within the past hour, the woman surmised.
Noxious gases of a sick symphony plumed up from the hot surface of Earth’s black opera, dancing to a Damned discord with the thick rhythm section of a murky sky, whirling around with effervescent particles of filth fiddles, adding their high-pitched staccato shrills to the overly melodramatic, but oh-so-empty theatrics. Blood and oil and other various expedient liquids seemed spread out over the surface of everything. Unidentifiable junk was scattered everywhere. Lina saw deep craters blown into the surface of what had Once been the Earth, dared not look into them. No structures remained standing; no trees nor any other life-forms were still existing. Death and decay had seized everything.
As far as she could remember, Mother Magdalena had never seen anything like this before.
As soon as her Heart-rate decreased a bit, the Mother paused to contemplate her updated predicament. Where was she to go? What was she to do? Why was she even to have any desire of living in a post-apocalyptic world of such sheer devastation? "Because your purpose is to procreate prolifically, no matter what!!" she answered her question aloud, remembering what Solaria had demanded of her. She had done a rather good job at that, she thought, up until the fission had fortunately finally finished off the family circle of the fatherland.
"And who am I to mate with now?" she asked herself aloud, at Once feeling very sexually aroused. She looked around in despair at the desecrated land. "I may as well be dead myself. I have no hope in this world of chaos,” she said to herself with utmost seriousness, her wide Eyes blank. “I cannot imagine any survivors to be wandering this Damned Earth.”