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Tuttle Pocket Vietnamese Dictionary - Phan Van Giuong

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1 n. bank 2 n. ribbon, band, bandage, tape

      baêng boù v. to dress a wound

      Baêng Coác n. Bangkok

      baêng haø 1 n. glacier 2 v. [of king] to pass away

      baêng phieán n. naphthalene, moth balls

      baèng 1 adj. equal to, to be as … as; to be even, level 2 n. diploma, degree

      baèng caáp n. diploma, degree

      baèng chöùng n. evidence, proof

      baèng höõu n. friend(s)

      baèng loøng v. to agree, to be satisfied

      baèng phaúng adj. even and flat

      baép n. corn, maize

      baép caûi n. cabbage

      baép thòt n. muscle

      baét v. to catch, to seize, to arrest; to force

      baét beû v. to find fault with, to criticize

      baét bôù v. to arrest

      baét buoäc v. to force, to compel; to be obligatory, to be compulsory

      baét chöôùc v. to imitate, to mimic

      baét coùc v. to kidnap

      baét ñaàu v. to begin, to start

      baét ñeàn v. to demand restitution, to ask for compensation

      baét gaëp v. to come across, to run into

      baét maïch v. to take a pulse

      baét moái v. to make contact

      baét naït v. to bully

      baét quaû tang v. to catch in the act

      baét tay v. to shake hands [with]; to start

      baét thaêm v. to draw lots

      baäc n. step [of stairs], rung [of ladder], category, level

      baám v. to press [button, etc.]

      baàm adj. bruised, black and blue

      baåm v. to report [to a superior]/[polite particle]

      baåm chaát n. nature, inborn trait

      baåm sinh adj. innate, inborn

      baåm tính n. innate character

      baán v. to be short of money, to be in trouble

      baàn ñaïo n. a poor priest

      baàn coá noâng n. a poor peasant

      baàn taêng n. a poor monk

      baàn thaàn adj. haggard, worried

      baàn tieän adj. mean, ignoble

      baån adj. dirty, filthy; stingy

      baän 1 adj. busy, occupied

       2 v. to dress, to wear

      baâng khuaâng adj. melancholic; undecided

      baâng quô adj. vague or indefinite [in speech]

      baáp beânh adj. [of conditions, situation, position] unstable, uncertain

      baäp beï v. to jabber, to mutter, to babble

      baäp buøng adj. flickering

      baát adj. R not, non

      baát caàn v. not to care

      baát caån adj. careless

      baát chaáp v. regardless of; to ignore

      baát chính adj. unrighteous

      baát coâng adj. unjust, unfair

      baát cöù adj. any

      baát di baát dòch adj. immutable

      baát dieät adj. immortal, everlasting

      baát ñaéc dó adj. unwilling, reluctant, unavoidable

      baát ñònh adj. unstable

      baát ñoà adv. suddenly, unexpectedly

      baát ñoàng adj. different, uneven, divergent

      baát ñoäng adj. motionless

      baát ñoäng saûn n. real estate, property

      baát haïnh adj. unlucky, unfortunate

      baát haûo adj. bad

      baát hôïp phaùp adj. illegal, unlawful

      baát hôïp taùc v. to be uncooperative; non-cooperative

      baát huû adj. [of character, literary work] to be immortal

      baát khaû xaâm phaïm adj. inviolable, unalienable

      baát kyø adj. any; unexpected, unintended

      baát luaän adj. regardless of

      baát löïc adj. inefficient, incapable, powerless

      baát löông adj. dishonest, crooked

      baát maõn adj. dissatisfied with

      baát nhaõ adj. rude, impolite

      baát nhaân adj. non-benevolent, inhumane

      baát quaù adv. at most, only

      baát taøi adj. incapable

      baát thình lình v., adv. to act suddenly; suddenly; all of a sudden, unexpectedly

      baát thöôøng adj. unusual, extraordinary

      baát tieän adj. inconvenient

      baát tænh adj. unconscious, insensible

      baát trò adj. incurable, unruly

      baät v. to snap, to switch [lights] on

      baät löûa n. cigarette lighter

      baáu v. to pinch, to snip off

      baàu 1 n. bottle gourd, cal-abash 2 v. to elect, to vote

      baàu cöû n. election

      baây giôø pron., adv. now, at [the] present [time]

      baáy giôø adv. at that time

      baáy laâu pron., adv. so long, since then

      baáy nhieâu pron. that much

      baày n. flock, herd, group, pack

      baåy v. to pry up, to prize

      baãy v., n. to trap; to snare; trap, snare

      baäy adj., adv. wrong; improperly; nonsense

      be n. wine flask

      be beùt adj. crushed to pulp; completely messed up

      beù adj. small, young, little, tiny

      beø 1 n. faction, clique, party 2 n. raft

      beø phaùi n. faction, clique, party

      beû v. to break; to bend [something long or flexible] in a curve; to snap; to pick [fruit, flower]; to pinion

      beõ adj. ashamed

      beùn adj. sharp

      beùn muøi v. to become familiar with, to be accustomed to

      beøn adv. then, instantly, immediately [precedes main verb]

      beõn leõn adj. shy, timid

      beùo adj. fat, plump, stout, obese

      beùo bôû adj. profitable, easy to do

      beùo toát adj. fat and healthy

      beøo n. duckweed, marsh lentil, water hyacinth


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