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Tuttle English-Chinese Dictionary. Li DongЧитать онлайн книгу.

Tuttle English-Chinese Dictionary - Li Dong

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鸣谢 míngxiè

      in acknowledgment of 确认 quèrèn, 表彰 biǎozhāng

      acne n 粉刺 fěncì

      acorn n 橡树的果子 xiàngshù de guǒzi, 橡果 xiàng guǒ

      acoustic adj 声音的 shēngyīn de, 音响的 yīnxiǎng de

      acoustics n 1 音响效果 yīnxiǎng xiàoguǒ 2 声学 shēngxué

      acquaint v 认识 rènshi, 知晓 zhīxiǎo

      to acquaint oneself with 了解 liǎojiě

      to be acquainted with 认识 rènshi, 了解 liǎojiě

      acquaintance n 1 认识的人 rènshì de rén, 熟人 shúrén 2 了解 liǎojiě, 认识 rènshi

      to make sb’s acquaintance 认识 rènshi, 结识 jiéshí

      acquiesce v 默许 mòxǔ, 勉强同意 miǎnqiǎng tóngyì

      acquire v 取得 qǔdé, 获得 huòdé □ I haven’t acquired the data needed for the report. 我还没有取得写报告需要的数据。Wǒ hái méiyǒu qǔdé xiě bàogào xūyào de shùjù.

      acquisition n 1 获得 huòdé, 得到 dédào 2 获得的东西 huòdé de dōngxi, 得到的东西 dédào de dōngxi

      mergers and acquisitions 公司并购 gōngsī bìnggòu

      acquit v 宣布无罪 xuānbù wúzuì

      acquittal n 无罪宣判 wúzuì xuānpàn

      acre n 英亩 yīngmǔ

      acreage n 英亩数 yīngmǔ shù, 面积 miànjī

      acrid adj 1 刺鼻的 [+气味] cìbí de [+qìwèi] 2 刻薄的 [+话] kèbó de [+huà]

      acrimonious adj 充满敌意的 chōngmǎn díyì de, 激烈的 jīliè de

      acrimony n 敌意 díyì, 互相仇视 hùxiāng chóushì

      acrobat n 杂技演员 zájì yǎnyuán

      acrobatics n 杂技 zájì

      acronym n 首字母拼音词 shǒu zìmǔ pīnyīn cí □ “NATO” is the acronym for the “North Atlantic Treaty Organization.”“NATO”是 the North Atlantic Treaty Organization(北大西洋公约组织)的首字母拼音词。“NATO” shì “the North Atlantic Treaty Organization” (Běidàxīyáng Gōngyuē zǔzhī) de shǒu zìmǔ pīnyīn cí.

      across I prep 1 过 guò, 穿过 chuānguo □ Can you swim across this river? 你游得过这条河吗?Nǐ yóudeguo zhè tiáo hé ma? 2 在⋯的对面 zài...de duìmiàn □ The book­store is just across the street. 书店就在马路对面。Shūdiàn jiù zài mǎlù duìmiàn. II adv 过 guò, 穿过 chuānguo

      act I v 1 [迅速+] 行动 [xùnsù+] xíngdòng □ We must act before it’s too late. 我们必须及时采取行动。Wǒmen bìxū jíshí cǎiqǔ xíngdòng. 2 演 [+主角] yǎn [+zhǔjué], 扮演 [+一个角色] bànyǎn [+yí ge juésè] □ He played the part very well. 他这个角色演得挺好。Tā zhè ge juésè yǎnde tǐng hǎo. 3 装出 [+⋯的样子] zhuāngchū [+...de yàngzi], 假装 jiǎzhuāng □ He is just acting like a fool. 他只是装得像傻瓜。Tā zhǐ shì zhuāngde xiàng shǎguā.

      to act as 当 [+中间人] dāng [+zhōngjiānrén], 担任 dānrèn □ A Chinese friend acted as my interpreter. 一位中国朋友给我当翻译。Yí wèi Zhōngguó péngyou gěi wǒ dāng fānyì. II n 1 行动 xíngdòng, 行为 xíngwéi □ She was caught in the act of shoplifting. 她在商店偷窃时被抓获。Tā zài shāng diàn tōuqiè shí bèi zhuāhuò. □ I don’t think it was a friendly act. 我认为这不是一个友好的行为。Wǒ rènwéi zhè búshì yí ge yǒuhǎo de xíngwéi. 2 [通过+] 法令 [tōngguò+] fǎlìng □ The Act was introduced by a Republican Congress. 这个法令是由一名共和党众议员提出的。Zhè ge fǎlìng shì yóu yì míng Gònghédǎng zhòngyìyuán tíchū de.

      acting I adj 代理的 dàilǐ de

      acting principal 代理校长 dàilǐ xiàozhǎng, 代校长 dài xiàozhǎng II n 表演 biǎoyǎn

      action n 行动 xíngdòng, 行为 xíngwéi □ We’ll judge him by his actions. 我们将根据他的行为来判断他。Wǒmen jiāng gēnjù tā de xíngwéi lái pànduàn tā.

      Actions speak louder than words. 行动重于言辞。Xíng­dòng zhòngyú yáncí.

      to take action 采取行动 cǎiqǔ xíngdòng □ The school will take strong action to deal with the drug problem. 学校将采取有力行动来对付吸毒问题。Xué­xiào jiāng cǎiqǔ yǒulì xíngdòng lái duìfu xīdú wèntí.

      active I adj 活跃 huóyuè, 积极 jījí □ She is active in the local church. 她在当地教会中很活跃。Tā zài dāngdì jiàohuì zhōng hěn huóyuè. II n 主动语态 zhǔdòng yǔtài

      activist n 积极分子 jījí fènzǐ

      activity n 活动 huódòng [m. wd 项 xiàng]

      after-school activities 课外活动 kè wài huódòng

      terrorist activities 恐怖主义活动 kǒngbù zhǔyì huódòng

      actor n(男)演员 (nán) yǎnyuán

      actress n(女)演员 (nǚ) yǎnyuán

      actual adj 实际的 shíjì de, 真实的 zhēnshí de □ Things are much more complicated in actual life. 在现实生活中,情况要复杂得多。Zài xiànshí shēnghuó zhōng, qíngkuàng yào fùzáde duō.

      actuality n 真实 zhēnshí, 事实 shìshí

      in actuality 事实上 shìshíshang, 实际上 shíjìshàng

      actually adv 事实上 shìshíshang, 其实 qíshí

      acumen n 机敏 jīmǐn, 敏锐 mǐnruì

      acupuncture n 针灸 zhēnjiǔ, 针灸疗法 zhēnjiǔliáofǎ

      acute adj 1 严重的 yánzhòng de 2 急性的 jíxìng de

      acute disease 急性病 jíxìngbìng

      acute pain 剧烈疼痛 jùliè téngtòng

      adamant adj 坚持 jiānchí, 坚决 jiānjué

      Adam’s apple n 喉结 hóujié

      adapt v 1 改变⋯以适应 gǎibiàn...yǐ shìyìng □ We have to adapt ourselves to changing circumstances. 我们必须改变自己以适应变化的环境。Wǒmen bìxū gǎibiàn zìjǐ yǐshìyìng biànhuà de huánjìng. 2 改编 [+小说] gǎibiān [+xiǎoshuō] □ This movie was adapted from a bestselling novel. 这部电影是根据一本畅销小说改编的。Zhè bù diànyǐng shì gēnjù yìběn

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