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Mr Fairclough's Inherited Bride. Georgie LeeЧитать онлайн книгу.

Mr Fairclough's Inherited Bride - Georgie Lee

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      ‘For someone who didn’t like gaining attention you picked up on the game very quickly,’ Silas complimented as he escorted Lady Mary through the main hall towards the front door, the large clock at the base of the stairs ringing twice to mark the late hour.

      ‘I’m a fast learner.’

      ‘With a very full social calendar.’ So much so that he wondered if she would have time to see him again. The musicians were playing the last song and most of the guests were making their way to their carriages and some much-needed rest after what was for Silas the first ball he’d enjoyed in ages.

      ‘Did you have a good time, Lady Mary?’ Richard asked when they reached the front hall, Mrs Parker beside them. The matron had proved herself a reliable, respectable and discreet shadow throughout the evening.

      ‘I had a marvellous time.’ Mary’s excitement was the greatest compliment she could have paid to Silas.

      A footman stepped forward with her cloak and Silas took if from the man and held it up for her to slip into. She turned, eyeing him over her shoulder, the scintillating look of experience and mischief making Silas’s hand tighten on the velvet. She’d enjoyed tonight as much as he and regretted parting, too. He set the cloak on her shoulders, resisting the urge to caress the bare skin on the back of her neck with his fingertips, to see her full lips part in surprise at the gesture. He’d proven himself a trustworthy partner tonight. He didn’t wish to scare her off by acting like a cad.

      She faced him as she tied the laces of the cloak, the black velvet heightening the flush of her cheeks and the sparkle illuminating her eyes. Silas had never noticed how brown they were until this moment. He couldn’t help but think that with a rich bronze-coloured silk cloak trimmed in white fur she would shine brighter than all the debutantes in their white lace and pink ribbons. She was young and pretty, and although he’d never allowed either of those traits to trick him into a decision before, it was a tempting combination tonight. The businessman in him saw the advantage of the union, while the man in him wanted to taste a little more than her investment potential.

      Silas offered her his arm and they walked together behind Mrs Parker and Richard to the carriage. Their breath mingled in small clouds over their heads before disappearing into the dark night. They didn’t speak about the evening, but enjoyed the comfortable quiet of each other’s presence until they reached the carriage. They waited together while Richard and Mrs Parker settled inside, the prospect of bidding her goodnight bothering Silas more than his not having visited the game room to woo investors. When it was at last her turn, Silas handed her in, savouring the weight of her small hand in his and the pressure of it against his palm. Reluctantly, he released her and closed the carriage door, but before he could step back and let it drive away she lowered the window. ‘Thank you for a very interesting evening. I look forward to seeing you tomorrow.’

      ‘Am I seeing you tomorrow?’

      ‘Most definitely.’ She slid him a sly smile that made his fingers itch to trace her full lips, her confidence as enticing as her dictate. ‘At three, we’re having tea together.’

      ‘It’s been a long time since I’ve had a proper English tea.’

      ‘Until tomorrow, then.’ With a suggestive nod, she sat back from the window, the faint outline of her in the carriage lantern barely visible as the driver urged the horse into a walk and the carriage rolled away.

      With Mary gone, the winter chill settled over him, one her presence beside him this evening had kept at bay. If he went through with this, he would be taking on the responsibilities of a wife and family. He wasn’t adverse to the task for there were hundreds of workers already dependent on him and the Baltimore Southern for their livelihoods. He would never knowingly betray their trust or fail to take care of them, yet he’d failed his family once before. With the bank notes not reaching home he was failing them again. The possibility that Lady Mary might come to rely on him for something he wasn’t capable of giving or ask him to be someone he wasn’t the way his parents had done cemented his feet to the cold pavement. It wasn’t until another carriage pulled up to the kerb and a young couple came forward to climb into it that Silas began the slow walk back inside the Pennimans’ house.

      There was no need to worry. During their time together tonight Lady Mary had made it clear that she understood the kind of man he was and his ambitions and desires. She would not look down on his pursuit of business and success the way his father had, but do all she could to help him in his efforts to achieve it.

      Back inside the warmth of the Pennimans’ house, Silas greeted a number of his investors with enthusiastic words and smiles, his success surrounding him like the chill of the night. These reminders of his success bolstered his faith in himself and he vowed that even though he’d failed as a son, he would not fail as a husband and some day a father.

       Chapter Four

      ‘How do you think he’ll propose?’ Mrs Parker asked Mary as they strolled through Richard’s side garden. They were enjoying a rare fine day in the midst of cold ones as winter tightened its grip on Maryland. Despite being up late last night, Mary had barely slept, unable to think about anything but Mr Fairclough and their time together. It’d been a delightful evening and she’d been loath to part with him, her heart racing as she’d all but forced him to join her for tea today, but she hadn’t been able to let him go without some expectation of seeing him again.

      This is about securing your future and nothing else, she reminded herself for the hundredth time since she’d crawled into bed last night.

      The excitement that ran like a current under all thoughts of him and their time together was nothing more than discovering that there was genuine affability between them and that on his arm she’d once again been a young girl full of hope and promise who believed in the future. It hurt to imagine losing the chance to experience it again because she’d failed to capture his attention, except she hadn’t, she was sure of it. When he’d escorted her to the carriage, the look he’d given her and the way his hand had lingered in hers had struck her deep. She and Silas had been partners last night and he’d treated her with more respect than anyone else ever had. Not even Preston at his most charming moments had been so captivating, honest or genuine with her as Mr Fairclough, but she didn’t wish to get her hopes up as she’d done before and have it all fall to pieces.

      ‘He won’t propose. It’s too soon.’ Mr Fairclough was a man of action but he wasn’t about to act so quickly in something this important. Mary knew the folly and regret that came with rushing towards marriage, but she also knew the dangers of dallying. She was sure Mr Fairclough did, too, although which course of action he decided to take in this matter remained to be seen. Either way, Mary had dressed accordingly, donning one of her two new day gowns and some jewellery to make herself as appealing as possible. This tea was another chance to catch his eye, one she could not miss, especially given what she’d decided to tell him today. The truth could ruin everything, so better it do so now than after days or weeks of courting.

      ‘Oh, he’ll propose all right and he’ll do it today,’ Mrs Parker assured her, increasing Mary’s anticipation even while the rational part of her warned her against getting her hopes up. ‘I saw the two of you together last night and the way he looked at you. You’ve captured his interest and a man like him will snap you up.’

      ‘You make me sound like the purchase of a new foundry for his railroad.’

      ‘He’ll approach it that way so don’t expect roses and candies, but he’ll turn you into a queen one way or another.’

      ‘I’m hardly queen material, and once he finds out the truth, for I’ll have to tell him, who knows how he’ll react.’ Despite the risk to this venture, she didn’t want him to hear the story from someone else.

      ‘Mr Fairclough won’t judge you as harshly as you think. I don’t know all of his past, but some of the things I’ve heard him say to Mr Jackson makes me think he’s

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