of his neck and a transparent curly plastic lead hanging from his ear. A bodyguard! Oh my God.

      Malikov slowly turns to look at me before treating me to a smile that conjures up an image of Little Red Riding Hood’s wolf.

      ‘Mr Malikov …’ I start. He tilts his head.

      ‘My dear, what a short memory you have …’

      I swallow, before taking a deep breath.

      ‘Sorry. Kon,’ I quickly remember, feeling uneasy at such familiarity in the intimate surroundings of his car. ‘Please accept my apologies. James can’t join us today, he’s … been held up with another customer,’ I say, managing to sound convincing.

      ‘Ha!’ He waves a dismissive hand. ‘This is better.’ He laughs, letting his gaze linger uncomfortably long. My heart feels as if it might jump right out of my chest. The car pulls away and I sit back in an attempt to relax, when the seat suddenly starts vibrating. The shock makes me gasp.

      ‘You like it? It’s for massage,’ Malikov booms, looking very pleased with himself.

      ‘It’s unusual,’ I manage, instantly knowing better than to disagree with him as I reach up for the grab handle in a desperate attempt to try and control my jigging body. ‘How can I help you today?’ I ask, the vibration from the seat making my voice sound all wobbly and ridiculous.

      He waves a dismissive hand. ‘I want to give you this.’ He taps his cane on the back of the seat to alert the bodyguard who, after glancing in the rear-view mirror, takes a black velvet box from the glove compartment and hands it back to Malikov. ‘A small gift for you.’ Malikov pushes the box towards me.

      ‘Oh, Kon. That’s very generous of you but really there’s no need,’ I say, immediately holding my hands up to emphasise the fact that I can’t accept it.

      ‘My wife and daughter were very pleased with the matching purses. You’re a clever girl.’ He goes to hand me the box again and I hesitate. ‘I shall be offended if you don’t

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