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A Nanny For Keeps. Janet Barton LeeЧитать онлайн книгу.

A Nanny For Keeps - Janet Barton Lee

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don’t think so. Do I need to summon a doctor?”

      “No, Papa,” Polly said. “We’re fine.”

      “I believe it’s taking them a bit of time to fully wake up this morning.”

      “Hmm, Lilly didn’t have a bad night, did she?” Sir Tyler asked Polly. “You promised to call me if she does.”

      “I slept good last night, Papa,” Lilly said.

      “I’m glad.”

      Georgia didn’t realize that Lilly sometimes had trouble sleeping. Perhaps she should ask Sir Tyler about that when they were alone. She needed to speak to him about their wardrobes anyway.

      As if he read her thoughts, Sir Tyler turned to her. “Miss Marshall, could you come to the study once you get the girls settled down after breakfast? There’s something I’d like to speak to you about.”

      “I’d be glad to, Sir Tyler.”

      “I’ll see you then. Girls, you mind Miss Marshall and don’t give her any trouble, you hear?”

      “We won’t, Papa,” Polly said.

      “We will, Papa,” Lilly said. “Will mind, of course.”

      Did he know about their trick this morning? Georgia didn’t know how he could have—unless the maid or Mr. Tate saw something. With Sir Tyler’s invitation, it appeared she’d soon find out.

      * * *

      With pleas not to tell their papa of their mischievous behavior that morning still ringing in her ears, Georgia headed down to Sir Tyler’s study. She’d promised the girls that she wouldn’t tattle on them, but if their papa asked, she’d have to tell the truth.

      She left them with the assignments she’d given them and was sure they’d do their very best. They’d apologized several times and she’d accepted, but when she asked why they’d pulled such a prank, they clammed up.

      Mr. Tate seemed to know the minute she came downstairs and was there when her foot hit the last step.

      “Miss Marshall, Sir Tyler said he was expecting you. Come along and I’ll let him know you’re here.”

      “Thank you, Mr. Tate.” She followed him to the study, although she could have got there on her own. But Mr. Tate truly did seem to run this household and she wondered again if he knew about the girls coming down early.

      “Sir Tyler, Miss Marshall is here,” he said.

      “Please show her in, Tate.”

      The butler motioned her in and then seemed to disappear, although Georgia had a feeling he was camped just outside the door.

      Sir Tyler had stood when she entered and motioned her to take a seat in one of the chairs flanking the fireplace. When she sat down, he took the other. “Now, before we get to the subject of the girls’ wardrobes, I must ask you something. Have my girls been giving you any trouble? Tate seems to think they were up to some mischief this morning.”

      Georgia’s promise to his daughters was fresh in her mind and she wasn’t sure how to answer. She didn’t want to get Polly and Lilly in trouble. She wanted to help them—and their father.

      “They haven’t really—”

      “Miss Marshall, did they send you hunting for them today?”

      At his point-blank question, she could answer only one way. “They did. But I believe they thought I might think it was funny.”

      “Are you sure? I doubt it was fun trying to find them.”

      Mr. Tate must have seen much more than she thought he had. “It wasn’t. But they didn’t seem themselves this morning and I wondered... Did anything happen this weekend that I should know about?”

      She felt impertinent even asking and waited for Sir Tyler to put her in her place, but instead he let out a sigh.

      “No, not that I know of. But my daughters don’t always confide in me. It’s something I’d like to change but I’m not sure how to.” He seemed to think he’d said too much as he stopped and shook his head.

      “They seemed fine this whole weekend and were looking forward to seeing you today,” he continued. “They were a little upset I hadn’t asked you over yesterday afternoon, though. I suppose they thought that since you came over the Sunday before, you’d come again. But I explained that you had things you needed to do on weekends. They seemed to understand, but then, I sometimes wonder if I expect too much comprehension from them.”

      “Perhaps. They’re still very young. I hope you won’t punish them for this morning. They begged me not to tell you and I know they don’t want to upset you.”

      Sir Tyler rubbed a hand over his chin and shook his head once more before smiling at her. “I agree not to mention it, if you promise to tell me if they pull any more shenanigans. And please, if they do tell you why they hid from you today, let me know.”

      “Of course I will.”

      “Good. Now, about their wardrobes. What is it they need?”

      “Well, I’m afraid it’s more than just a few things. They’ve outgrown many of their outfits and the styles are always changing. I’m not sure how you expect them to look.”

      “Why, like other young girls their age, I suppose.”

      “Sir Tyler, there are those who set style in this city and those who try to get as close to it as they can. But the very wealthy do often have more and better clothing than others.”

      “I see. I think. But I admit to not knowing much about feminine attire. Or what is in style at any given time. I want them to look well dressed, but not necessarily on the same scale as royalty in England or those in league with the Vanderbilts and the Astors. While my daughters will inherit some wealth, it will not be on that scale.”

      Georgia understood what he was saying, but there were many degrees of wealth and most tried to keep up with the style of the very wealthy. Even the middle classes tried to dress in style, even if not having custom clothing made for them.

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