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Destination Chile. Katy ColinsЧитать онлайн книгу.

Destination Chile - Katy  Colins

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‘Although it seems to have paid off, as we’re doing really well, thanks.’

      I still couldn’t believe just how much our profits had risen since that, and subsequent, media coverage. The power of the press. At the time I had been beside myself, preparing for the absolute worst, thinking the stinging poison pen of journalist Chris Kennings would damage our brand beyond recognition and put us out of business. I mean, I did fart on the poor fella; what else did I expect from a ruthless national journalist to get his own back?

      Thankfully, the review was mostly positive and had since led to increased bookings in nearly all of our tours. If I was honest, it really had been the catalyst for our sudden growth, allowing us to take on Conrad and, seeing our healthy bank balance, had planted the seed of the potential London expansion in Ben’s mind.

      ‘Crazy how things work out. The moments you dread the most can turn out to be the ones that make you,’ I mused, shaking my head.

      ‘Well, however it came about, it is still amazing news!’ He chinked his glass to mine.

      We ordered from an eager young waitress, who was nailing the fishtail-plait look and was as unsubtle as the maître d’ in swooning over Rahul. As soon as the braided beauty had simpered away to give the chef our order, Rahul unbuttoned his suit jacket and leant forward.

      ‘How about Ben? How’s he?’

      I spluttered on my drink, causing the liquid to go down the wrong hole, and coughed ungracefully. ‘Excuse me. Erm, yeah, he’s fine. Great.’ I thought back to the last few days; he’d never mentioned his evening out with his ex, Amazing Alice, and I hadn’t known how to bring it up without him knowing that I’d been snooping.

      Rahul began telling me about this model named Marli he had started seeing. ‘Hence I wanted to meet you for lunch. I’m desperate to go out for a meal with a girl who actually enjoys decent scran.’ His eyes creased up.

      ‘I guess I’ll take that as a compliment,’ I said, taking a bite of crusty bread weighed down with salty butter, suddenly very aware of how many glorious calories I was about to ingest.

      He laughed. ‘You should, seriously. Marli is great and we’re having a lot of fun.’ He winked. ‘But, man, dating a model is tough.’

      ‘Oh, poor you,’ I said, with my mouth full on purpose. ‘Excuse me while I get out my violin.’

      He let out a deep roar of a laugh. ‘Yeah, yeah, I know, woe is me. I hadn’t realised just how much work it takes to look that good. I keep telling her that eating carbs after 4 p.m. won’t mean she’ll wake up like the Nutty Professor – not that she listens.’ He wiped his mouth with a napkin and took a sip of water before continuing. ‘Obviously, being able to stuff my face with the finest Argentinian steak was only part one of my plan in meeting you today. I also have a very exciting proposal for you,’ he said, baring his perfectly straight, white teeth.

      ‘Don’t tell me it involves sadhus?’ I smiled, thinking back to when we were in India together and he’d encouraged us to ask three wise men wearing hardly any clothes for a blessing for our future. Instead of bestowing their years of knowledge and imparting their wisdom on me, one of the long-haired dudes had hacked up a load of phlegm at my feet. I guess actions do speak louder than words sometimes.

      ‘Hey, that was a blessing in disguise!’ Rahul let out a heavy laugh. ‘I mean, maybe that was the key to you becoming so successful, all because of a holy sadhu clearing his throat.’

      ‘Er, yeah, maybe.’ I rolled my eyes. ‘So, go on. What’s this “project” that was so urgent for you to see me about?’

      Rahul leaned closer and lowered his voice. ‘So, you know that as well as giving tours in Mumbai I also live the glamorous life of a TV producer…?’

      ‘Yeah.’ I’d picked up another piece of bread and dipped it into the dish of glassy oil that dribbled down my chin after I’d taken a bite. Bugger.

      ‘Well, as part of this I get to attend pitch meetings for new television shows that are hoping to be commissioned.’

      ‘Mmhmm…’ I was struggling to see what point he was trying to get to here, as I was too busy dabbing the greasy oil stain from the front of my blouse with the napkin I’d sloshed with water.

      ‘One programme that has been the talk of the boardroom is called Wanderlust Warriors.’ He paused, presumably to build drama. ‘This show that’s got everyone buzzing in the office is actually inspired by you and Ben.’

      ‘Wait, what?’ I looked up from the growing wet patch I’d created, causing more damage than good, to catch his eyes that had creased into a genuine smile while waiting for my reaction. Rahul laughed at what must have been the most idiotic, blank expression I was rocking on my face.

      ‘I may have told you a little white lie earlier. I’ve known how well Lonely Hearts is doing because my team have been watching you grow, especially since that piece in the Daily Times.’

      ‘What are you on about, watching us?’

      He held his palms up. ‘Don’t look at me like that! Not in a weird sense. Just that because of your success story there has been talk of putting together a show that documents couples who work together in or around the travel industry who are poised to become the next big thing in the industry. A sort of inspirational piece that looks at the highs and lows of managing a business and a relationship at the same time, mixed with globetrotting.’ He took a long sip of his drink. ‘And you and Ben were the reason for this idea, the spark that started it all.’

      ‘Oh, right, okay, cool.’ I felt myself blushing. I’d never been called inspirational before.

      ‘The show will not only be about mixing work and pleasure but also about how travel has impacted these couples’ lives, as the contributors all work in the travel industry or use travel a lot for work reasons.’ He paused to flash a genuine smile to the waitress who placed our plates in front of us and shimmied off, obviously for Rahul’s benefit but it had been lost as he was currently making love with his eyes to the hunk of red meat on his plate.

      ‘Sounds exciting!’ I smiled at him. ‘Wow, this food looks amazing.’

      ‘I know! Right, let me get to my point.’ He pulled his eyes away from the delicious-smelling dead cow and back to my face. ‘So, where was I? Oh yeah, the show will also follow this travel theme as the filming is going to take place in South America, Chile specifically, I think.’

      ‘Ooh wow. When will it be on? I hardly ever watch telly these days but that sounds right up my street.’

      Rahul flicked his head back and let out a light laugh. ‘Georgia. You won’t just get to watch it; we want you and Ben to be on it.’

      ‘Wait, what?’ The chunky chip I’d speared on my fork paused just before my open mouth.

      ‘They want you, along with three other couples, to take part. You get an all-expenses-paid trip just speaking to the camera about how you manage your work and relationship. Plus, there’s a cash prize up for grabs at the end of it all for taking part in some fun games along the way!’

      I started to laugh. ‘Hahaha, funny. Oh. Wait. You’re serious?’

      His face had dropped as if he didn’t get the joke.

      ‘Rahul. You’re serious? You want Ben and me to be on the telly?’

      Rahul nodded. I stopped fanning my hands in front of my face and choked down the giggles.

      ‘Er, I really don’t know.’

      ‘Think about the publicity this could drum up for The Lonely Hearts Travel Club! I can see the headlines now…. Wanderlust Warriors Take On The World.’

      That did sound pretty good, to be fair.

      ‘Georgia, your story is really inspiring, how you have turned a negative experience into a hugely positive one, and found

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