Little Wolf’s Haunted Hall for Small Horrors. Tony RossЧитать онлайн книгу.
baby pet, Smellybreff. But you never blame him, do you?
But now listen to this news, it is good. Yeller has just made up a fine advert saying:
Are you just a small weak fluffball?
Then be a pupil atHaunted Hall
Learn secret powers from our Bigbad ghost Like how to pop up all of a suddenly like toast so come to-dee And bring a large fee Do not delay-ee
ARRROOOO! Look out Richness, we are after you again!
Yours chestoutly,
L Wolf esqwire
Dear Mum and Dad,
Will you write and tell Smellybreff not to be a noosink newsance pain. Because me, Yeller and Stubbs are trying and trying to please Uncle to get him to be our School Spirit and Terror, and Smells keeps messing all our things up. Also we must rush about pantingly, pasting up adverts all over Frettnin Forest.
Tell him he must just muck around with his ted like a normal small bruv. Not keep asking to be a Co-Head like me and Yeller. Just because he got his Silver Daring Deed Award for Clues and Courage when he was cubnapped by Mister Twister. But he is still 2 whiny and hopeless to play teachers proply. What do you think?
Your busywizzy boy,
PS How about a nice surprise for us, hint hint? Like some Ratflakes or Moosepops maybe?
Dear Mum and Dad,
Thank you for your LOUD REPLY in red ink. Ooo-er. So yes, you’re right, Smells must have his own way. Plus he can have a Deputy Head Badge if you want, plus be a Sir. Yes, I do remember he is your darling baby pet. And tell Dad yes, I do know what GOING RAVING MAD means, so no need him coming on a long journey to show me. Thank you wunce morely.
Yours toldoffly,
Dear Mum and Dad,
I said Smells could be our Deputy Head like you made me. But can you just tell him “No more caning people” and “Stop saying bend over swish all the time”?
Yours stungly,
L Wolf (Head)
Dear Mum and Dad,
Your photo of Dad saying PACK IN THAT CANING, PET arrived today. I showed it to Smells and guess what? It made him howl headoffly. Then he jumped in the cupboard and slam went the door.
I said to Yeller and Stubbs, “That was a good scare for him, he will stop hitting us now I bet.”
Sad to say, he was just looking for some scissors. Now he has cut up your photo plus our curtains, tablecloff, ect.
Yours curtainlessly,
Dear Mum and Dad,
Good thing Smells found those scissors! He says Cutting Things Up is his best thing now. Plus Stubbs has trained him to do gluework. So now Smells says we must call him Mister Sticker and let him be a busy cub doing stickers all day. He likes footballers best, so lucky there are about 1 millium Wolf Weekly Sports in the shed for him to cut up and glue, eh?
Phew, now Yeller and me can do some proper thinking up ideas for our new scary school without swish, ouch, every time we bend over.
Yours cumfybottly,
Dear Mum and Dad,
Flip and blow. Putting up those adverts in Frettnin Forest was 2 days ago and still not 1 pupil has come. Y? I will say. It is because somebody has stuck Wanted posters all over them, that is Y! They are posters for Mister Twister the fox, saying:
3 boos for a wopping, plopping fib! Because what about Uncle Bigbad? He is a lot more cunninger, crooler and worster. Also he is a brilliant dizgizzer if he tries his hardest. Plus he has loads of secret powers, I bet, only he hates sharing. Also he is 2 busy at the moment being a lazy loafer.
Yours insultedly,
Dear Mum and Dad,
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