The Gargling Gorilla. Margaret MahyЧитать онлайн книгу.
of the wolfhound crunching, the vulture clacking its beak, the cat snacking on cat-snacks and the gorilla gargling under the sink.
Tim was about to relax a little when the giant chinchilla rabbit came bounding in. It was a very big rabbit indeed. It made nibbling noises and looked hungry. Tim was so kind-hearted that he couldn’t stand it, and he wanted to help. But it wasn’t easy. He cast with his line again, pulled the tea-trolley over, retrieved the red rabbit dish, picked up the tongs and reached over and got the rabbit-nibbles down from the top of the fridge. Gargle-gargle went the gorilla under the sink, furious because Tim had been too clever for it.
When Rosa arrived home a moment later, she found the rabbit nibbling, the wolfhound crunching, the vulture clacking, the cat snacking and the disappointed gorilla gargling. The mop and the broom and the thing used for washing high-up windows were in their right places, the tongs were beside the fire and the fishing line was back over the mantelpiece.
“How well you’ve done!” she cried. “You are obviously brave and kind.”
“The only one I haven’t fed is the gorilla,” said Tim, apologetically.
“The gorilla?” exclaimed Rosa.
“The gorilla in the cupboard under the sink,” explained Tim.
“Oh!” said Rosa. She began to laugh. She opened the cupboard under the sink. “This is what I keep in the cupboard under the sink,” she said. “The griller! It’s for grilling cheese on toast. I just thought you might like some cheese on toast for your supper.”
“But I heard it gargling,” Tim said.
“Oh, those are just pipes leading to the sink,” said Rosa. “They do gargle a bit.”
The pipes gurgled as she spoke, and the back door opened.
“Do you mean there isn’t a gorilla after all?” asked Tim. The back door shut.
“Oh, there is a gorilla,” said Rosa, “but he’s been away all evening. He is so shy and retiring, I encourage him to go to an evening class in flower arranging so he can get out and meet people.”
As she spoke, the gorilla ambled in, bowed to Tim, and gave Rosa a beautifully arranged bowl of red and white roses.
Of course, Tim stayed for supper. Rosa made him a cup of tea, while the gorilla grilled toasted cheese sandwiches.
The cat snacked, the vulture clacked, the wolfhound crunched, the rabbit nibbled, the gorilla and Rosa and Tim gossiped, the pipes under the sink gargled (or gurgled) and the toasted cheese sandwiches sizzled happily in the griller.
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