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Street Chic. Anthony WhyteЧитать онлайн книгу.

Street Chic - Anthony Whyte

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      “What would we be doing if we weren’t into this?” Candace asked.

      “I don’t know,” Claire said, watching Candace toying with the rare sirloin in front of her.

      “I want to be so rich, I could eat out at the best restaurants all the time,” Candace said.

      “Candy, I hate fucking rich people,” Claire said.

      “I’ll do whatever I have to make a lot of money, big sis.”

      “Yeah…? Would you let a man fuck you, Candy?” Claire asked.

      “You know I hate all men, big sis,” Candace said. “They’re motherfuckers.”

      “Listen sis, just because your father hurt you and…” Claire started and Candace immediately got up.

      “Let’s pay this tab and bounce. It’s getting a little too sentimental around here,” Candace said.

      The girls revisited the scene of their Fifth Ave crimes at Elizabeth Arden’s. Claire lifted the perfume she had been craving. Candace was busy distracting the salesgirls.

      “Will that be all today, Miss?” the salesclerk asked, packing away the item. Not to be outdone, Candace jacked an expensive bottle of men’s cologne. Claire paid for a small bottle of cologne and Candace stole a couple more bottles of fragrances right from under the salesclerk’s nose. The girls walked out the store and joined the crowded sidewalk. They spotted the Prada store and decided to help themselves.

      “Oh don’t tell me you’re going there,” Candace said.

      “I can’t have too many Pradas,” Claire quipped.

      The girls sauntered inside, touching the merchandise. Their sexy, chic look reminded one of the salesgirls of runway models. She inquired.

      “I’m sorry to intrude but I couldn’t help but ask. Are you two models? I know I’ve seen your faces before…at a show, maybe…?”

      “Maybe…” Candace answered.

      “I know, the stars always sez maybe. I’ll keep your secret.” Convincing herself that the girls were super models, she smiled and walked away. Claire and Candace were left with a shopping bag and carte blanche to take as many items as they wanted into the dressing room.

      Once inside, the sisters worked in unison. Moving rapidly but disciplined, they removed their clothing and Candace took care of the security tags from all the items except one. She cut the label and used a Sharpie to mark defect on the item.

      Claire was busy removing tags on their clothing. They both slipped into the new duds and put the old ones in the bags. They placed the unaltered items on the top. The duo exited the dressing room in a hurry. Salesgirls tried engaging them by presenting to them some new suits. They disregarded her and were out of the store before she could recover.

      In any one evening, Claire and Candace would hit several stores including Dolce and Gabbana, Coach, and Versace. Using several various wigs and makeup to disguise themselves, the girls stole several thousand dollars of merchandise. By the time the dust would settle, the girls were long gone in a taxi.

      “I think those stores have seen us for a week,” Candace said.

      “You think…?” Claire chimed.

      Having done a days work, the girls relaxed inside their Manhattan apartment. Claire poured herself and Candace, Gin and tonic.

      “Make mine on the rocks,” Candace said.

      Claire swallowed the drink. She mixed another while Candace slipped out of her clothes and busied herself checking the bags. She found a leather skirt and held it against her hips.

      “These will fit me nicely.”

      She wiggled her naked ass around the apartment. Then turned and strolled as if she was on a runway.

      “Smile for the cameras…” Claire said, handing her a drink. “Damn you’ve gotta be the best booster I know. How did you get the locks off?”

      “That’s for me to know and you to find out. I see you with that heavy-duty bottle of Channel. Inquiring minds wanna know how you didn’t get caught?” Candace laughed.

      “See, there’s this lil’ sump’n called hypnosis,” Claire answered with a wink. She picked out a cute silk blouse and pulled her top over her head. Topless, she massaged her perfect breast.

      “I’ll wear this without a bra,” she smiled.

      Candace put the drink to her head and swallowed. They fell back in the plush leather sofa, toasting.

      “This is the life.” Candace said raising her glass.

      “Ah… the bliss,” Claire said smiling.

      They started unpacking their bounty for the day.

      “I can’t believe that store wanted two thousand for this jacket,” Candace said.

      “It was actually twenty-five hundred dollars, girl,” Claire corrected.

      “It’s insane whatever the amount.”

      “Candy, you’re not answering my question?”

      “What was that?” Candace asked.

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