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A Comparative Study Guide Spanish to English to Italian. Robert D. O'BrianЧитать онлайн книгу.

A Comparative Study Guide Spanish to English to Italian - Robert D. O'Brian

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      AUSTERO (A)

      AUTENTICIDAD, authenticity


      AUTÉNTICO (A), genuine, real, authentic

      AUTENTICO (A, CI, CHE), authentic, genuine

      AUTISMO, autism


      AUTISTA, autistic


      AUTOADHESIVO (A), self-adhesive


      AUTOBIOGRAFÍA, autobiography


      AUTOBIOGRÁFICO (A), autobiographical


      AUTOBÚS, bus


      AUTOCOMPASIÓN, self-pity


      AUTOCONTROL, self-control


      AUTOCRÍTICA, self-criticism


      AUTODEFENSA, self-defense


      AUTODIDACTA, self-taught


      AUTODISCIPLINA, self-discipline


      AUTOESTIMA, self-esteem


      AUTÓGRAFO, autograph


      AUTÓMATA, automation, robot


      AUTOMÁTICO (A), automatic; fastener


      AUTOMÓVIL, automobile, car


      AUTONOMÍA, autonomy, self-government


      AUTONÓMICO (A), autonomous, acting independently

      AUTONOMO (A)

      AUTOPSIA, autopsy, post mortem


      AUTOR (A), author, writer; originator


      AUTORIDAD, authority


      AUTORIZACIÓN, permission, authorization

      AUTORIZZAZIONE, authorization

      PERMESSO, permission

      AUTOSUGESTIÓN, autosuggestion


      AUXILIO, assistance, help; aid (MED)

      AIUTO, assistance, help

      AVALANCHA, avalanche


      AVANCE, advance


      AVANZADO (A), advanced, increased, well-ahead

      AVANZATO (A)

      AVARICIA, greed, avarice, cupidity

      AVARIZIA, avarice

      AVIDITÀ, greed

      INGORDIGIA, greed for, avidity for

      SETE, greed/thirst for sthg

      AVARICIOSO (A) ó AVARIENTO (A), avaricious, greedy, rapacity

      INGORDO (A), greedy

      AVIDO (A), greedy

      AVARO (A), miserly, mean; miser

      AVARO (A), mean, stingy

      AVENTURA, adventure, enterprise


      AVERSIÓN, aversion


      AVIACIÓN, aviation


      AVIADOR (A), aviator, pilot, airman


      AVIDEZ, eagerness


      ÁVIDO (A), avid, eager, greedy

      AVIDO (A), avid

      DESIDEROSO (A), eager

      AVIÓN, airplane

      AEROPLANO, airplane

      AXIOMA, axiom


      Easily recognizable verbs in Spanish-English and their Italian equivalents

      Verbos fácilmente reconocibles en Español-Inglés y sus equivalentes en Italiano

      Verbi facilmente riconoscibili in Spagnolo-Inglese e dei loro equivalenti in Italiano

      ABANDONAR, to abandon


      ABOLIR, to abolish


      ABOMINAR, to condemn/abominate


      ABORTAR, to abort


      ABREVIAR, to shorten

      ABBREVIARE, to abbreviate

      RACCORCIARE, to shorten

      ABROGAR, to abrogate


      ABSOLVER, to acquit/absolve (RELIG)


      ABSORBER, to absorb


      ABUNDAR, to abound


      ABUSAR, to abuse/take advantage, to go too far

      ABUSARE, to abuse/take advantage of

      ACELERAR, to accelerate/speed up


      ACEPTAR, to accept


      ACLAMAR, to acclaim


      ACOMODAR, to seat/to install sb, to accommodate

      OSPITARE, to accommodate/put up sb; to hold/seat

      ALLOGGIARE, to accommodate/put up sb

      ACCOGLIERE, to welcome/accommodate; to accommodate/hold

      ACOMPAÑAR, to go with/accompany sb


      ACONDICIONAR, to condition/convert/upgrade

      CONDIZIONARE, to condition/influence

      PREPARATE, to prepare/condition/get ready for

      ACOSAR, to harass

      ACCOSTARE, to accost

      ACREDITAR, to certify/authorize

      AUTORIZZARE, to authorize/give permission

      CERTIFICARE, to certify

      ACTIVAR, to activate



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