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VOLTAIRE: 60+ Works in One Volume - Philosophical Writings, Novels, Historical Works, Poetry, Plays & Letters. ВольтерЧитать онлайн книгу.

VOLTAIRE: 60+ Works in One Volume - Philosophical Writings, Novels, Historical Works, Poetry, Plays & Letters - Вольтер

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The heart she has subdued is not the slave

       Of loose desire, but by her virtue fired,

       Means to revenge but never to betray her.


       But if the king, my lord, has gained from Rome

       Permission to return.


       Ay, that I fear:

       Alas! myself did move the senate for him.

       Perhaps already he returns to empire,

       And this abhorred mandate is his own;

       The first sad proof of his authority:

       It may be fatal to him. Varus’ power

       May soon be lost, but O! his love remains;

       Yes, I will die in Mariamne’s cause;

       The world shall weep her fate, and I avenge it.

      End of the First Act.

      ACT II.

      SCENE I.

       Table of Contents

      salome, mazael.


       Thou seest we are ruined; Mariamne triumphs,

       And Salome’s undone: that lingering Zares,

       How tedious was his voyage, as if the sea

       Unwillingly transported him! whilst Herod

       Flies with the winds to empire and to love:

       But sea and land, the elements, the heavens,

       All, all conspire with Varus, to destroy me.

       Ambition, thou hast plunged me deep in woe;

       Why did I listen to thy fatal voice?

       I knew his foolish heart would soon relent;

       Even now I fear he has revoked the mandate,

       And all the harvest of my toil is grief

       And danger, that still wait on high condition

       Stripped of its power: already fawning crowds

       Adore my rival, and insult my fall:

       My feeble glories, all eclipsed by her,

       Shall shine no more, for this new deity

       Must now be worshipped: but this is not all,

       My death, I know, must crown the triumph; she

       Can never reign whilst Salome survives;

       She will not spare a life so fatal to her.

       And yet, O shame, O infamous submission!

       My pride must stoop to vile dissimulation,

       To soothe her vanity with feigned respect,

       And give her joy of—Salome’s destruction.


       Despair not, Madam, arms may yet be found

       To conquer this proud queen: I ever feared

       Her powerful charms, and Herod’s weakness for her;

       But if I may depend on Zares, still

       In the king’s bosom dwells determined hate,

       And he has sworn that she shall die: the blow

       Is but suspended till he comes himself

       To execute his vengeance; but, meantime,

       Whether his heart be sharpened by resentment,

       Or moved by love, it is enough his hand

       Once signed the mandate: Mariamne soon

       Will swell the tempest, and eternal discord

       Shall rankle in their hearts: I know them well:

       Soon will she light again the torch of hatred,

       Revive his doubts, and work her own destruction:

       With new disdain will irritate his soul:

       Rely upon herself, and mark her ruin.


       O! ’tis uncertain; I can never wait

       Such tardy vengeance; I have surer means;

       Danger has taught me wisdom: this loud rage,

       These violent transports of the impassioned Varus,

       If I observe aright, can never flow

       From generosity alone, and pity

       Is seldom known by marks like these: the queen

       Has charms, and Varus may have charms for her.

       I know the power of Mariamne’s beauty,

       Nor envy her the crowd of gazing fools,

       Who throw their flattering incense at her feet;

       The dangerous happiness may cost her dear:

       Whether she listens to the Roman’s vows,

       Or with the conquest only means to soothe

       Her fickle pride, it is enough for me,

       If it preserves that power I must not lose

       O’er Herod’s heart. Take care my faithful spies

       Perform their office; let them be rewarded,

       And sell me precious secrets.—Ha! she comes,

       Must I then see her?

      SCENE II.

       Table of Contents

      mariamne, eliza, salome, mazael, nabal.


       Joy to Mariamne:

       Herod returns, and Rome this day restores

       To me a brother, and to thee a husband.

       Thy cruel scorn had raised his just resentment,

       Which now subsides, and love has quenched the flame

       Which love alone inspired: his triumphs past,

       His future glories, all the senate’s rights

       Reposed in him, the titles he has gained,

       All brought to lay at Mariamne’s feet,

       Proclaim thy happiness: enjoy his heart;

       Enjoy his empire; I am pleased to see

       Thy virtues thus rewarded; Salome

       Shall lend her aid to join your hands together.


       I neither looked for, nor desired your friendship:

       I know you, madam, and shall do you justice;

       I know by what mean arts, and treacherous falsehood,

       Your powerless malice has pursued my life.

       Perhaps thou thinkest my heart is like thy own,

       And therefore tremblest; but thou knowest me not:

       Fear nothing, for thy crimes and punishment

       Are both beneath my notice: I have seen

       Thy base designs, and have forgiven them:

       I leave thee to thy conscience, if a heart

       Guilty as thine is capable of feeling.


       I’ve not deserved this bitterness and wrath


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