Natural Alternatives to Antibiotics: How you can Supercharge Your Immune System and Fight Infection. Литагент HarperCollins USDЧитать онлайн книгу.
nourishment and a chance to breed. Therefore, if we offer bacteria, yeasts and viruses an environment in which our natural defense mechanisms offer only weak and inadequate controls, so that they will not be vigorously attacked, and if at the same time the environment (in this case part of your body) offers them surroundings which are suitable (for them) and which meet their needs – offering food and a chance to multiply – we should not be surprised if they take advantage of this. As a result, infection occurs.
And if infection occurs and involves a particular microorganism which is resistant to antibiotics, as well as being confronted by enfeebled defense systems (our immune system can become weakened for any of a number of reasons which we will explore in later chapters), we will have placed ourselves in great peril.
When bacteria (or other microorganisms) take advantage of a weak immune system, they are said to be acting opportunistically – taking their chances because they have been offered an easy ride.
The degree to which our immune system is operating efficiently or inefficiently, and the excellence, or lack of it, with which our tissues are presenting ideal, or less than ideal, conditions for potential invaders, decides how vulnerable or susceptible we are.
The comparison of this scenario with the defense of a country by its army is obvious, and as we will see in later chapters there is a great deal we can do to enhance our own personal defenses and so deny opportunities to potential enemies.
If our natural defense systems have been weakened (again, for whatever reasons) and infection threatens life itself, we need to have available options.
One choice which a suitably qualified health care provider may make in such a crisis would be to use antibiotics. But what if the organism involved is not vulnerable, has become resistant to antibiotics?
This is the scenario faced by many doctors today, often in hospital settings, where superbugs have emerged as being almost impervious to antibiotic use.
It is also happening in the community, for example as TB reappears, involving strains of bacteria which have become resistant to the medications which previously controlled them.
The ways in which this has happened will be summarized later in Chapter 2, after which we will meet some of the leading characters in the story, the superbugs.
New research has suggested that genetic engineering may allow scientists to develop ways of modifying the genetic material of bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus to remove their acquired or inherited resistance to antibiotics, so once again making them vulnerable and easier to control.
In a speech to the National Academy of Sciences, Nobel Laureate Professor Sidney Altman announced that, ‘This method may one day allow us to restore the full usefulness of today’s front-line antibiotics.’7
The research which led to this statement was performed at Yale, where scientists used synthetic genetic material to ‘switch off’ the genes in the bacteria which produce resistance. They were in this way able to restore the sensitivity of E. coli bacteria to ampicillin, to which the E. coli bacteria had become resistant. An enormous amount of research remains to be done, most notably as to how to get the synthetic genetic material into the infecting bacteria, nevertheless this research at least offers some hope for the future.
But even if this approach proves possible and ultimately ‘successful’, it will only represent the continuation of a method which has led us to the present crisis situation. This is, after all, still an approach which focuses attention on ‘killing the enemy’ rather than improving natural defenses, which many would say was doomed to failure from the start. It is likely, therefore, that initial success in using genetic engineering on resistant bacteria to once again make them vulnerable to antibiotics is almost certain to result, in time, in these bacteria finding other ways of becoming resistant, as they have so successfully done up till now.
In his book Alternatives to Antibiotics, Dr John McKenna reports that in the early days of the use of penicillin, its discoverer, Alexander Fleming, warned that if antibiotics were used inappropriately bacterial strains would mutate to produce resistance to the drugs.8 This would be more likely, and possibly more serious, if:
Clearly Fleming was correct.
And to this list should be added one of the worst of all ‘wrong uses’: when an agent (antibiotic) is used to treat something it cannot control, for example a virus.
A report in the British Medical Journal on research done at Southampton University indicated that when antibiotics are given to treat a sore throat (which could be of viral or bacterial origin) it made no difference whatever to the time it took for the individual to recover.
It is common practice for doctors to issue prescriptions, often in submission to demands by patients, for problems such as this. Undoubtedly, the degree of such inappropriate antibiotic use has added to the superbug phenomenon.9
Another study conducted in Holland involved over 200 patients with inflamed sinuses, confirmed by x-ray, in which half the patients were given antibiotics and the other half a dummy pill. There was no difference whatever in the speed of recovery, or in the number of subsequent relapses as confirmed when these patients were contacted a year later on.
Otitis media and Antibiotics
The way Otitis media (infection of the middle ear) has been and is being treated and mistreated using antibiotics gives us a perfect example of the problems we face.
Here we see a condition which is widespread, almost always bacterial in origin, almost always self-limiting (that is, gets better on its own), and almost always attracts antibiotic treatment – as a result of which resistant strains of bacteria have developed. Yet this obviously ‘wrong’ treatment continues to be suggested in most cases by most doctors and many specialists.
Consider what is now known (or what should now be known) about antibiotic treatment for Otitis media, which affects tens of thousands of children each year.
If your child has otitis it is very likely that antibiotics will be prescribed for a course which could run for between 3 and 10 days, depending upon what the doctor believes and has read of current research. As we will see, no antibiotics at all is usually the best choice, and if any are given 3 days is as good as 10. Along with the antibiotics, decongestant and painkilling medication will also usually be prescribed.
In the normal course of events, relief from