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Periplus Pocket Mandarin Chinese Dictionary. Philip Yungkin LeeЧитать онлайн книгу.

Periplus Pocket Mandarin Chinese Dictionary - Philip Yungkin Lee

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经济房 n low-cost housing

      jīngjù 京剧 n Peking Opera

      jìnglǎoyuàn 敬老院 n retirement home

      jīnglǐ 经理 n manager

      jīnglì 经历 v to experience

      jīnglì 精力 n energy

      jìnglìrùn 净利润 n net profit

      jīngpǐndiàn 精品店 n boutique

      jīngqí 惊奇 adj surprised

      jīngquède 精确的 adj, adv exact; exactly

      jìngshè 劲射 n power shot (soccer)

      jǐngtàilán 景泰蓝 n cloisonné

      jìngwài jiùyè 境外就业 v, n to work overseas; overseas work

      jīngyà 惊讶 adj astonished

      jìngyè jīngshén 敬业精神 n professional dedication

      jīngyàn 经验 n experience

      jīngyóu 经由 conj via

      jìngzhēng 竞争 v to compete

      jìngzi 镜子 n mirror

      jìniànbēi 纪念碑 n monument

      jìniànpǐn 纪念品 n souvenir

      Jínísī shìjiè jìlù 吉尼斯世界纪录 n the Guinness (Book of Records)

      jǐnjí 紧急 adj urgent

      jǐnjǐn 仅仅 adv barely, merely

      jìnkǒu 进口 n, v import; to import

      jìnlái 进来 v to come in

      jìnlù 进路 n way in

      jìnpào 浸泡 v to soak; to immerse

      jīnqǔ 金曲 n hit song

      jīnróng wēijī 金融危机 n financial crisis

      jīnróng zìyóuhuà 金融自由化 n financial liberalization

      jìnrù 进入 v to enter

      jǐnshēn duǎnchènkù 紧身短衬裤 n panties

      jīnshǔ 金属 n metal

      jīnshǔxiàn 金属线 n wire

      jìnshuǐ lóutái xiān de yuè 近水楼台先得月 idiom First come, first served

      jīntiān 今天 n today

      jīnwǎn 今晚 n tonight

      jīnwúzúchì rénwúwánrén 金无足赤人无完人 idiom Gold can’t be pure and man can’t be perfect

      jìnxiūbān 进修班 n class for further studies

      jìnyībùde 进一步的 adj further, additional

      jìnyúqī 禁渔期 n fishing ban period

      jǐnzhāngde 紧张的 adj tense

      jìnzhǐ 禁止 v to prohibit

      jǐnzhuī 紧追 v to cling to

      jìpǐn 祭品 n sacrifice

      jīròu 肌肉 n muscle

      jíshǎo 极少 adj few

      jǐshí 几时 adv when

      jìshù gōngrén 技术工人 n technician

      jíshù zhàdàn 集束炸弹 n cluster bomb

      jìshù zhuǎnràng 技术转让 n technology transfer

      jìsuàn 计算 v to calculate

      jìsuànjī zhōngyāng chǔlǐqì 计算机中央处理器 n central processing unit (CPU)

      jìsuànqì 计算器 n calculator

      jítǐ guānniàn 集体观念 n groupism

      jítǐ hūnlǐ 集体婚礼 n group wedding

      jítǐ jīngjì 集体经济 n collective economy

      jiǔ 九 num nine

      jiǔ 久 adj long (time)

      jiǔ 酒 n liquor, alcohol

      jiù 旧 adj old (of things)

      jiù lái 就来 adv on the way

      jiǔ ròu péngyǒu 酒肉朋友 n fair-weather friend

      jiǔbā 酒吧 n bar (serving drinks)

      jiūfēn 纠纷 v to dispute, argue

      jiùfù 舅父 n uncle (mother’s brother)

      jiùhùchē 救护车 n ambulance

      jiùjiu 舅舅 n uncle (mother’s brother)

      Jiùmìng a! 救命啊!exclam Help!

      jiùmǔ 舅母 n aunt (wife of mother’s older/younger brother)

      jiùsǎo 舅嫂 n sister-in-law (wife of one’s older/younger brother)

      jiǔshí 九十 num ninety

      jiùyè qián péixùn 就业前培训n pre-job training

      jiùyuán rényuán 救援人员 n rescue worker

      Jiǔyuè 九月 n September

      jiùzhěn 就诊 n consultation (by doctor)

      jì-wǎng-bù-jiù 既往不咎 idiom let bygones be bygones

      jīwěijiǔ 鸡尾酒 n cocktail

      jīwěi jiǔhuì 鸡尾酒会 n cocktail party

      jìxiàlái 记下来 v to note down

      jíxiáng rú yì 吉祥如意 idiom Everything goes well

      jíxiàn yùndòng 极限运动 n X-game

      jíxiángwù 吉祥物 n mascot

      jíxiǎode 极小的 adj tiny

      jīxiè 机械 n machine, machinery

      jìxù 继续 v to continue

      jīyīn 基因 n gene

      jīyīn gōngchéng 基因工程 n genetic engineering

      jīyīn tūbiàn 基因突变 n genetic mutation

      jīyīnkù 基因库 n gene banks

      jíyú qiúchéng 急于求成 adj overanxious for success

      jìzhě 记者 n reporter, journalist

      jìzhěhuì 记者会 n press conference

      jízhěn 急诊 n emergency

      jìzhěxí 记者席 n press box

      jízhōng 集中 v to concentrate

      juǎnrù jiūfēn 卷入纠纷 adj involved

      juǎnxīncài 卷心菜 n cabbage

      jǔbàn chéngshì 举办城市 n host city

      jǔbēi 举杯 v to propose a toast

      jùdàde 巨大的 adj huge

      jué 嚼 v to chew

      juéde 觉得 v to feel


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