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Montana Cowboy's Baby. Linda FordЧитать онлайн книгу.

Montana Cowboy's Baby - Linda  Ford

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had written on.

      “Jesse is on his way?” Conner asked.

      “’Fraid not. There was a note on the door saying he had gone to Great Falls with a prisoner. He’ll be back in the morning. Now I’m going home to enjoy some time with my wife and child.” He strode from the room.

      Kate unfolded the message and read, Dear Kate, you must indeed stay and tend that baby. I am coping admirably though I haven’t been able to find the carbolic acid. Stay as long as you are needed. As you ask, I will send for you if I think it necessary. Blessings, your father.

      She folded the page carefully and returned it to the satchel. She’d put the carbolic acid on the shelf where it belonged. Was Father having a forgetful spell? They had grown infrequent in the past few weeks, but having her away, not pointing toward the things he needed, not reminding him what he meant to do would surely be a test of his recovery. She shivered. If he should fail while she wasn’t there to direct him, it could prove disastrous. Father God, please keep his mind clear. Don’t let him make a mistake.

      She lifted her head to discover Conner watching her.

      “Is everything all right with your father?”

      “What do you mean? What could be wrong?” She’d done her best to cover her father’s momentary lapses as he mended.

      Conner’s eyes narrowed. “I wasn’t suggesting there was. But I saw the little worry frown in your forehead and wondered what caused it.”

      “My forehead?” She rubbed the spot that she knew furrowed when she worried overly much. “You’re imagining things.”

      He laughed. “Not that line across your forehead and don’t think you can rub it away.”

      She covered her forehead with her hand and tried to look as if it didn’t matter a bit. But heat stole up her neck and she knew her blush would reveal how much his words flustered her. Wanting to divert him, she went to the baby, forgetting how close it would bring her to Conner. Thankfully he was too interested in Ellie to notice her warm cheeks and she slowly backed away.

      The rest of the afternoon passed quickly with repeatedly feeding Ellie. Knowing Conner and his family must learn to care for the baby on their own, Kate purposely spent as much time in the kitchen as she could. Annie was a good housekeeper, so there wasn’t a lot to do. Kate washed up the dishes that had accumulated throughout the day, scrubbed the few items of clothing that had accompanied Ellie and hung them to dry. For a moment, she considered making a batch of cookies. But this wasn’t her house. She didn’t have the right.

      However, they had to eat and she prepared another meal from the food Annie had left. Conner held the baby in one arm, just like he’d been born to be a father, as he joined the others at the table.

      Kate sat on the chair that Bud indicated, across from Conner. Grandfather and Bud sat across from each other. It was Grandfather who offered the grace.

      “We’re grateful for the food, Lord, but right now we’re concerned with little Ellie and we beseech You to make her strong. Amen.”

      Grandfather concentrated on dishing up food for a moment or two, then turned to Kate. “Conner says you are staying overnight. I have to say I’m glad you’re here. Don’t mind telling you I was worried about that little one in there last night.”

      “Can’t see the boy managing on his own,” Bud added. “He thinks because he fed an orphaned calf, he knows about babies.”

      Kate laughed at Bud’s woeful tone and wondered how Conner felt about being referred to as “the boy.”

      “You, my dear, are an answer to prayer.” Grandfather’s gratitude was a balm to Kate’s soul. “Though we acknowledge that the results are in God’s hands. We humans do what we can. No one should ask any more than that from us. Or us of ourselves.”

      She promised herself to keep in mind that gentle reminder to do her job and leave the results in God’s control.

      The conversation shifted to talk about the cows Bud and the others had checked on. He brought a good report.

      “Sure wish I could go see for myself,” Grandfather said. Then he brightened. “But then I wouldn’t have been here when the baby was dropped off on the doorstep.” He chuckled. “Sure glad I was here to see the look on Conner’s face.” He tipped his head back and roared with laughter.

      Conner shook his head and gave a half smile. “It was the last thing I expected.” His gaze came to Kate. His eyes warmed as if to remind her how they had shared that moment of surprise and concern.

      For the briefest of moments, she allowed herself to think he enjoyed having her at his side during those first awkward, tension-filled hours. Then she reminded herself she was simply a medical person, appreciated for her ability to help Ellie and teach Conner how to care for his little daughter.

      No doubt the sheriff would soon locate Thelma and there would be a wedding for Ellie’s parents.

      That was as it should be and she promised herself she would rejoice that Ellie would have a permanent home with a father and mother.

      While Kate continued with her own plans...ones that left no room for babies and family. Her decision had been made, based on the facts she understood and accepted.

      The men pushed back from the table and Conner took the bottle Kate prepared for Ellie. He remained in the kitchen while she cleaned up. She told herself his only reason for staying had nothing to do with keeping her company and was to have her nearby to coach him, but in truth, he needed no guidance from her. And despite all her arguments against the idea, she enjoyed him being nearby as she worked.

      Later, the others went to their rooms, leaving Kate and Conner in the sitting room, caring for the baby.

      “You might as well relax in Grandfather’s chair. He often sleeps in it, so I can only assume it’s suitable for a nap,” Conner said.

      She sank into the deep armchair, surprised at how weary she was. “It’s very comfortable.”

      “Feel free to close your eyes and rest.”

      “Just for a few minutes, then I’ll take her and feed her while you sleep for a bit.”

      She had no intention of sleeping. Her role there was to provide medical care.

      She leaned back, watching Conner from beneath her half-lowered eyelids. He stroked the baby’s face and hummed a lullaby. Little Ellie watched him, slowly drinking from the bottle of milk. Such adoration in Conner’s face. He would be an excellent father.

      She must have dozed for she jerked awake, suddenly alert with the sense of someone watching her, and she met Conner’s steady gaze. It must be sleep clouding her mind to think his look was warm. Heat crawled up her neck and pooled in her cheeks. Why was she so aware of this man especially given the circumstances? A father of a baby. And somewhere, a woman who would claim his name. She broke from the intensity of his look and turned toward the baby sleeping contentedly in his arms.

      Why was it that, after years of schooling herself to be professional and detached, she continually failed to do so in this situation? What was wrong with her?

      * * *

      Conner had studied Kate as she slept through the lengthening night hours. She was a beautiful woman with a serenity about her that intensified her beauty.

      Familiar sounds of the house settled for the night and the little sleeping noises Ellie made were all that broke the silence. The quiet gave him time to review the events of the day. Like how Pa had reacted when he saw Ellie.

      Conner, hoping to delay the questions in his pa’s face, had cradled Ellie in one arm and faced his father and brothers. “Pa, Dawson, Logan, meet Ellie.”

      “Howdy,” Pa said and his brothers had each touched the baby’s hands, tenderness in their eyes and curiosity on their faces.

      “Why are you

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