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Tuttle Pocket Vietnamese Dictionary. Phan Van GiuongЧитать онлайн книгу.

Tuttle Pocket Vietnamese Dictionary - Phan Van Giuong

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möøng n. presents

      ñoà soä adj. imposing, impressive

      ñoà teå n. butcher

      ñoà thò n. graph

      ñoå v. to pour, to spill; to throw away; to fall, to collapse; to shift [responsibility, fault, etc.]

      ñoå boä v. [of troops] to land

      ñoå moà hoâi v. to perspire profusely

      ñoå xoâ v. to rush in

      ñoã See ñaäu

      ñoä n., adv. time, period; degree, measure; approximately

      ñoä löôïng adj. tolerant; generous

      ñoä theá v. to help mankind

      ñoä trì v. to help, to assist

      ñoác 1 v. to supervise; to urge 2 n. headmaster, doctor

      ñoác thuùc v. to encourage, to urge

      ñoác tôø n. medical doctor

      ñoäc 1 adj. poisonous, venomous 2 adv. only, alone

      ñoäc aùc adj. cruel, wicked

      ñoäc bình n. flower vase

      ñoäc chaát hoïc n. toxicology

      ñoäc chieác adj. single; alone

      ñoäc döôïc n. poison

      ñoäc ñaûng n. one party

      ñoäc ñoaùn adj. to be arbitrary, dogmatic

      ñoäc giaû n. reader

      ñoäc haïi adj. poisonous; harmful

      ñoäc laäp adj., n. to be independent; independence

      ñoäc moäc n. dugout

      ñoäc ngöõ n. monologue, soliloquy

      ñoäc nhaát adj. only, sole, unique

      ñoäc quyeàn n., adj. monopoly

      ñoäc taøi adj., n. dictatorial; dictatorship

      ñoäc taáu v., n. to play solo; solo

      ñoäc thaân adj. single, unmarried

      ñoäc toá n. toxin

      ñoäc xöôùng v. to sing a solo

      ñoâi n., adj. pair, couple; two times, twice

      ñoâi ba adj. two or three, a few

      ñoâi baïn n. husband and wife, couple

      ñoâi beân n. the two parties, the two sides

      ñoâi co v. to dispute, to contend

      ñoâi hoài v. to explain oneself; to have a friendly talk with someone

      ñoâi khi adv. occasionally, now and then, sometimes

      ñoâi maùch v. to gossip

      ñoâi möôi n. twenty years old

      ñoâi ta n. L the two of us [man and woman]

      ñoâi taùm n. sixteen years old

      ñoái 1 v. to treat, to behave 2 v., n. to be parallel; couplet

      ñoái chaát v. to confront [witnesses]

      ñoái chieáu v. to compare, to contrast [two entities]

      ñoái choïi v. to confront; to face up, to be in contrast

      ñoái dieän v., adj. to face; face to face; in front of

      ñoái ñaõi v. to treat, to behave

      ñoái ñaùp v. to answer, to reply

      ñoái ñòch adj. opposing, resisting

      ñoái khaùng v. to resist, to oppose

      ñoái laäp adj., n. standing in opposition; opposition

      ñoái ngoaïi adj. [of policy] foreign

      ñoái noäi adj . [of policy] domestic, internal affairs

      ñoái phoù v. to face, to deal, to cope

      ñoái phöông n. the opposing party, the enemy, the adversary

      ñoái thoaïi n., v. conversation, dialogue; to converse

      ñoái thuû n. rival, opponent

      ñoái töôïng n. object, external thing

      ñoái vôùi prep., adv. towards, vis-a-vis; regarding

      ñoái xöùng adj. symmetrical

      ñoài n. hill

      ñoài baïi adj. decadent, corrupt, depraved

      ñoài moài n. sea turtle

      ñoài phong baïi tuïc adj., n. immoral; depraved customs

      ñoài truî adj. depraved

      ñoåi v. to change, to exchange, to trade in

      ñoåi chaùc v. to barter, to trade, to exchange

      ñoåi dôøi v. to change

      ñoåi thay v. to change

      ñoãi n. measure, degree, extent

      ñoäi 1 v. to wear or carry on one’s head 2 n. company [of soldiers], team, squad

      ñoäi hình n. formation, line-up

      ñoäi loát v. to pretend to be, to pose as, to use as a cloak

      ñoäi nguõ n. army ranks, lineup

      ñoäi ôn adj. grateful

      ñoäi soå adj. at the bottom of a list

      ñoäi tröôûng n. sergeant, chief-sergeant, leader of a group

      ñoäi tuyeån n. selected team

      ñoäi vieân n. member of an association

      ñoäi xeáp n. policeman, constable

      ñoâm ñoáp n. clapping of hands

      ñoám n. spot, speckle, dot

      ñoân ñoác v. to urge, to stimulate

      ñoán 1 adj. wretched, badly behaved 2 v. to cut down, to fell [a tree]

      ñoán ñôøi adj. degrading, miserable

      ñoán kieáp adj. degraded, miserable

      ñoán maït adj. degraded, miserable

      ñoàn 1 n. post, camp, fort, station 2 v. to spread a rumor

      ñoàn ñieàn n. plantation

      ñoàn truù v. to camp, to be stationed

      ñoän 1 v. to stuff, to mix

       2 adj. stupid, dull

      ñoän thoå v. to vanish underground

      ñoâng 1 n. east 2 n. winter 3 v. to freeze 4 adj. crowded [people/place]

      Ñoâng AÂu n. East Europe

      ñoâng chí n. winter solstice

      Ñoâng Döông n. Indo-China

      ñoâng ñaûo adj. crowded

      ñoâng ñuùc adj. [of crowd, population] to be dense, heavy

      Ñoâng Ñöùc n. East Germany

      Ñoâng Kinh n. Tonkin [obs.], Tokyo

      Ñoâng Nam AÙ n. Southeast Asia, Southeast Asian

      ñoâng phöông n. the east, the Orient

      ñoâng taây n. east and west

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