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The Day John Fitzgerald Kennedy Past. Welby Thomas Cox, Jr.Читать онлайн книгу.

The Day John Fitzgerald Kennedy Past - Welby Thomas Cox, Jr.

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he was in...And that made him guilty of murder. Hence the reason he so willingly submitted to the lashing by the monks.

      “Cum Grana Sails.”


      This book is dedicated to my daughter Melanie who has remained steadfast and diligent in her love, support and faithful understanding of my delicate prison term. During this period she pushed me to do the research and write the book that I have wanted to write for over forty years. It took going to prison for something I did not do and have my daughter force me to use the bitterness to write this book.

      God bless you Melanie and my other five children who have been supportive and faithful as well as my beloved friend for life, Eileen Devins who has not only stood by me through all of my time in prison, but as my soul-mate, she has been responsible for editing and formatting this book which was a significant amount of work

      I love each of you more than I love life itself and count myself blessed for your place in my life.

      Cast of Characters


      Aristotle Onassis

      Nicholas Branch

      J. Edgar Hoover

      Joseph Kennedy

      William Holden (Father of Jackie’s

      Still-born daughter)

      Charlie Feldman

      Janet L. Bouvier (Mother of Jackie)

      Antonio Veciana

      Earl Warren

      Marguerite Oswald

      Marilyn Monroe

      George Schlee

      Gardner Cowles

      Rev. Francis Tucker

      Truman Capote

      Muhammad Hamshari (Hired Sirhan Sirhan to murder RFK

      funded by Aristotle Onassis, husband of the Former Mrs. Kennedy)

      Christina Onassis

      Prince Rainier

      Mohamed al, Fayed.

      Michael Hassner (aka Muhammad Hamshari)

      Lee Radziwell (Sister of Jackie)

      Suzanne Roosevelt

      Robert F. Kennedy

      Cord Meyer,(Director of CIA)

      Mary Meyer,(Mistress of JFK

      Gratsos Georgakis

      David Karr

      Lyndon B. Johnson

      Christina Onassis

      Tina Onassis

      Helene Gaillet

      John Fitzgerald Kennedy

      Jacquelyn B. Kennedy

      John Connelly

      Mrs. Connelly (Nellie)

      Lee Harvey Oswald

      Marina Oswald

      Jack Ruby

      Guy Banister

      David Ferret

      Roy Truly

      Linnie Mae Randle

      Ruth Paine

      Nicholas Branch

      Officer Tipton

      T. J. Mackey

      Louis Wagner

      Winn Everett

      Wayne Elko

      William Sommerset

      Joseph A. Milteer

      Salvatore Giancana

      Jack Karlinsky

      Edwin A. Walker

      Clay Shaw

      Lyndon B. Johnson

      Lady Bird Johnson

      Bobby W. Hargis

      Agent Hill

      Agent Grant

      Russell Shively

      George de Mohrenschidt

      Lawrence Parmenter

      Bobby Dupard

      Ramon (Chopo) Benitez

      Frank Vasquez

      James Lesousky

      John G. Heyburn II

      Fulgencia Batista

      Jacaba Arbenz’ Guzman

      Che Guevara

      Fidel and Raul Castro

      William Reily Coffee Company


      Merwin Hamilton

      Darian Welch

      Paul Fignosky

      Ray Ray Beltray

      Louis de Bouvier

      Tony Astorina

      Chapter I


      The day I was convicted I went to prison. I did not have to do so, I could have gone home to await the sentencing, and in retrospect, I should have. But I was so angry and embarrassed that I just felt like I should be punished for the damage I had done to my children, most especially my son who was an honored soldier who had served in the Gulf War and came home to become a police officer and while serving his community he was paralyzed in a fall while saving the lid, of a young girl threatening suicide. For his own private reasons, enhanced by my own condition, my son would take his own precious life.

      To say that I was sick with depression and hatred and a lack of understanding as to why my life had come to this state, would be a gross understatement. But that pain was only beginning, as I would soon discover while at Manchester Federal Camp in 2008. To begin with my wife divorced me (after 38 years) without a "how-do-you-do" as they say...and has not written or spoken to me since 2007. Of course it did not stop her from stealing my identity, running up bills which she failed to pay. But this was typical of her “Holly-Go-Litely” attitude, the irony was that I knew who she was when I first met her, and I loved her for it…”so you gets what you are due!”

      I was poisoned by a Cambodian PA at “Sick-Call”while at Manchester Federal Prison (because she said that I had killed innocent children). The medication she prescribed caused me to bleed for a period of five (5) weeks until I sued the Bureau of Prisons in a habeas corpus motion seeking medical attention for the condition which caused the loss of fifty-five (55) pounds in less than sixty(60) days.

      I was taken to the hospital at Hazard, Kentucky where several kidney stones were removed by a wonderful Indian doctor who saved my life. As a result of my aggressive action to take care of myself, the warden placed me on diesel therapy which is a punitive action the BOP uses against inmates whom they considered to be troublesome.

      Shackled hand and feet, placed in a bus and driven ten (10) hours to Atlanta where I was placed in the most draconian, antiquated, notorious prison in the United States with the possible exclusion of Sing Sing, Alcatraz, and Leavenworth (where I would go later).

      Worse than the condition of the prison was the brutal manner in which the prison guards treated the inmates. Forcing them to be herded into small rooms with no chairs to wait for hours to be processed which included "cavity" inspections, verbal and physical abuse with the slightest provocation.

      I was so weary, I curled-up by a post and went to sleep on the concrete floor as the other inmates yelled at each other and walked over me. Finally near midnight was rousted by the inmates as we were lined up in single file and marched through the pipe dripping rust and rat infested dungeon somewhere beneath the floor of this archaic federal prison.

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