The Times Improve Your Bridge Game. Andrew RobsonЧитать онлайн книгу.
153). With touching highest cards, you should play the lower (Tip 154). Partner (i.e. the leader) can draw valuable inferences from this (Tip 155). If dummy has an (unplayed) picture card, however, you should generally keep a higher card to beat that card (Tip 156). If dummy plays an honour on partner’s lead, it will generally be correct for you to cover with a higher card, unless there is no hope of promoting a lower card (Tip 157).
SIGNALLING When you are leading (the first round of each suit), the motto (for spot cards i.e. nine and below) is ‘Lead High for Hate, Lead Low for Like’ (Tip 158). When throwing, however, either on partner’s lead or when discarding, the motto is ‘Throw High means Aye, Throw Low means No’ (Tip 159). Although the seven, eight and nine are usually high, and two, three and four usually low, you may have the wrong spot cards to convey the desired message; so partner must scrutinise the spot cards carefully before decoding your message (Tip 160). Also, avoid knee-jerk signals – such as playing top from two. First ask yourself whether you really want him to continue (Tip 161).
The signals we have been discussing are referred to as ‘Attitude Signals’ – giving your attitude to the suit partner led. Although they are by far the most important, giving ‘count’ on a suit declarer is leading can be crucial (Tip 162). The mnemonic for the Count Signal is HELO: High = Even; Low = Odd (Tip 163).
A final signal to add to your repertoire is the ‘Suit Preference Signal’, best limited (at least initially) to situations where you are leading a suit for partner to trump. The lead of a high spot card asks for the return of the higher-ranking suit; and the lead of a low spot card asks for the return of the lower-ranking suit (Tip 164). Forget it at your peril (Tip 165).
DISCARDING When you cannot follow suit (and cannot/do not wish to trump), you must discard. You have twin goals: (1) to keep the right cards in order to prevent declarer from scoring extra tricks which he should not be allowed to make (more important when declarer is on lead) and (2) to send the right message to partner (more important when partner is on lead).
Focussing on keeping the right cards, various principles will help, such as ‘keep equal length with dummy’ (Tip 166). Try to work out declarer’s shape, so you can keep equal length with him too (Tip 167). If the defence need to keep two suits, then each defender should guard a different one (Tip 168). When declarer is running off a long suit, try not to void yourself of a suit or, when you reveal your absence of cards, the remainder will be marked with partner (Tip 169).
Moving to sending the right message to partner, you have a choice of throwing high in a suit you want him to lead (Throw High means Aye); or low in a suit you do not want him to lead (Throw Low means No). Particularly in notrumps, it will generally be right to preserve the suit you want led and to throw low in a suit you do not want (Tip 170). But make your discard count – do not throw low from a suit partner was never going to lead (Tip 171); and discard the clearest card you can (Tip 172).
SUMMARY Defence is more than observing mottoes such as ‘second hand low’ and ‘third hand high’. TOP defence involves focussing on the number of tricks needed to beat the contract, looking at dummy to see from where those tricks are coming, and, especially, co-operating with partner in the joint quest.
Deal 1
I am an advocate of the Rule of 20, which says that the bidding should be opened when the number of points in the hand added to the number of cards in the two longest suits gets to twenty or more.
What happened
At the table our first deal was actually passed out. Would you have opened any of the four hands?
What should have happened
South was the guilty party. The Rule of 20 opens his hand (11 points and a five-four distribution). In fact South has a more promising hand than many twelve- or thirteen-point hands. He has both majors; he has a powerful 5431 shape with honours in his long suits; he has good intermediate cards; and he has no rebid problems.
Whichever way you look at it, South should have opened the bidding. North-South would have sped to 4
.West leads
A, follows with K, then switches to 4. Declarer wins dummy’s A and seeks to establish his spades.He cashes
Q (East discarding). He returns to 9 and trumps a fourth spade with dummy’s A. He returns to his 10, draws East’s last trump, cashes the established fifth spade, and merely concedes a club. 10 tricks and game made.Tip 1
The Rule of 20: open the bidding when your high-card points added to the number of cards in your two longest suits gets to at least 20.
Deal 2
Our second deal addresses the issue of which suit to open. If one suit is longer, then that suit must be opened. Open 1
– even with 97532. The only way those small diamonds are likely to win tricks is if they are trumps. If opener has two suits of equal length, the rule is: open the higher ranking (the one exception will be covered next deal). By opening high, opener has the option of introducing