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Finding Julia. Desiree HoltЧитать онлайн книгу.

Finding Julia - Desiree  Holt

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why wouldn’t he shut up?

      “Never mind.” Charles’s hands tightened on the steering wheel. “You were right. This is neither the time nor place to discuss this. But trust me, we will be talking about this when you get back.”

      “I can hardly wait,” she muttered and moved as close to the door as her seat belt would allow.

      They sat in silence the rest of the way to the airport. Charles let her out at the Departures entrance, and confirmed her return time and flight with her.

      “I’ll pick you up.” It was as much an order as an announcement. Would she never have space to breathe with this man?

      “Why do you do this?” she asked. “It’s over, Charles. Over. I don’t want you hovering and caging me in. I’ll take the airport limo home. Or arrange for the car service.”

      A muscle jumped wildly in his cheek. “Any moment now you will come to your senses and stop this ridiculous charade. I may not be able to sleep in my own bed for the moment, but it is my responsibility to make sure you arrive home safely. We have dinner planned for Thursday.”

      Ah, yes. The dinner again. It would be a damned shame if she killed herself before the obligatory holiday meal.

      Tired of the argument, she simply nodded and slammed the door.

      Charles pulled quickly away from the curb, water spraying out in a rooster tail from beneath the wheels. The only thing more drenched than the pavement was her heart.

      Chapter 2

      The snow was thick when they landed, and the trip to the hotel in the little town outside the city was long and nerve-wracking. Julia skipped dinner for hot tea, a hot bath, aspirin, and bed.

      By morning, she’d recharged her batteries, forcibly pushing thoughts of Charles from her mind. Again she took extra pains with her makeup, smoothing on a bright red lipstick to match her red power suit. She pulled her hair into a heavy gold clip in what she called her professional look, and took her usual final look at herself. Check. Fortified by breakfast and four cups of tea, she was riding an adrenaline rush when her cab pulled up to the hotel entrance.

      The corporate headquarters for Hot Ticket Sportswear was a small two-story building with lots of brick and glass. Julia caught a vague impression of landscaping designed to add a luxurious feel to the grounds in summer. Then she was inside.

      Howard Manning, Director of Marketing, waited to lead her through security and up to the boardroom on the second floor. “We’re anxious and excited to see your presentation, Ms. Patterson,” he told her.

      “Julia, please.”

      “Okay, Julia.” He smiled. “We’re definitely ready to see what you propose for our new roll-out.”

      “Will everyone who’s necessary be there?” she asked.

      “Pretty much. However, as I explained, we’ll do the presentation in two parts. This morning you’ll meet with our department heads and the worker bees who’ll deal with what you create. This afternoon you get the suits—the executive staff—including our CEO.”

      The faces greeting her in the boardroom were smiling and expectant, the usual eclectic mix of young and old, fresh and worn, male and female, and a wide mix of cultures. She noted Manning had arranged for the equipment she requested, so she hooked up her computer and brought up the PowerPoint presentation. After Howard introduced her, she drew in a breath and began her pitch.

      The morning sped by. She passed out two-page handouts for everyone at the appropriate time and answered their questions. But she knew this was just preparation, a briefing if the company bought her plan. Howard ordered lunch sent in for everyone, giving Julia a chance to chat informally with the group and prepare for the afternoon.

      “Our executive vice president is tied up in a meeting right now,” Howard whispered as the executive staff filed in. “He’s the one who says yea or nay. He’ll join us as soon as he can.”

      Great. Would he expect her to do it all over again for him?

      She sighed and began her presentation again.

      It was well into the afternoon and she was pulling out copies of the proposed budget to distribute when the door to the boardroom opened quietly, and Julia’s stomach dropped to the floor. She felt as if an electric surge slammed into her, plucking at every one of her nerve endings.

      The man who silently took a seat at the end of the table wasn’t necessarily handsome, but he was one hundred percent male. Liquid brown eyes were framed by the thickest lashes she had ever seen on a man. She noticed the strong jaw and the lines of character etched on an incredibly masculine face. Straight brown hair, a hint of silver reflecting in the lights, worn just a little long, gave him a slight rakehell look.

      The classic dark business suit barely concealed the power he radiated. More than that, he exuded an aura of self, of authority, of comfort in his own skin few men were able to attain. She could think of only three words to describe him. Dark. Edgy. Dangerous. In her entire thirty years, no man had ever affected her the way this man did. Certainly not Charles. She clamped down on her reaction, forbidding herself to let her thoughts wander into forbidden territory. As she’d learned, her judgment where men were concerned left a great deal to be desired.

      “Let me interrupt a moment.” Manning jumped to his feet. “Julia, meet Lucas Buchanan, our executive vice president. He’s been in another meeting until now.”

      “I’m pleased you could join us, Mr. Buchanan.” Julia pasted on her professional smile and hoped her voice sounded firmer to the others than it did to her.

      Lucas Buchanan nodded at her. “Luke, please. Sorry to be late. Please don’t let me interrupt.”

      She struggled to pick up the threads of what she’d been saying, her brain suddenly addled, and her hands unsteady. It took every ounce of personal discipline to keep focused on her presentation.

      Somehow she got through it, even managed to answer questions intelligently. Luke was silent throughout, but his eyes never left her. She knew he would remember and file away everything said. A man like Luke Buchanan didn’t get where he was by not paying attention.

      Then finally, they were finished, and she shook hands with everyone. Howard Manning stood at her elbow like a well-bred guard dog, ushering everyone along. Luke still sat at the end of the table, watching quietly through hooded eyes. She busied herself packing everything back into her briefcase, feeling as if she were surrounded by his presence.

      “I hope you’ll join me for dinner,” Howard told her when she was finished.

      “Ms. Patterson will be having dinner with me, Howard. Thanks anyway.” Luke suddenly stood next to her, his hand at her elbow.

      “Oh, you don’t need to—” she began, but he interrupted her.

      “We still have business to discuss, don’t you think?”

      He phrased it as a question, but Julia was positive he was telling her, not asking. Shocked at the electric jolt such a light touch sent buzzing through her system, she wondered if the man sensed how rattled she was. “Yes. Thank you. That would be nice.”

      The nearness of the man swamped her. She felt as if she were being drawn into a vortex, powerless to pull herself out. Sex with Charles was always…perfunctory. A disappointing crash after what she guessed had been unrealistic expectations. But this man, with one casual touch of his fingers, set bells ringing inside her. She hoped she didn’t look and sound as dazed as she felt.

      Still lightly touching her arm, he looked at Howard.

      “Why don’t you carry Ms. Patterson’s things downstairs for her and I’ll pick her up in front.” He turned to Julia. “Five minutes. Howard will help you.”

      The private elevator doors opened and he was gone before she even knew he’d left her side. The place where he’d touched

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