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Unlocking German with Paul Noble: Your key to language success with the bestselling language coach. Paul NobleЧитать онлайн книгу.

Unlocking German with Paul Noble: Your key to language success with the bestselling language coach - Paul  Noble

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that this time you’ll be reading through the list of English words and trying to recall the German. All you need to do is to be able to do one full read-through of them without making more than 3 mistakes in total and you’re done!

I canich kann (ikh kan)
notnicht (nikht)
begin / to beginbeginnen (baig-in-urn)
I cannot begin.Ich kann nicht beginnen. (ikh kan nikht baig-in-urn)
park / to parkparken (park-urn)
bring / to bringbringen (bring-urn)
camp / to campcampen (camp-urn)
she cansie kann (zee kan)
come / to comekommen (kom-urn)
She can come.Sie kann kommen. (zee kan kom-urn)
She cannot come.Sie kann nicht kommen. (zee kan nikht kom-urn)
butaber (ah-ber)
She can camp but I can’t come.Sie kann campen aber ich kann nicht kommen. (zee kan camp-urn ah-ber ikh kan nikht kom-urn)
todayheute (hoy-ter)
She can come today.Sie kann heute kommen. (zee kan hoy-ter kom-urn)
herehier (hear)
I can camp here.Ich kann hier campen. (ikh kan hear camp-urn)
you candu kannst (doo kanst)
You can park here.Du kannst hier parken. (doo kanst hear park-urn)
Can you?Kannst du? (kanst doo)
tonightheute Nacht (hoy-ter nahkht)
come over / to come over / to come byvorbeikommen (for-by-kom-urn)
Can you come over tonight?Kannst du heute Nacht vorbeikommen? (kanst doo hoy-ter nahkht for-by-kom-urn)
Can I?Kann ich? (kan ikh)
this morningheute Morgen (hoy-ter mor-gurn)
Can I come over this morning?Kann ich heute Morgen vorbeikommen? (kan ikh hoy-ter mor-gurn for-by-kom-urn)
Can we?Können wir? (kurn-urn veer)
this afternoonheute Nachmittag (hoy-ter nahkh-mit-arg)
go / to gogehen (gay-urn)
Can we go this afternoon?Können wir heute Nachmittag gehen? (kurn-urn veer hoy-ter nahkh-mit-arg gay-urn)
work / to workarbeiten (ar-bite-urn)
Can we work this afternoon?Können wir heute Nachmittag arbeiten? (kurn-urn veer hoy-ter nahkh-mit-arg ar-bite-urn)
drink / to drinktrinken (trink-urn)
dance / to dancetanzen (tants-urn)
I would likeich möchte (ikh murkh-ter)
she would likesie möchte (zee murkh-ter)
ites (es)
do / to dotun (toon)
nowjetzt (yetst)
I amich bin (ikh bin)
drunkbetrunken (be-troon-kurn)
verysehr (zair)
romanticromantisch (roe-marn-tish)
busybeschäftigt (be-shef-tigt)
becauseweil (vile)
Can I drink here?Kann ich hier trinken? (kan ikh hear trink-urn)
I would like to dance here.Ich möchte hier tanzen. (ikh murkh-ter hear tants-urn)
I wouldn’t like it.Ich möchte es nicht. (ikh murkh-ter es nikht)
I wouldn’t like to bring it.Ich möchte es nicht bringen. (ikh murkh-ter es nikht bring-urn)
I wouldn’t like to do it today.Ich möchte es nicht heute tun. (ikh murkh-ter es nikht hoy-ter toon)
She wouldn’t like to bring it now.Sie möchte es nicht jetzt bringen. (zee murkh-ter es nikht yetst bring-urn)
I am very drunk.Ich bin sehr betrunken. (ikh bin zair be-troon-kurn)
I am not very romantic.Ich bin nicht sehr romantisch. (ikh bin nikht zair roe-marn-tish)
I am very busy.Ich bin sehr beschäftigt. (ikh bin zair be-shef-tigt)
because I am very busyweil ich sehr beschäftigt bin (vile ikh zair be-shef-tigt bin)
I wouldn’t like to do it now because I am very busy.Ich möchte es nicht jetzt tun, weil ich sehr beschäftigt bin. (ikh murkh-ter es nikht yetst toon vile ikh zair be-shef-tigt bin)
I would like to get it now.Ich möchte es jetzt bekommen. (ikh murkh-ter es yetzt be-kom-urn)
She would like to buy it later.Sie möchte es später kaufen. (zee murkh-ter es shpay-ter kowf-urn)
He would like to sell it tomorrow.Er möchte es morgen verkaufen. (air murkh-ter es mor-gurn fair-kowf-urn)

      Well, that’s it, you’re done with Chapter 2! Remember, don’t try to hold on to or remember anything you’ve learnt here. Everything you learn in earlier chapters will be brought back up and reinforced in later chapters. You don’t need to do anything or make any effort to memorise anything. The book has been organised in such a way that it will do that for you. So, off you go now and have a rest please!


       Between Chapters Tip!

       Stop while you’re still enjoying it!

      Arnold Schwarzenegger once said that the key to his body building success was that he stopped his workout each day just before it started to get boring. On the few occasions that he went past that point, he found it incredibly hard to return to the gym again the next day – and he loved working out.

      So, as you will almost certainly recall, Tip 1 suggested that you should study every day – which you definitely should do if you can. But that doesn’t mean that you should overdo it. So, if you’re not really in the mood, just do five minutes. If you are in the mood though, don’t push yourself too hard. Stop before you get to the point where it doesn’t feel fun any longer. Best to leave yourself feeling hungry for more rather than bloated and fed up!

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       I bought the ticket but I didn’t see the film.

      “I bought the ticket but I didn’t see the film.”

      It’s the sort of sentence that you might say in a conversation in English without even thinking about it, but how do we put it together in German? And what lessons will we learn along the way?


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