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Tuttle Pocket Vietnamese Dictionary. Phan Van GiuongЧитать онлайн книгу.

Tuttle Pocket Vietnamese Dictionary - Phan Van Giuong

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v. to amass, to gather

      doàn daäp adj. uninterrupted and fast

      doâng 1 v. to dash off, to sneak out, to go away 2 n. storm

      doâng daøi v., adv. to babble, to chat; to loiter, lengthily

      doäng v. to knock, to rap, to hit, to bang

      doát adj. illiterate, ignorant

      doát ñaëc adj. completely ignorant

      doät adj. [of roof] leaking

      dô adj. dirty, unclean, soiled

      dô baån adj. dirty, unclean

      dô daùng adj. shameless

      dô daùy adj. dirty, filthy, disgusting

      dô maét adj. unpleasant to the eye

      dôû 1 v. to open [book, pot], to turn [page] 2 adj. unfinished, half done

      dôû chöøng adj. half done, unfinished

      dôû dang adj. left undone, unfinished

      dôû giôøi v. [of weather] to change; to be under the weather, to be unwell

      dôû hôi adj. mixed up, cracked

      dôû ngöôøi adj. mixed up, cracked

      dôû tay adj. busy doing something

      dôû vieäc adj. busy doing something

      dôõ v. to dish [rice from the pot]; to dismantle, to unload

      dôi n. bat

      dôøi v. to leave

      dôøi ñoåi v. to move, to change

      dôùn daùc adj. bewildered, scared

      dôïn v., n. to be wary; to undulate; ripple

      dôùp n. bad luck, ill luck

      du coân n., adj. scoundrel, ruffian, hoodlum, hooligan, rascal

      du daân n. nomad

      du döông adj. [music, voice] melodious, lovely, enchanting

      du ñaõng v. to be a vagabond, to roam

      du haønh v. to travel

      du hí v. to indulge in amusement

      du hoïc v. to go abroad to study

      du khaùch n. traveler, tourist

      du kích n. guerrilla

      du kyù n. traveling notes

      du laõm n. excursion, pleasure trip

      du lòch v. to travel

      du muïc n. nomad

      du ngoaïn v. to travel for pleasure, sightseeing

      du nhaäp v. to import

      du thuû du thöïc adj. vagrant, idle, vagabond

      du thuyeát v. to be a moving ambassador

      du thuyeàn n. pleasure boat, yacht

      du xuaân v. to take a spring walk; to enjoy the spring

      duø 1 n. umbrella; parachute 2 conj. though, although

      duï 1 n. edict, decree, notice, order 2 v. to induce, to entice, to lure

      duï doã v. to seduce, to entice

      duï hoaëc v. to seduce, to entice

      duõ v. to shake off [dust]

      duïc n. R desire, want; lust

      duïc v. to push, to ask someone to be quick

      duïc tình n. desire, passion, lust

      duïc voïng n. desire, lust, ambition

      duùi v. to slip, to insert

      duøi 1 n., v. awl; to punch 2 n. cudgel, bludgeon, stick, club

      duøi cui n. policeman’s club

      duøi loã v. to pierce, to perforate

      duøi troáng n. drumstick

      duïi v. to rub [eyes], to rub out

      duùm v., n. to gather with one’s fingers, to pinch; handful

      duùm doù adj. battered, out of shape

      duùm laïi v. to assemble, to amass, to gather

      dun v. to push, to shove; to urge, to cause to

      duùn daåy v. to waddle, to slouch

      duùn vai v. to shrug one’s shoulders

      dung v. to tolerate, to leave unpunished

      dung dò adj. easy and simple

      dung dòch n. solution [of solid in liquid]

      dung hoaø v. to reconcile, to compromise

      dung hôïp v. to amalgamate

      dung löôïng n. content, volume, capacity

      dung maïo n. face, physiognomy

      dung naïp v. to accept, to admit, to tolerate

      dung nhan n. look, countenance, beauty

      dung tha v. to pardon, to forgive

      dung thaân v. to take shelter,to take refuge

      dung thöù v. to tolerate, to pardon

      dung tích n. capacity

      dung tuùng v. to tolerate, to abet; to allow tacitly, to wink at

      duùng v. to dip [in liquid, dye]

      duøng v. to use, to employ; to resort to

      duøng daèng v. to be reluctant, to be undecided, wavering

      duõng n. R bravery, courage

      duõng caûm adj. bracing, courageous, valiant

      duõng khí n. courage, ardor, bravery

      duõng maõnh adj. courageous, valiant

      duõng só n. valiant man, knight-errant

      duõng taâm n. courage, bravery

      duïng v. R to use, to employ

      duïng coâng v. to try hard, to endeavor

      duïng cuï n. instrument, tool, equipment

      duïng phaåm n. instrument, tool, implement

      duïng quyeàn v. to use one’s authority

      duïng taâm v., n. to intend; to do purposely; intention

      duïng voõ v. to use force, to resort to force

      duïng yù v. to have the intention of, to intend

      duoãi v. to stretch, to spread out

      duy adv. only; but

      duy linh adj., n. spiritualistic; spiritualism

      duy lyù adj., n. rationalist; rationalism

      duy myõ adj., n. esthetic; estheticism, art for art’s sake

      duy ngaõ adj., n. egotistic; egotism

      duy nhaát adj. to be the only one, sole, unique

      duy taâm n., adj. idealism; idealistic

      duy taân v. to modernize, to reform

      duy thaàn n. spiritualism

      duy thöïc n. realism

      duy trí n. intellectualism

      duy trì v. to maintain, to preserve

      duy vaät adj., n. materialist, materialistic; materialism


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