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An Amish Courtship. Jan DrexlerЧитать онлайн книгу.

An Amish Courtship - Jan  Drexler

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be friends with this man when so many painful memories crowded in?

      He stuck his hands in his pockets. “I’m not sure we can ever be brothers.”

      Bram had bent his head down, and now looked at him from under the brim of his hat. “Could we be friends?”

      Samuel shrugged. “I don’t know.”

      “Let’s start with a truce, and then go on from there.”

      Bram stuck his hand out and Samuel looked at it. Calloused, strong, tanned by the sun. The mirror image of his own as he slowly took the offered hand. Bram’s grip was sure. Firm. Samuel tightened his fingers and Bram’s grip grew firmer. Samuel felt a grin starting as he met Bram’s eyes.


      * * *

      Mary sat at the kitchen table while Ida Mae helped Sadie get ready for bed. They had quickly discovered that Sadie became confused easily at night, and more than once had gone to bed with her dress still on, or neglecting a final trip to the outhouse, so the two of them took turns keeping Sadie focused on her bedtime routine until she was finally settled and asleep.

      But only half of Mary’s mind was on Sadie and Ida Mae. She drummed her fingers on the table, echoing the rolling thunder of an approaching storm. The rain would be welcome, if they got any. Last year’s drought was one for the history books, Daed had said often enough. But the thunder was outdone by the rising bubble of guilt that pricked at her conscience.

      After the quilting today, Annie had sent some jars of canned asparagus and a loaf of bread home with Sadie. Mary hadn’t thought much about it until this evening. While she had been washing up after supper, she had realized that Sadie’s cellar was full of canned goods, and the kitchen cupboards held sacks of flour. Even baking powder and cinnamon. All items that were hard to come by at home.

      The entire community was supporting Sadie, not only here in Shipshewana but even folks in Eden Township. They made sure she had enough food in her cupboards and plenty of staples to keep her comfortable. Even Samuel helped with her chores.

      Ida Mae came into the kitchen, stifling a yawn. “It’s been a long day, and I’m going to go to bed.”

      “Sit down for a minute, first.” Mary used her foot to push a chair out from the table. “We need to talk.”

      Her sister yawned again, but sat down. “What about?”

      “You know people give food and other things to Sadie. And the Yoders across the road bring a gallon of milk every day.”

      “Of course they do. Our church at home does the same for older people and others who can’t work for themselves.”

      Mary nodded. “And that is the right thing to do, except that we’re here now. Have you noticed that the Yoders used to send a quart of milk for Sadie, but now it’s a gallon? Everyone has sent more food for Sadie since we came. They aren’t only making sure Sadie has enough, but they’re sending extra for us.”

      Ida Mae lifted an eyebrow.

      “We can and should work for ourselves, and support Sadie, too. We should be helping to support the community, not taking aid that another family might need more than we do.”

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