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Periplus Pocket Indonesian Dictionary. Katherine DavidsenЧитать онлайн книгу.

Periplus Pocket Indonesian Dictionary - Katherine Davidsen

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of; jutawan N millionaire


      KA ABBREV kereta api train

      kabar N news; ~ baik good news; I’m well

      kabupatén N regency

      kabur ADJ blurry, hazy

      kabur V to disappear, vanish

      kabut N fog, mist

      kaca N glass; ~ mata glasses, spectacles; ~ mata hitam sunglasses, dark glasses

      kacang N bean, legume; ~ kedelai soybean, soya bean; ~ tanah peanut

      kacau ADJ disordered, con­fused, chaotic

      kadal N lizard

      kadaluwarsa, kedaluwarsa ADJ expired; tanggal ~ expiry date, use-by date (food) → daluwarsa

      kadang, kadang-kadang, terkadang ADV sometimes, occasionally

      kadar N level, degree; sekadar ADJ just; ~nya as necessary

      kafé N café, bar, pub, nightspot

      kagét N startled, surprised; mengagétkan V to surprise, startle

      kagum ADJ admiring; mengagumi V to admire

      -kah (suffix to make a question) bisa~? Can you?

      kail N fishing rod

      kailan N Chinese broccoli, kailan

      kain N cloth; ~ kebaya national dress for women

      kaisar N, PRON emperor

      kait hook; kaitan N relation­ship, link; mengaitkan V to link, connect, join → gaét, gait

      kaji: kajian N studies

      kaji: me­ngaji, ngaji V to recite or read the Koran; pengaji­an N Koranic recitation

      kak PRON term for older sibling or slightly older person; kakak N, PRON elder brother or sister; ~ laki-laki elder brother

      kakas: perkakas N tool, implement

      kakatua N burung ~ cockatoo

      kakék N, PRON grandfather; old man

      kaki N foot, leg

      kaku ADJ stiff, frozen

      kala N time; CONJ when

      kalah lose, be defeated; mengalahkan V to conquer, defeat

      kalajengking N scorpion

      kalang: kalangan N circle, group

      kalau CONJ if; kalau-kalau CONJ in case; kalaupun CONJ even if

      Kalbar N West Kalimantan → Kalimantan Barat

      kaldu N broth

      kalem ADJ calm, steady

      kaléndar, kalénder N calendar

      kaléng N tin, can

      kali time, times; satu ~, se~ once; dua ~ twice; berkali-kali ADV repeatedly, again and again; sekali ADV once; very; besar ~ very large; sekali-sekali, sesekali ADV every now and then, occasionally; sekali-kali jangan ~ never (do this); sekalian ADV all together, all at once; ADV, COLL at the same time; sekaligus ADV all at once; sekalipun CONJ even though

      kali N creek, stream, river

      kali COLL maybe, perhaps → barangkali

      kalian PRON, PL you; anda se~ all of you

      Kalimantan N Kalimantan, Borneo; ~ Timur (Kaltim) East Kalimantan

      kalimat N sentence

      kalkun N turkey

      Kalsél N South Kalimantan → Kalimantan Selatan

      Kalteng N Central Kalimantan → Kalimantan Tengah

      Kaltim N East Kalimantan → Kali­mantan Timur

      kalung N necklace

      kamar N room; SL bedroom; ~ kecil toilet, lavatory; ~ mandi bathroom; ~ pas fitting room

      kambing N goat, sheep

      kamboja bunga ~ frangipani

      Kamboja N Cambodia

      kami PRON, EXCL we, us, our; (very polite) I

      Kamis hari ~ Thursday

      kampanye N campaign

      kampung, kampong N vil­lage, hometown; ~ pulang to go home to the village; kampungan ADJ uneducated, backward, provincial

      kampus N university, campus

      kamu PRON S you (to children and familiars)

      kamus N dictionary; ~ saku pocket dictionary

      kan, ’kan you know; isn’t it? → bukan

      Kanada N Canada

      kanan ADJ right; ke ~ to the right; tangan ~ right hand

      kancil N mousedeer

      kancing N button, stud

      kandang N stable, pen

      kandung N uterus; bladder; kandung­an N fetus, unborn child; contents; me­ngandung V to contain, carry; to be pregnant

      kangen ADJ long for, miss

      kangguru, kanguru N kangaroo

      kangkung N water spinach

      kanker N cancer; ~ payudara breast cancer

      kano N canoe

      kantin N canteen

      kantong, kantung N pocket, pouch

      kantor N office; ~ pos post office; ~ pusat head office; pergi ke ~ go to work; per­kantoran N office block

      kantuk: mengantuk, ngan­tuk ADJ sleepy

      kantung → kantong

      kaos → kaus

      kapak N ax

      kapal N ship, vessel; ~ terbang aeroplane, airplane; awak ~ crew; per­kapalan N shipping

      kapan INTERROG when; ~ saja whenever, any time; kapan-kapan ADV one day, some time in the future

      kapas N cotton, cotton wool

      kapasitas N capacity; berka­pasitas V with a capacity of

      kapsul N capsule

      kapuk, kapok N kapok

      kapur N lime(stone), chalk

      karamél N caramel pudding

      karang N coral reef; batu ~ coral reef

      karang: karangan N essay; mengarang V to write, compose; penga­rang N author, writer, composer

      karantina N quarantine

      karapan ~ sapi Madurese bull races

      karat N rust; karatan, berkarat ADJ rusty

      karat N carat

      karburétor, karburator N carburettor

      karcis N ticket (of small value); ~ bis bus ticket; ~ masuk entrance ticket; loket ~ ticket office

      kardus N cardboard (box)

      karé → kari

      karédok N Sundanese fresh salad with peanut sauce

      karena CONJ because, since

      karét N rubber; rubber band; ~ ge­­lang rubber band; kebun ~ rubber plantation; permen ~ chewing gum

      kari, karé N curry

      karton N cardboard

      kartu N card; ~ nama name card; ~ pos postcard; main ~ play cards

      kartun N cartoon, anime; kartunis N cartoonist

      karung N sack


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