Final Destination is Orphanage. Cuentos cortos adaptados en inglés para leer, relatar y traducir. Tatiana Oliva MoralesЧитать онлайн книгу.
tu spik] (aprender a hablar).
So [sou] (por lo que) he lags behind [ji legz bijaind] (se queda atrás de) his [jiz] (sus) luckier peers [lakia piaz] (pares más afortunados) in development [in divelopment] (en el desarrollo).
But [bat] (pero), despite this [dispait zis] (a pesar de eso), he is [ji iz] (es) unusually [an yuʒialy] (inusualmente) kind [kaind] (amable), affectionate [efekʃonit] (cariñoso), calm [kalm] (tranquilo), smiling [smailing] (sonriente) and [end] (y) extremely [ikstrimly] (extremadamente) smart [smart] (inteligente) at the same time [et z seim taim] (al mismo tiempo).
The back-story [z bek story] (la historia de fondo) of [of] (de) Sasha [saʃa] (Sasha) was [woz] (fue) as follows [ez folouz] (la siguiente).
When [wen] (cuando) he appeared [ji epiad] (apareció) in [in] (en) the project [z prodʒekt] (el proyecto), his [jiz] (sus) parents [perents] (padres) were [wior] (tenían) eighteen [eitin] (dieciocho) years old [yiaz old] (años).
Several years later [several yiaz leita] (unos años después), his [jiz] (su) mother [maza] (madre) died [daid] (murió) and [end] (y) his [jiz] (su) father [faza] (padre) remarried [rimerid] (se volvió a casar).
A freshly made stepmother [e freʃly meid step maza] (la madrastra recién hecha) beat him [bit jim] (le golpeó).
And [end] (y) the history [z jistory] (la historia) is silent [iz sailent] (no dice nada) how [jau] (sobre cómo) Sasha was fed [saʃa woz fed] (se alimentó Sasha) and [end] (y) with what [wiz wot] (con que) frequency fricuensy [] (frecuencia).
But [bat] (pero) his eight-kilogram weight [jiz eit-kilogram weit] (su peso de ocho kilogramos) gives us a poor idea [givz as] (nos da una mala idea) of [of] (de) it [it] (esto).
The reader [z rida] (el lector), probably [probably] (probablemente), will be much surprised [wil by mach sipraizd] (se sorprenda mucho), but [bat] (pero) Sasha’s father [saʃaz faza] (el padre de Sasha), who [ju] (que) has not seen [jez not sin] (no ha visto) his [jiz] (a su) son [san] (hijo) since [sins] (desde que) he took him [ji tuk jim] (le llevó) to the [tu z] (al) boarding school [boding skul] (internado), isn’t deprived [iz not dipraivd] (ya no está privado) of [of] (de) parental rights [parenta raitsl] (los derechos de los padres).
Although [olzou] (aunque), I want [ay wont] (quiero) to believe [biliv] (creer) and [end] (y) hope [joup] (esperar) that [zet] (que) these rights [ziz raits] (estos mismos derechos) will never [neva] (nunca más) be of need to him [by of nid tu jim] (no le serán necesarios nunca).
In [in] (en) the boarding school [z boding skul] (el internado), Sasha [saʃa] (Sasha) quickly gained [cuikly geind] (ganó rápidamente) weight [weit] (peso) for the age [fo z eidʒ] (según su edad), but [bat] (pero) the hearing problem [z jiaring problem] (el problema de la audición) remains [rimeinz] (sigue) unresolved [anrizolvd] (sin resolverse).
Ejercicio 2
Traduzca la historia al inglés.
Destino Final (final distination) Es (be*/ am, is, are) Orfanato (orphanage)
La primera historia (the first story). Sasha
Sasha llegó (get*/ got/ got) al internado (to the boarding school) cuando (when) tenía (he be*/ was, were) tres años (three years old).
Su (his) padre (father) le trajo (bring* him/ brought/ brought) allí (there). Los cuidadores (…caregiver..) pesaron (weigh) a Sasha y jadearon (gasp): el peso (weight) del niño (child) de (of) 3 años era (be*/ was, were) solamente (only) ocho (eight) kilogramos.
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