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Virginity for sale. Лили РоксЧитать онлайн книгу.

Virginity for sale - Лили Рокс

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everything that she knew better than anyone else and at the end of her performance, she did the splits and bowed to the audience, illuminating them with her childish and naive smile.

      The hall buzzed and the rates rapidly went up. Diana was nervous; although she had been trained for so many years to be the perfect slave for the one who would buy her, she was terrified that she would not be able to put into practice everything that she had been taught. What if her customer turned out to be a woman-beater? Would she be able to endure his bullying and be obedient and grateful to him at the same time?

      “Not now! Do not panic! Show your best side!” the girl tried to hide her anxiety, but sometimes, it took a lot of efforts.

      The third bang of the gavel meant that the sale was finished, but Diana could not figure out who had made the final bet. Her anxiety went wild, turning into nervous twitching. The mere thought that she would lose her virginity tonight frightened the poor girl very much, and the main fear that settled in her did not let her calm down: who was the man who would take her innocence? She tried not to think about the bad and put up with the inevitable. After all, who was she in this world? Her fate had already been decided from birth. Was it worth it now to be so nervous, if everything is already predetermined?

      The room where Diana was sitting was noisy and fun. Girls discussed their customers, said goodbye, made plans and dreamed. Diana sat alone with a sad face and thoughtfully looked at her friends.

      “I will never see them again, will I?” she thought unexpectedly as lightning. Suddenly she became very scared.

      She moved closer to one of the ladies, a hairdresser preparing them for the auction, and began to ask stupid questions, more to calm herself down than to get answers.

      “Do you think a good person bought me?” she began, carefully touching the subject of her interest.

      “Who knows, daughter, there are different people here. Most of the buyers come from abroad, but they say there are those who buy a new wife every three years. Basically, these are the oldest and the richest members of the club.”

      The conversation with this woman made Diana upset and she preferred to wait for her fate aside. She went and sat by herself and tried not to think about anything.

      One of the most cherished desires of the young beauty was to fall in love with her master, so that she would be of the highest value for him, so that he could provide her with good living conditions without punishing her beyond the limits she could bear. But she also realized that it was more of a fantasy, and in the real life everything could be different.

      The average age of buyers began from 45; rarely was a virgin bought by someone younger than that. The oldest men in the club and participating in the auction reached 75 years. Diana thought that marrying such an old man or being his concubine was the worst nightmare for every ward of the “school of noble maidens,” but no one spoke about it out loud. Each girl silently hoped that she was one of the lucky ones. Also, Diana dreamed that a man in the prime of life would choose her and they would live happily ever after.

      Meeting the master

      The long-awaited hour struck, and Diana was led to meet her destiny. Dressed in a majestic outfit and wearing beautiful stilettos, she walked, accompanied by a maid who led her along a long corridor on the B1 floor. Diana was so impatient that her heart was about to jump out of her chest. How many years she had dreamed to see what was happening on other floors. The day had finally come!

      It was only allowed to enter the elevator when accompanied by a maid or a teacher. When she was taken out outside, they always put a mask on her face and put all the girls in a van. The mask could not be removed until they found themselves in a field where Diana and other children could frolic under the sun and enjoy its warm rays.

      Today, Diana was able to feel like she was a real queen of the ball She was beautifully dressed up, had a make-up and a gorgeous hairstyle. When she looked at herself in the mirror, she did not recognize her reflection.

      “I should do everything for him to like me, by all means!”

      The B1 floor was different from the B3; there were carpets and drapes around here in the corridors. Many rooms with numbers made Diana tremble with excitement, expecting that the next door would be the last door to pass and she would finally meet her fate.

      * * *

      “Greetings, my Master, I am Diana, I will be glad to devote my life to your ministry,” the girl who entered the room modestly introduced herself, bowing her head and humbly awaiting the permission to look at her customer.

      “I am very glad Diana, nice to meet you! I am Alexander”, he waved his hand at the maid and she hastily left the room.

      “You can look at me. I don’t bite!” She heard a pleasant voice and raised her head.

      In front of her stood a tall and muscular man, who was at least two and a half times older than Diana. He was brown haired with a beautiful toned body and piercing black eyes, in which Diana immediately drowned. The bewitching darkness of his eyes attracted and scared her. She wanted to quickly look away, but something held her back.

      With great difficulty, she humbly lowered her eyes again and blushed, ashamed of her indiscretion, but she could not stop herself at the first meeting with her master.

      Alexander came close to her and stroked her hair, unraveling the intricacies of the strands that the female hairdressers had skillfully twisted. The man grabbed the shaggy pile of hair from behind and with a jerk pulled it down, forcing Diana to raise her eyes again. The girl trembled with fear and awe; she obediently raised her eyes and began to look at Alexander. Their eyes met and something flashed bright inside Diana, a previously unknown feeling that burst in her and spread throughout her body, filling her up with a sweet languor.

      A man never had touched her body and for her it was the very first and most exciting experience. She stood silently and looked at him, afraid to move and waiting for his orders. The man’s breath was intermittent and hot. Diana felt him with her whole body, as if they were one. During her preparation in the “school of noble maidens,” she was taught a lot about how to satisfy a man, where to caress best and how to find erogenous zones in the shortest possible time. She only needed a single word from him to start putting all her theoretical knowledge into practice.

      The smell emanating from Alexander captured the young virgin and she waited for more, analyzing the impatient movements of the man and guessing that she would lose her virginity in this very room.

      Diana was excitedly breathing, waiting to see what happened next. This mysterious buyer was so unfamiliar and at the same time so close. She was breathless at the mere thought of what he would do with her next. She waited for him to start, when he began to caress her.

      “You can look at me without hesitation, understood?”

      “Yes, Master,” Diana shortly answered and smiled at him. She really wanted to look at him, get to know him as much as possible.

      Diana's body became cottony and her legs gave way; having noticed this, the man said:

      “Not so fast, you and I have a planned party. I must celebrate a successful purchase! And then we'll go home!”

      Alexander gently smiled at his purchase and delicately offered her a hand, inviting her to follow him. Diana obediently obeyed, taking his arm and walking alongside him.

      They walked into a cramped bar where the loud music was booming, naked women were dancing on high stages and waitresses in black latex robes were serving drinks and meals. People sat on leather sofas at tables; mainly they were obese old men. Naked girls sat on the floor next to most of them, some girls wearing collars. Diana was surprised that the girls were unfamiliar to her; they seemed much older than she was.

      “Did all these men really come to the auction? There were only fifteen of us, and here are much more men!” Diana was perplexed and was lost when she saw so many males around her. She wanted to look at so many of them as possible, but such behavior was unacceptable for properly raised girls.

      “Is anything wrong?” Alexander asked her, having notices how his companion slowed down in indecision.


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