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Anna Karenina (Louise Maude's Translation). Leo TolstoyЧитать онлайн книгу.

Anna Karenina (Louise Maude's Translation) - Leo Tolstoy

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It is the best that could happen.’

      ‘But are you not making a mistake? Do you know what we are talking about?’ said Levin, peering into his interlocutor’s face. ‘You think it possible?’

      ‘I think so. Why shouldn’t it be?’

      ‘No, do you really think it is possible? No, you must tell me all you really think! And suppose … suppose a refusal is in store for me? … I am even certain …’

      ‘Why do you think so?’ said Oblonsky, smiling at Levin’s excitement.

      ‘Well, sometimes it seems so to me. You know, that would he terrible both for her and for me.’

      ‘Oh no! In any case there’s nothing in it terrible for the girl. Every girl is proud of an offer.’

      ‘Yes, every girl, but not she.’

      Oblonsky smiled. He understood that feeling of Levin’s so well, knew that for Levin all the girls in the world were divided into two classes: one class included all the girls in the world except her, and they had all the usual human failings and were very ordinary girls; while the other class — herself alone — had no weaknesses and was superior to all humanity.

      ‘Wait a bit: you must take some sauce,’ said Oblonsky, stopping Levin’s hand that was pushing away the sauceboat.

      Levin obediently helped himself to sauce, but would not let Oblonsky eat.

      ‘No, wait, wait!’ he said. ‘Understand that for me it is a question of life and death. I have never spoken to anyone about it, and can speak to no one else about it. Now you and I are quite different in everything — in tastes and views and everything — but I know you like me and understand me, and so I am awfully fond of you. But for God’s sake be quite frank with me!’

      ‘I am telling you what I think,’ said Oblonsky smiling. ‘And I’ll tell you something more. My wife is a most wonderful woman …’ He sighed, remembering his relations with his wife; then after a minute’s pause he continued: ‘She has the gift of clairvoyance. She sees people through and through! But more than that, she knows what is going to happen especially in regard to marriages. For instance, she predicted that the Shakovskaya girl would marry Brenteln. No one would believe it, but as it turned out she was right. And she is — on your side.’

      ‘How do you know?’

      ‘In this way — she not only likes you, but says that Kitty is sure to be your wife.’

      At these words a sudden smile brightened Levin’s face, the kind of smile that is not far from tears of tenderness.

      ‘She says that?’ he cried. ‘I have always thought her a jewel, your wife! But enough — enough about it!’ and he got up.

      ‘All right, but sit down!’

      But Levin could not sit still. He strode up and down the little cage of a room blinking to force back his tears, and only when he had succeeded did he sit down again.

      ‘Try and realize,’ he said, ‘that this is not love. I have been in love but this is not the same thing. It is not my feeling but some external power that has seized me. I went away, you know, because I had come to the conclusion that it was impossible — you understand? Because such happiness does not exist on earth. But I have struggled with myself and found that without that there’s no life for me. And it must be decided …’

      ‘Then why did you go away?’

      ‘Wait a moment! Oh, what a crowd of ideas! How many things I have to ask! Listen. You can’t imagine what you have done for me by saying what you did! I am so happy that I’m acting meanly. I’ve forgotten everything. I heard to-day about my brother Nicholas … he’s here, you know … and I forgot all about him. It seems to me as if he too were happy. It is like madness! But there is one awful thing about it. You who are married, know the feeling … it is awful that we — who are comparatively old and have pasts … not of love but of sin … suddenly we come into close intimacy with a pure innocent being! That is disgusting, and therefore one can’t help feeling oneself unworthy.’

      ‘Well, there haven’t been many sins in your past!’

      ‘Ah, but all the same,’ said Levin, ‘looking back at my life, I tremble and curse and bitterly regret… . Yes!’

      ‘What’s to be done? That’s the way the world is made,’ said Oblonsky.

      ‘My one consolation is that prayer that I like so much: “Not according to my deserts but according to Thy mercy!” And she too can only forgive me that way.’

      Chapter 11

      LEVIN emptied his glass and they were silent for a while.

      ‘There is one thing more that I must tell you,’ began Oblonsky. ‘You know Vronsky?’

      ‘No, I don’t. Why do you ask?’

      ‘Another bottle!’ said Oblonsky, turning to the Tartar, who was filling their glasses and hovering round them just when he was not wanted.

      ‘The reason you ought to know Vronsky is this: he is one of your rivals.’

      ‘What is he?’ asked Levin, the expression of childlike rapture which Oblonsky had been admiring suddenly changing into an angry and unpleasant one.

      ‘Vronsky is one of Count Ivanovich Vronsky’s sons, and a very fine sample of the gilded youth of Petersburg. I met him in Tver when I was in the Service there and he came on conscription duty. Awfully rich, handsome, with influential connections, an aide-de-camp to the Emperor, and at the same time very good-natured — a first-rate fellow. And he’s even more than a first-rate fellow. As I have got to know him now, he turns out to be both educated and very clever — a man who will go far.’

      Levin frowned and was silent.

      ‘Well, so he came here soon after you left, and as far as I can make out is head over ears in love with Kitty; and you understand that her mother …’

      ‘Pardon me, but I understand nothing,’ said Levin, dismally knitting his brows. And at once he thought of his brother Nicholas and how mean he was to forget him.

      ‘You just wait a bit, wait!’ said Oblonsky, smiling and touching Levin’s arm. ‘I have told you what I know, and I repeat that, as far as anyone can judge in so delicate and subtle a matter, I believe the chances are all on your side.’

      Levin leant back in his chair. His face was pale.

      ‘But I should advise you to settle the question as soon as possible,’ Oblonsky continued, filling Levin’s glass.

      ‘No, thanks! I can’t drink any more,’ said Levin pushing his glass aside, ‘or I shall be tipsy… . Well, and how are you getting on?’ he continued, evidently wishing to change the subject.

      ‘One word more! In any case, I advise you to decide the question quickly, but I shouldn’t speak to-day,’ said Oblonsky. ‘Go to-morrow morning and propose in the classic manner, and may heaven bless you!’

      ‘You have so often promised to come and shoot with me — why not come this spring?’ said Levin.

      He now repented with his whole heart of having begun this conversation with Oblonsky. His personal feelings had been desecrated by the mention of some Petersburg officer as his rival, and by Oblonsky’s conjectures and advice.

      Oblonsky smiled. He understood what was going on in Levin’s soul.

      ‘I’ll come some day,’ he said. ‘Ah, old chap, women are the pivot on which everything turns! Things are in a bad way with me too, very bad and all on account of women. Tell me quite frankly …’

      He took out a cigar, and with one hand on his glass he continued:

      ‘Give me some advice.’


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