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Insanely Wise. Jaidev Singh AnandЧитать онлайн книгу.

Insanely Wise - Jaidev Singh Anand

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Black Friday after Thanksgiving was a lesser event. Most produce, Delis and Convenience stores were slowly moving away from whites, so-called regular Americans to Asian Americans, especially Vietnamese Americans. In the last fifty years slowly but surely change has happened. Today Almost all Delis and convenience stores are owned by Indian Americans and Most produce stores are owned by Vietnamese or other Indochinese Americans. Now the change has accelerated. We Asians and Latin Americans were responsible for lowering the lifestyle of most Americans. If a minority makes it financially he or sheî starts behaving as if they were more whites than whites themselves. The only people who suffered more and were still suffering more than blacks and other minorities were the poor Whites. To refer to poor whites as Trash or filth became lingua franca. Most Gas stations and Truck Stops were not owned and operated by Asian Americans as is today. The conditions of the white poor have not improved compared to the improvement in other minorities. I wonder when we will learn that Classism is at least as big a problem as racism is if not bigger. The lifestyle of the average Americans was becoming less happy and more stressful. The assassination of Reverend Martin Luther King Jr -the great American, African American Religious .leader who lived and died to awaken the dormant Christian Ethos and Spirituality of all Americana,created riots and despondency. He believed that these Christian morals are good for all humanity. The only fault could be that he was misled into believing the false dogma of Non-violence of Mahatma Gandhi which none of Gandhi's followers in India followed. All of Gandhi's Marches and Rallies resulted in Bigtime Looting and Violence. In the USA, it looks like nonviolence was reserved for the discriminated African Americans and not by state and law enforcement and the Rich. The sapped down Britishers by Second World War the crafty Britishers had no option left other than to move out or be thrown out by the Indian Freedom Fighters of all religions. It can not be forgotten that Gandhi actively asked Indians to join the British war effort. It suited both the British and Indian Politicians to falsely accept that India won Freedom by Peace Strategy of Gandhi. All those who consider nonviolence as a dogma for peace and expect others to fight for them are parasites. They ignore that Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs, and Christians of India all fought jointly against the British Foreigners. Unfortunately, Muslims of British India felt, given the history that they could not get fairness in majority Hindu India. Hinduism has been slowly tweaked from an egalitarian universal and sublime spiritual philosophy into mythology-based Superstitions and ritualism. The largest section of Hindus still retains its original core beliefs. Indian Hindus ,in practice ,are still one of the most tolerant and accepting of diversity. The most vocal segment of Hindus is the synthesis of platitude, dogma and concocted philosophy designed to exploit the poor credulous masses,is more visible. The silent majority of God Fearing Hindus is less visible and not easily marketable. For example, about three thousand Sikhs were murdered by Mobs consisting of Hindus inspired and motivated by Gandhi's Congress Party., after assasination of Indra Gandhi by her Sikh bodyguards. This is the only news for most. The majority of Hindus tried their best to save Sikhs from the Mobs of these misdirected Hindus. The mobs would have murdered many more Sikhs if the Hindu Friends and Neighbors had not saved them. Bad news spreads faster than good news. The Yoga and embellished Hinduism version is more marketable for the modern world seeking expedient gratification and miracles. The one humanity, living in awareness of One Universal God is still practiced by a large but silent majority of Hindus of India. The corrupted version is corrupting Simple miracle seeking Indians. Unfortunately, Occultism has become the synonym of Hinduism today. Still, this new yoga and meditation outfits provide cheap group and psychoTherapy and maybe a necessary transitional step. It is filling the void and vacuum created by weaker social and family ties. This embellished version of Hinduism is more marketable and acceptable to the Robotic lifestyle of the western world. You can see it being Marketed at Oprah Winfrey Television, called OWN and Stealth commercials by Indianized gurus at Public Television Channels. In the United States. Public Television sells more explicit implicit advertising than commercial channels do. What is the aim of OWN and PUBLIC television? It does not mean that Oprah and Public TV do not do good . They do but Public TV is an implicit advertisement forum for Socialist agenda.Orah is unbiased.

      The majority of Muslims converted from Hinduism in old India were by sweet persuasion by the Sufi preachers of Islam. They converted them to mainstream Islam, not to Sufism. Most of the conversion was because of the hope of these prior Hindus was egalitarianism of Islam to free themselves from the cruelty of the Caste system of Hinduism. Only a few High Caste Hindus were converted by force by some Mughal rulers. Caste System which is against the basic core values of Classic Hinduism has become part and parcel of Indian Society. Many Hindu scholars try to justify the caste system as a necessary requirement for professional specialization. Ignore them! Spinning is not prevalent only in the West. Indian Fake Gurus are masters at false advertising & fake claims.

      The plight of minority Muslims left in India was IGNORED by Muslim Leaders. Also, Gandhi admirers want to conceal that over a Million Muslims, Sikhs and Hindus were murdered in 1947, when British India was divided and a new country Pakistan was created. The subsequent creation of Bangladesh proved that Pakistan as a theocratic state was not a total success and maybe ill-conceived. Pakistan is not a middle eastern country. It is a southeastern Asian country made of the same ethnic groups as northwestern India. What is the popular belief in India is that Moghul Muslim rulers were cruel to Hindus. It was true. But what is not known is that these Moghuls were even crueler towards the Muslims than towards Hindus. Muslim Rulers ruled India for about 8 to10 centuries but they made sure that Muslims remained poor. If Muslims ruled India for a thousand years and Indian Muslims remained poor during that period is beyond logic. After the creation of Pakistan, Muslims prestige has been enhanced in the Indian subcontinent. Even in India, their conditions were improving till New Modi policies .

      All Bankers and suppliers to Muslim Armies were Hindus. Today India is a Virtual Hindu Theocratic State, though in theory, it is a secular democratic republic. In India minorities and state rights have been curtailed. In theory, the Indian Constitution is a Democratic Republic but in practice, it is a Unitary form of Government. The Indian States had been losing their rights right from 1950 when the Indian Constitution was adopted. Though, the Indian Constitution is the longest written Constitution and in the world, Still, for all practical purposes, the implementation of the policy was unitary and shoddy. Maybe it is too long and nobody bothers to read it or understand it.If Trump is totally successful -America is also heading towards no Human Rights and no State Rights and Unitary form of Government. Currently, whenever the Federal Administration does not want to handle a problem it is copped out to states. In December 2019, the Indian parliament passed a new citizenship law which singles out Muslims as ineligible for Citizenship, if they came into the country after 2014. Hindus, Sikhs, Christians, and Parsis are eligible for citizenship even if they entered the country illegally.Previously, the Modi Government had announced that Sikhs and Hindus of Afghanistan would be granted Citizenship, should they like to come to India. If British India would not have been divided India would have about 45% minorities and a theocratic Hindutva State would not be at all viable .After threatening Pakistan with curtailing water supply from Rivers going through India, Pakistan has stopped the suicidal nuclear threat, which was suicidal for Pakistan. In a nuclear war, most of Pakistan would be destroyed and a major part of India will be destroyed. Bellicose Punjabis of both countries would be annihilated. Most in the group were very sanguine that No nuclear war between India and Pakistan will take place because unlike Arabs , Pakistanis of SouthEast Asia are not suicidal and consider Indians as their cousins. India got its independence because of the weakening of Britain because of the Second World War and Rising violent freedom movement by all people of all religions of India. But for the 2nd World war, many countries which received independence would have not been independent. Millions of Jews and several thousand Gypsies were murdered by Hitler, Mussolini and other Christian Extremists, the huge price paid by innocent Jews of Germany and other countries of Europe. IT IS A DIFFERENT matter that it gave Jews in Israel a license to commit the murder of hundreds of thousands of Palestinian Arabs as compensation for their murderous genocide by the Christians, Hitler, Mussolini, and others of Europe. Israel was the compensation to the Jews for crimes against them by Christians of Europe . New perverted justice was enforced by Annexing Muslim land for the sins of Christians against Jews of Europe. The war in which 400 thousand Americans died -safeguarded Europe and as a result, American Europeans and Rich Arab Sheikhs and Mullahs have joined hands in enslaving Palestinians other Muslim Arabs. American Christians have completely

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