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THE ADVENTURES OF JOSEPH ROULETABILLE: The Mystery of the Yellow Room & The Secret of the Night. Гастон ЛеруЧитать онлайн книгу.

THE ADVENTURES OF JOSEPH ROULETABILLE: The Mystery of the Yellow Room & The Secret of the Night - Гастон Леру

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       Gaston Leroux

      The Adventures of Joseph Rouletabille: The Mystery of the Yellow Room & The Secret of the Night

       Published by

       Musaicum Logo Books

      Advanced Digital Solutions & High-Quality eBook Formatting

       musaicumbooks@okpublishing.info 2017 OK Publishing ISBN 978-80-7583-224-5

      Table of Contents

       The Mystery of the Yellow Room

       The Secret of the Night

      The Mystery of the Yellow Room

       Table of Contents

       Chapter 1. In Which We Begin Not to Understand

       Chapter 2. In Which Joseph Roultabille Appears for the First Time

       Chapter 3. “A Man Has Passed Like a Shadow Through the Blinds”

       Chapter 4. “In the Bosom of Wild Nature”

       Chapter 5. In Which Joseph Rouletabille Makes a Remark to Monsieur Robert Darzac Which Produces Its Little Effect

       Chapter 6. In the Heart of the Oak Grove

       Chapter 7. In Which Rouletabille Sets Out on an Expedition Under the Bed

       Chapter 8. The Examining Magistrate Questions Mademoiselle Stangerson

       Chapter 9. Reporter and Detective

       Chapter 10. “We Shall Have to Eat Red Meat—Now”

       Chapter 11. In Which Frederic Larsan Explains How the Murderer Was Able to Get Out of The Yellow Room

       Chapter 12. Frederic Larsan’s Cane

       Chapter 13. “The Presbytery Has Lost Nothing of Its Charm, Nor the Garden Its Brightness”

       Chapter 14. “I Expect the Assassin This Evening”

       Chapter 15. The Trap

       Chapter 16. Strange Phenomenon of the Dissociation of Matter

       Chapter 17. The Inexplicable Gallery

       Chapter 18. Rouletabille Has Drawn a Circle Between the Two Bumps on His Forehead

       Chapter 19. Rouletabille Invites Me to Breakfast at the Donjon Inn

       Chapter 20. An Act of Mademoiselle Stangerson

       Chapter 21. On the Watch

       Chapter 22. The Incredible Body

       Chapter 23. The Double Scent

       Chapter 24. Rouletabille Knows the Two Halves of the Murderer

       Chapter 25. Rouletabille Goes on a Journey

       Chapter 26. In Which Joseph Rouletabille Is Awaited with Impatience

       Chapter 27. In Which Joseph Rouletabille Appears in All His Glory

       Chapter 28. In Which It Is Proved That One Does Not Always Think of Everything

       Chapter 29. The Mystery of Mademoiselle Stangerson

      Chapter 1. In Which We Begin Not to Understand

       Table of Contents

      It is not without a certain emotion that I begin to recount here the extraordinary adventures of Joseph Rouletabille. Down to the present time he had so firmly opposed my doing it that I had come to despair of ever publishing the most curious of police stories of the past fifteen years. I had even imagined that the public would never know the whole truth of the prodigious case known as that of The Yellow Room, out of which grew so many mysterious, cruel, and sensational dramas, with which my friend was so closely mixed up, if, propos of a recent nomination of the illustrious Stangerson to the grade of grandcross of the Legion of Honour, an evening journal—in an article, miserable for its ignorance, or audacious for its perfidy—had not resuscitated a terrible adventure of which Joseph Rouletabille had told me he wished to be for ever forgotten.

      The Yellow Room! Who now remembers this affair which caused so much ink to flow fifteen years ago? Events are so quickly forgotten in Paris. Has not the very name of the Nayves trial and the tragic history of the death of little Menaldo passed out of mind? And yet the public attention was so deeply interested in the details of the trial that the occurrence of a ministerial crisis was completely unnoticed at the time. Now The Yellow Room trial, which, preceded that of the Nayves by some years, made far more noise. The entire world hung for months over this obscure problem—the most obscure, it seems to me, that has ever challenged the perspicacity of our police or taxed the conscience of our judges. The solution of the problem baffled everybody who tried to find it. It was like a dramatic rebus with which old Europe and new America alike became fascinated. That is, in truth—I am permitted to say, because there cannot be any author’s vanity in all this, since I do nothing more than transcribe facts on which an exceptional documentation enables me to throw a new light—that is because, in truth, I do not know

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